Gases- Khan COPY Flashcards
where does water freeze/boil?
0 degrees C bp= 100 degrees C, where water boils from K, C= K- 273.15*
Kelvin scale water freeze/boil
freezes at 273.15 K boils at 373.15 K so differs 0 points htey use, but btw water’s bp and fp is still 100 temperature units, so C and K using same size unit to measure temperature so converting btw two scales means make an adjustment btw two different scaling points - do not need degrees for Kevin scale, just call them K so all we need is upper case K** so K= 273.15 K + C
water freezes at 32 F boils at 212 F span is 180 diff than C/K which is 100 for both! so say 180 F~ 100 C ratio F to C= 180/100= 9/5 Temp C= Temp F- 32 F X (unit ration 5 degrees C/ 9 degrees F) OR TEmp F= Tc X (9F/5C) + 32 F
C and F scales…..
can both have negative or positive values! where differs from Kelvin scale, which can only have a positive value! turns out absolute coldest temperature is 0 K its absolute zero, cant get colder because t this point no particles have kinetic energy, coldest can get is no KE what so ever since temp= kinetic energy of molecules
pressure =
pressure ex of ballon
ex. particiles in ballon moving around container,w hen collide exert a force aupon area of collision; while one little collision doesn’t have a huge amount of pressure, but huge amount f particles and collision typically do bot fill them up a little bit fill them up a lot tighter sdies get indicating more pressure pressure = F/A F directly proportional to P, F= ma, so if inc magnitude of a can inc force because F and acceleration are akso directly proportional, acc is change in velocity, so greater change in velocity/acceleration can inc force, greater force (when particles movign) greater pressure inc temp inc pressure gas exerts! temp average measurement of kinetic energy of particles
how do you inc amount of collisions?
pressure=F/A more collisions= more pressure = if add more particles = more mols of gas, mols is simply referring to the number of particles, more mols of gas means more pressure! can inc frequency of collisions by making container smaller, more space to move around and hti sides of container more dec volume inc pressure, so can change pressure of gas!
so pressure inc when…..
P= F/a, F=ma so inc temp inc pressure n* inc moles inc pressure v** dec volume dec pressure! dec space of container!
how do we measure changes of gas……Barometer
Former student of Gallieo, Torricelli asked same question when trying to measure changing gas in our atm, solved problem by creating barometer - device that measures pressure!
how does a Barometer work?
- He took a glass tube and filled it up with mercury -quickly flipped tube over and stuck open end into open dish of mercury, so stuck tube into open dish of Hg opening down and interestingly enough most of the mercury stayed in the tube even though it was trying to flow out because as flows out exerts a pressure on mercury on dish which then causes mercury in dish to push upward against air
- when pressure of rising mercury meets pressure of atm pushign down on liquid surface, mercurcy in tube cannot flow anymore, pressure in atmosphere traps some of the mercury in the tube!
- can see at sea level =height of mercury left in column is about 760 mm**
- if measured on top of mountain would be shorter column, not as much air pushing down on liquid so more mercury from column could escape, ex in breckenridge height of colmun in this case would only be about 520 mm, so less weight of atm pushing down on surface of dish, so more can escape and amount of column is shorter!! in order to get a baseline for comparison, pressure of atm at sea level = 1 atm**
generic divide measures pressure, using Hg
pressure often measured in mm of Hg** and we knw 1 atm (at sea level) = 760 mmHg
because of Torrecilli
1 atm= 760 mmHg = 760 Torr
usually measure pressure of gases in 1 mm or 1 Torr, 1 atm becuase Pascals big numnber!
Pressure in a balloon…. 2
- ex pressure inside ballon really a measure of force attributed to all gas particules colliding with sides of balloon walls, have particles colliding with sides of ballon
- temp measure of KE of those collisions
- inc temp inc pressures, because all particules moving faster with temperature, liek speeding car crashes into wall with more force and inc pressure!
