Gaseous Diffusion And Transport Flashcards
Definition of fractional concentration (FO2/%)
The proportion of air that is made up of O2
Definition of partial pressure (PO2)
The pressure at which a gas in the air exerts
Definition of barometric pressure (Pb)
Total pressure of gases in the atmosphere
Definition of inspired PiO2, FiO2
Partial pressure of O2/fractional concentration of O2 in moistened inspired air at the end of the trachea
Definition of alveolar PAO2,FAO2
Partial pressure of O2/fractional concentration of O2 in the alveoli
Definition of arterial PaO2/FAO2
Partial pressure of O2/fractional concentration of O2 in the arterial blood
Definition of dead space
Airway volume with no gas exchange
Definition of anatomic dead space (ADv)
All except alveoli and respiratory bronchioles
Definition of physiologic dead space (PDv)
Anatomic dead space and areas where gas exchange is dysfunctional
Definition of saturation
Depends on how much air has been in contact with the water
Definition of polycythaemia
Increase in no of RBCs in the blood
Definition of capacity
How much something is capable of carrying
What is Dalton’s Law
In a mixture of non reacting gases, the total pressure exerted is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the individual gases
What is Pb at sea level
What is FO2
What is PO2 as a result
Pb = 101kPa
FO2 - 0.209
PO2 = 101 x 0.209 =21kPa
How does Pb, FO2, PO2 change at altitude?
Pb falls
FO2 doesn’t change
PO2 falls