Esophageal Surgery Flashcards
Obj: Recognize clinical signs of esophageal disease
OBJ: Be able to formulate a diagnostic work-up for esophageal surgery
Obj: identify common disorders
Obj: Know appropriate therapies for individual diseases?
Obj: Know surgical considerations
What is the function of the esophagus
What are the surgical considerations for esophageal disease?
How can the esophagus be accessed surgically?
What is the overall process of esophageal surgery?
What is a Esophagotomy? how is it performed?
What is a Partial Esophagectomy/Resection and Anastomosis? How is it performed?
What are common esophageal diseases?
What is an Esophageal foreign body? where does it happen? clinical signs?
How is Esophageal Foreign body diagnosed?
How is Esophageal Foreign body resolved?
What is an Esophageal Stricture?
What are vascular ring anomalies (VRA)?
What is a Persistent Right Aortic Arch?
How are VRAs diagnosed?
How are VRAs resolved?
What is a hiatal hernia?
How are hiatal hernias medically managed?
How are hiatal hernias surgically resolved?