- so P and Temperature are directly related! as temp is inc so is pressure
b/c pressure is measure of F/A , force= Newton, area= squared meter, another unit for pressure = N per m^2= Pascal
ig measure pressure of atm at sea level=
1 atm= 101, 325 Pascals**
can use to translate into other standard units!
as volume goes down….
pressure goes up! in ballon
makes senes less space to move around, particles have more collisions with walls so pressure will inc, again written mathematically means pressure is inversely related to volume!!!
P is inverse of vol
as vol dec, pressure is inc!
P and moles
Pressure is directly proportional to moles!
moles= measure of number of particles, more particles more collisions
empirical obervations=
obsevations we can actually see versus theroy
ideal gas law 1
Pressure is directly related to moles and temperature
Pressure is inversely related to volume
add constant R…… rearrange
***for any ideal gas, always get same value R***
so if know, P, V and T can use ths formula to find n (number of particles)
while no gases are ideal, helps us relate before and after conditions when explain this for a gas!
ideal gas obeys 5 conditions
3 rules=
- no intermolecular forces= because if intermolecular forces will interfer with our assumption that all of our kinetic energy is completely directed to pressure!
- NO VOLUME- molecules occupy no microscopic volume, in other words meaning molecules are point masses and have no volume
- all collisions are perfectly elastic= gas molecules are in constant motion and randomly collide- elastic collisions- no KE is lost!
- A gas completely fills it container and exerts pressure in all directions
PRESSURE= is caused by collisions against the container
- The average KE of gas molecules depends on the TEMPERATURE (move faster with higher temp)
temp increases= KE inc
ideal gas law
Rule number 1 explanation
- no intermolecular forces=
=because if intermolecular forces will interfer with our assumption that all of our kinetic energy is completely directed to pressure!
Gas molecules are far away enough so there are no intermolecular forces between them= no attraction between molecules!!
Ideal gas law
Rule 2
- molecules occupy no microscopic volume, in other words meaning molecules are point masses and have no volume, make this condition becuase in our equation moles and volume are directly related, n directly related to V; if particles as added containers V would go down not up, particules extremely tiny so assuming they are point mases makes sense= NO VOLUME
the volume of gas molecules is so small that it is ignored when compared to the total volume of the container***
The total volume is mostly space- thats why gases have such low densities and are highly compressible!!!
ideal gas law 3
Rule explained
- Perfectly elastic collisions= Gas molecules are in constant motion and randomly collide
real gases 1
non ideal
CONDITIONS that cause nonideal behavior
- HIGH PRESSURE! molecules are pushed together, creating more IMF’s
- LOW TEMPERATURE- molecules slow down, creating more IMFs**
remember for ideal gases=
- there are no intermolecular forces
- the space between molecules is ENORMOUS compared to the volume of the molecules themselves
STP =273 K and 1 atm
for ideal gas constant,
1 mol=
22.4 L
use 1 m3/ 1000 L to convert! = 0.224 m3
= 0.821 (atm X L) / mol X K
R= 8.314 (N X M/ mol X K) *remember N X M= J* so can insert a J per mol X K**
for any ideal gases PX V/ nT= R which may look like either of these just have diff values for diff units!
