Gastric Cancer Flashcards
Epidemiology / trends
- ranking
- trend
- 5th malignoma
- global diminution but increase in proximal tumors
- decrease in intestinal tumors
Risk factors
H. Pylori - Chronic atrophic gastritis Pernicious anemia Adenomatous megapolypes Morbus Ménétrier Previous gastric surgery (gastric stump carcinoma)
Morbus Ménétrier
Premalignant disease Excessive secretion of TGFα Massive gastric folds Excessive mucous secretion (protein loss, weight loss, edema) Little or no acid secretion. Seldom bleeding (erosion) Cetuximab (EGFR monoclonal antibody) Anticholinergic, prostaglandins, PPI or Surgical Typical age 40-60
Most common types of gastric cancer
Lymphome (MALT)
Stroma tumor
Classification (endoscopic aspect)
I : protruding
II : superficial
III : excavated
Classification (histologic)
- intestinal type (limited to glandular cells, limited growth)
- diffuse carcinoma (increased extension risk), E-Cadherin mutation and loss of cellular adhesion. Associated with linitis plastica
Clinical signs (Hx and PE)
Unspecific Sensation of stomach fullness Loss of appetite Dysphagia (advanced) Weight loss (advanced) Upper GI bleeding (20% of cases) Hepatomegaly, icterus, ascitis (advanced) Virchow (supraclavicular lymph nodes)
Endoscopy and Biopsy (histology + H. Pylori)
EndoUS (depth, lymph node) but less efficient than Eso and rectum
CT abdomen thorax
Staging laparoscopy +/- jejunostomy
Resection margin
Intestinal type 5cm
Diffuse type 10cm
If submucosa involved
20% lymphnode metastasis
Type of resection
- Wedge resection : GIST and benin tumors
- Distal gastrectomy : only for distal, intestinal type
- Subtotal gastrectomy : only for distal intestinal type, A. gastrica sin. is also taken.
- Total gastrectomy : proximal type, signet cell carcinoma >uT2, Kardia Siewert II and III.
Type of lymphadenectomy
D1 : Station 1-6, only in palliative situations and high risk patients
D2 : Statin 1-11, Goldstandard
1 RC Right cardia 2 LC Left cardia 3 LO Lesser omentum 4 GO Greater omentum 5 SP Suprapyloric 6 IP Infrapyloric
7 LG Left Gastric 8 CH Common Hepatic 9 Coeliac 10 Splenic hilum 11 Splenic artery
12 HD Hepatoduodenal
13 PHD Posterior Head of Pancreas
14 SMA
Type of reconstructions
Total - Roux Y - Ileocoecal interponat Subtotal - Roux Y - Omega Loop with Braunscher Anastomosis Gastro-enterostomy - cross section with fusspunkt
Distant lymph nodes (Eponyms)
Periumbilical (Sister Mary Joseph)
Subclavicular (Virchow)
Blumer’s shelf (prerectal metastases)
Staging Laparoscopy
Identifies metastases in up to 40% of patients with negative staging CT
Operative approach
uT1 m1-sm1 No, <3cm : endoscopic resection
cT1N0 and cT2N0 : resection + adjuvant therapy
cT1/2 N1-2 and cT3/4 N0-2 : neoadjuvant, resection, adjuvant
M1 : palliative