Boyle’s Law
Robert Boyle irish scientist
volume is inversely proportional to pressure
If temperature is constant= PiVi= PfVf
i= initial; f= final
P~ 1/V
if graph V vs 1/P straight line, y= mx+b, y intercept is V and X value is inverse of pressure, PV= m (product is constant value)

Charles’s Law
100 yrs after Robert Boyle, Jacques Charles french physicist, experiments with gas first person to fill up balloon with gas and fly solo
= Volume is direcrtly proportional to temp
If pressure is constant, closed system with constant mols*
= Vi/Ti = Vf/Tf
**when use ideal gas law need it to be kelvin so not negative values to temp, so convert Celsius degrees to K (C + 273.15)**
As heat system of gas vol inc directly with temperature, or proportionally to inc in temperature
Remember all gases have diff boiling points, turn into liquid at different points**
Also more proof 0 K is absolute zero, can’t have negative volume for gas all gases have to take up some volume!**
So lowest temp we can achieve for all of these gases is 0 K or -273.15 C

Avogadro’s Law
-Spent time experimenting with tiny particles so in honor of him number of particles in one mol was named after him
1 mol= 6.02 X 1023
-Postulated equal volumes of gas at same T and P is equal amount of particles: For instance, if filled up 4 ballons to exactly 1 L at 25 C with diff gases, one Ar (argon), one N2, one H2, one Ch4 (methane) saying at 1 L each of the 4 balloons has same number of particles! so at one liter, each of these balloons would contain 0.041 moles, using Avogadro’s numbers = 2.5 X 1022 particles, 1 L v similar to at stp 1 mol = 6.02 X 1023 ***** at 22.4 L
as put in more air particles, put in more air into balloon ballon gets large,r 1 mol of air particles baloon would be abotu 22.4 L, if blew in another 3rd of a mol inc volume to 29.88 L, if blow even more air into this system would inc volume even more…. so another 3rd of a mole of air volume no 27.35 L adn 1.67 mol, volume expandedd proportonally to air put into system
Avogadro’s Law 2
volume is directly proportional to the amount (mol) of gas
V1/n1 = V2/n2
ratio! see inc in V is directly proportional to inc in moles, for that reason percent change in V = V2-V1/V1 (1= initial) volume for % change* divided by initial volume gives us % change we know this is equal to % change for moles
V2-V1/V1 = n2-n1/n1
**Doubling the moles of gas will double its volume*** etc….

Presure in ideal gas law….
Pressure is directly proportional to temperature
If volume is constant: P1/T1 = P2/T2

van der waals equation
P + a (n/v)2 X (V-nb) = nRT
ideal gas law modified for intermolecular forces and actual volume
Partial Pressure 1 ex find total pressure
ex. 2.1 kg og gas
30. 48% O2, 2.86% H2, 66.67% N2= percentages of total mass
1. if 66.67 % N2 X 2100= 1400 g of N2
molar mass of N2 is 14 X2; 1 mole of N2 = 28 g/ mole
1400 g/ 28 g per mol = 50 moles of N2
- 30.48 % O2 of 2100 g = 640 grams, 1 mol of O2= (16 X 2) = 32 g/ mole
so 640 g/ 32 g per mole = 20 moles of Oxygen
- 2.86 % of H2 X 2100 g = 60 g, 1 mole of H2 = 2 g/ mol
60 g/ 2 g/ mol= 30 moles of H2
so even though H super small fraction of total gas we have inside of container, actually have more particles, molecules of H then we do of O* particles are what matter not hte mass when talk about partial pressrue!
20 mol + 30 + 50 = 100 moles of gas** so to find out total pressure
= 100 moles. so PV= nRT =
P 4m3= 100 moles X 8.3145 (m3X Pa/ moles/K) X 273 K
= 25 X 8.3145 X 273= 56746 Pa, actually Pa very small amout of pressure since 101,325 = 1 atm
so if 56,746/ 101, 325 = 56.746 kPa
Partial Pressure 1 ex cnt
If total pressure= 56.746 kPa, what is the partial pressure due to N2 molecules its 50 moles?
Partial pressure of N2= 50 moles X 56.746 kPa = 28, 373 Pa (or .28 atm, 28.4 kPa)
Partial pressure H2= 30 moles so 30% of molecules s(if somethign small mass average KE actually moving faster than N2 or O2) partial pressure due ot H= 30% of .56 atm= .168 atm
so total pressure= partial pressures of each gas
P=PN2 + PO2 + PH2
.56 atm = .28 + .112 + .168
Boltzmann’s atomic theory
Kinetic molecular explanation of temperature
named after Ludwig Boltzmann, father of modern atomic theory, that world made out of atoms and molecules, obvious to us now but 120 years ago not obvious and ppl really disagreed with them
atomic theory= container of anything full of air, feels like air is continuous, cube of gold feels like continous but now kow its made out of atoms and molecules, like container of steam hand feels hot energy being transfered but not obvious what kind of energies, new energy in disguised?
gas molecules running around in here, actually particles and what you are feeling is these particles striking yoru hand, so small and so many of them can’t tel there are particles looks completely continuous, all this heat energy is that you are feeling is KE if steam its just KE of H2O molecules flying around at some rapid speed, faster they go greater impact with your hand, transfer more energy, faster they go hotter it feels
So for him, if said temp large, if hot outside its redundant, if high temperature means high KE; the average KE of gas molecules outside is larger
This is why it hurts transferring KE to molecules in hand when molecules absorb too much energy and energy starts to move around your hand can damage skin molecules
Boltzmann’s constant
KB= n/N X R = 1/ NA R
8.31 J/mol X K divided / 6.022 X 10^23 (molescules/mole) using Avogadro’s number
= 1..38 X 10-23 J/k
can write a more microscopicly oriented version of ideal gas law, number of molecules focus instead of number of moles*** one of the most important constants in all of thermal physics* boltzmann’s own grave stone has this number** S= k log W
entropy of a system S= k (Boltzman’s constant) log (or ln natural logarithm) W (means number of microstates)
so if had macroscopic system and wanted to know microscopicaly all the numbers can use this** particles are doing somethign different on macroscopic level though its identical!
to find n in ideal gas law=
n= N (total number of molecules in gas)/ NA (a constant A’s number)
NA= Avogadro’s number= 6.022 x 1023
that many molecules per mole, so 6.022 x 10^23 molecules
if want to add internal energy for gases
- HAVE TO HEAT IT UP, heat will flow into gas causing these particles to ove faster and faster so put in hot plate or something to add heat
- is to do work on the gas= can take piston and push it down hard enough to squash gas together, impact with piston as moving down causes it to mvoe faster and faster adding internal energy to teh gas** if doign work add energy to gas, but if let gas push up on piston, gas doing work so energy leaving system so then have to subtract W done by gas if outside work is added then +W work done on gas**
work done by gas= subtract, -W
so to write down formula to change internal energy delta U really just changing KE= add Q heat + work (work done on gas) first law of thermodynamics law of conservation fo energy only two ways to add internal energy to gas**
gas with work
work done can figure out by P times Delta V but only if Pressure reamins constant! if pressure is constant this gives you an exact way to find work done, how possible for gas to explain and remain at same pressur have to heat it up while gas expands allows pressure to remain constant as heat expands*

heat capacity 1
defined to be= certain amount of heat gets added to your gas, how much does temperature inc? thats what heat capacity tells you
heat capacity defined as=
C= Q (amount of heat added to gas) / change in T (amount of change in temperature of that gas)
also hear about molar heat capacity
C= Q/ n X delta T
n= number of moles*
Heat capacity at constant volume
C= Q/change in T
ex. if add heat but piston doesnt move, gas stucked no work can be done beucase piston can’t move, gas can’t do work and allow energy to leave, external forces cannot do forces on gas becuse cannot move, so Q only thing adding energy into system
Constant volume = Cv= delta U -W / delta T, but work has to be zero
if delta U= Q + W (from before
constant volume heat capacity = delta U/ delta T= 3/2 PV/ delta T
3/2PV = Q in this case!
so heat capacity for any monatomic ideal gas constant volume = 3/2 NK delta T/ delta T, then delta Ts cancel and constant heat capacity for any monotaumtic gas = 3/2 NK (boltzmann’s constant) N equals total number of molecules or can even write it as 3/2 n (little n number of moles) X R (gas constant)
heat capacity for constant pressure
C p = Q/delta T = delta U- W/ delta T
this time W is not zero, W= p X delta V
so work done by gas, if monatomic ideal gas= 3/2 nR delta T + Pdelta V/ delta T
-W becuase work done on gas** since energy is leaving system,
so - P delta V, so two negative signs = positive P delta V
= 3/2 nRdelta T + n R detal T/ delta T
= Constant pressure = 5/2 nR
if want molar divide everything around by little n, which is 5/2 R so almost the same as heat capacity at constant volume is 3/2 nR and heat capacity at constant volume is 5/2 nR
so Cp- Cv = nR
if want molar, just Cp-Cv = R becuase everything divided by n
molar heat capacity at constant volume
Cv= 3/2 nR/n canceling out n
so molar heat capacity at constant volume= 3/2 R
Kinetic molecular theory of gases
- result of microscopic properties of gas molecules
- like position, x, speed, v; if know speeds and distributions of speeds in box of gas can figure out macroscopic properties, if we know microscopic properites how can we predict macroscopic properites, if knew temp of gas can you say what average speeds of are molecules in this gas….?
- remember one assumption these molecules do not intearct, if they do interact its an elastic collision, momentum and KE conserved* if one molecule strikes wall of container and has a collision there should also be elastic and no KE lost!
- Force on wall by this particle= mvx^2/ L, if just took x component of particles speed get force contribution to pressure on this wall, so thats the force on that wall by one particle
- if want to know force from all particles to get pressure, just add up contributions of all particles, assume same mass m and same L so only difference in contribution some have diff component of velocity in x direction so just add them all up
- = m (vx1^2 + vx2^2 + vx3^2 + …… vxn^2) / L, n= n particules in there
- Force/ N = m/L, tis whole thign divided by N = m/M (vx^2 with bar on top tells you average value of Vx^2) …. look in photo

Kinetic molecular theory of gases 2
PV = Nm (vx^2) with bar over it for Vx^2
Vtotal= Vx^2 + Vy^2 + Vz^2 = pythagory theorm, also works if average them all
then… look on image
this is KE so direct relatoonship btw KE average of gas molecule and what macroscopic pressure and volume is** so 3/2PV= NKEaverage
so then put in PV= NKbT
KEaverage= 3/2KbT if know temp can figure out average KE of one of these gas molecules as long as it is an ideal gas!
and NKe average= total energy U, if monatomic gas all it has is KE only energy it can have so
3/2PV= Utotal (total energy of gas) gancy word for total KE boltzman told us nope just KE energy in there; for monatomic only KE in there, so Utotal another word for total KE**
3/2NKbT= total internal energy
or 3/2nRT= total internal energy
monatomic = molecules that make up gas only composed of one gas type lik He, Ne or any neutral gases*

Gas phase quiz question 4
Gases found in the environment are most likely to exhibit properties similar to that of ideal gases under conditions of:
Think back to the assumptions of the ideal gas laws.
Hint #22 / 3
In order to obey the ideal gas laws, we would need to minimize the effects of intermolecular interactions and molecular size of these gases. Thus, the ideal conditions will be under high temperatures (lots of kinetic energy in the molecules to move around and not be experiencing forces from each other) and low pressure (less inhibited to move around).
Gases found in the environment are most likely to exhibit properties similar to that of ideal gases under conditions of high temperatures and low pressures.
Gas phase quiz Khan Q5
Assume an experiment vessel which is well fitted with a piston. The airtight piston has negligible mass and can move up and down freely. There is 1 mol of an ideal gas contained within the vessel under the piston at pressure of 100 kPa. The piston rests at 10 cm from the base of the vessel. The pressure in the vessel increases to 200 kPa as force is applied to the piston. What would be the new resting position of the piston from the base of the vessel? Assume the temperature is held constant at 300 K throughout the experiment.
Try using Boyle’s Law for this question.
P1V1=P2V2 then rearranged, V2= P1V1/P2. It’s important to realize that to find the volume occupied by the gas in this experiment vessel, we would use A (area of the piston) multiplied by h (the height of the piston). We then would have Ah2= P1X Ah1/P2. The surface areas actually cancel out, and you will have h2= P1h1/ P2.
Substituting in the values, you will get the new resting position as 5 cm.
Gas phase quiz Q6
Which properties reflected in real gases does the van der Waals equation attempt to account for by modifying the ideal gas law?
I. Volume
II. Pressure
III. Temperature
Answer= volume and pressure
Real gases experience intermolecular forces between gas molecules (van der Waals forces).
Real gases molecules possess mass.
Given that real gases experience intermolecular forces and possess mass, the van der Waals equation attempts to modify the ideal gas law by introducing the constants a and b, which adjusts for the effects of volume and pressure in real gases. (Real gases have lower pressure and higher volume compared to ideal gases). There is no term in the van der Waals equation that adjusts for temperature.
Gas phase quiz Khan Q7
The behavior of which of these real gases will be reflected most closely with the ideal gas law?
Options: Ar, He, CH4, CO2
Consider the factors that distinguish real gases from ideal gases (i.e. what the van der Waals equation attempts to take into account)
Large gas molecules generally possess more volume and intermolecular forces.
Carbon dioxide and methane are large molecules, which immediately means more mass in each molecule, causing deviations from ideal gas behavior. Between helium and argon (both monomolecular noble gases), helium is the smaller gas molecule of the two, which similarly will have less of a mass effect, demonstrating closer adherence to the ideal gas law.
Gas phase quiz Khan Q8
Assuming ideal gas properties, which of the following occupies the most volume at 273 K and 1 atm of pressure?
options: one mole of O2, one mole of n2, one mole of H2, they all occupy the same volume
273 K and 1 atm of pressure is known as STP, or standard temperature and pressure.
At STP, all gases occupy 22.4L volume regardless of the identity of the gas.
One mole of nitrogen gas, oxygen gas and hydrogen gas all occupy the same volume at STP assuming ideal gas properties.
Gas phase quiz Khan Q9
Atmospheric air is comprised, roughly, of 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. A 100 L sample of atmospheric air is kept at 300 K and 100 kPa. How many moles of oxygen molecules are found in this gas sample? (Use R = 10 (LkPa)/(molK))
The law of partial pressures states that the volume of each gas in the mixture is proportional to the partial pressures of each gas in the mixture.
Given atmospheric air is 20% oxygen, the partial pressure of oxygen in this sample is 20 kPa. Now use the ideal gas equation to find n.
n=PV/RT, or n=(100)(20)/(10)(300) = 2/3 moles.
Gas phase quiz Khan Q10
Shown below are four mercury barometers of the same height (all four barometer tubes measure one meter from the tube opening to rounded top). Which barometer shows the greatest external pressure?
Consider the difference in shapes between the different barometers.
Given that the force acting on the fluid in the barometer is F=mg. We can derive it thus: m=(density)(volume), so F=(density)(volume)g. Volume=(area)(height), so F=(density)(area)(height)g. We know that F/area = pressure, so we can say that the change in pressure = (the change in height)(density)g.
From this derivation, we see that pressure measurements using a barometer is only dependent on height of the fluid and the density of the fluid. The cross-sectional area of the tube does not affect the pressure measurement.
The first barometer shows the greatest external pressure as it has the tallest column of mercury out of the four barometers.
Partial Pressure
For a gas that is a component in a mixture of gases, partial pressure is defined as the pressure that this gas would exert if it took up the same volume by itself. Dalton’s law states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of its components. Thus, the partial pressure is essentially a measure of the relative amount of a gas in a mixture, and it can be related to the mole fraction of a gas (Xgas) through the equation Pgas = XgasPtotal, where Pgas is the partial pressure. In turn, the mole fraction of a certain gas is defined as the number of moles of that gas present divided by the total number of moles of gas in the mixture (Xgas = ngas/ntotal).
A related concept known as vapor pressure describes what happens when a vapor, or gas, is in thermodynamic equilibrium with the liquid phase (or, theoretically, the solid phase as well). Vapor pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by the molecules of that substance that are in gas form in a closed system at a given temperature. If a solute is present in a solution, Raoult’s law states that the presence of solute decreases the vapor pressure: P = XAPA°, where P is the vapor pressure of the solution, XA is the mole fraction of the solvent, and PA° is the vapor pressure of the pure solvent. This is conceptually quite similar to Dalton’s law, as discussed above.