Gas Welding(SB-5) Flashcards
Which factor should you consider when considering gas welding?
All of the above
From what special type of alloy(s) are welding tips made?
From what special type of alloy(s) are welding tips made?
1 psig or less
What device(s) control(s) the volume of oxygen and fuel-gas burned at the torch tip?
Two needle valves at the torch mixing head
In a low-pressure welding torch, the fuel-gas enters as a result of suction created in the torch by a jet of higher-pressure _____.
(True or False) In a medium-pressure welding torch, the working pressure of oxygen and
fuel-gas is equal.
What primary function do filler rods serve in oxygas welding?
As a source of metal to fill the weld joint
The copper coating on steel filler rods enables the rods to _____.
resist corrosion during storage
Which factor determines the proper diameter of filler rod to use for gas welding two steel plates?
thickness of the metal
Which factor determines the type of filler rods to use in oxygas welding?
Specifications of the metal being joined
(True or False) Welding tip sizes are standardized among manufacturers.
What mistake have you most likely made when you have difficulty controlling the melting of the welding rod, the welds are being made too fast, and their appearance and quality areunsatisfactory?
welding tip too large
What factor dictates the adjustment you must make to the flame after igniting a welding
type of metal welded
What type of flame is best used for welding high-carbon steels, nonferrous metals, and
What type of flame is correct for use on most metals?
What flame is limited in use and harmful to many metals?
What is the first corrective step you should take when needle valves fail to shut off when
hand tightened in the usual manner?
Open the valve and using the working gas pressure blow out any foreign matter.
When there is a leak around the torch valve stem, you should tighten the packing nut or
repack it if necessary. For repacking, NEVER use oil. Instead, you should use only _____.
the packing recommended by the manufacturer
You must remove deposits of _____ regularly to ensure good performance of welding tips.
slag and carbon
What procedure should you follow to recondition the end of a torch tip that has become rough and pitted?
Place emery cloth, grit side up, on a flat surface and rub the tip end over it until the tip is
back to its original condition.
What type of file is commonly used to recondition a welding tip?
When forehand welding, you point the flame in the direction of travel and hold the tip at
about a _____ angle.
45 degree
The forehand method is best for welding _____.
sheet and light plate up to 1/8 of an inch thick
When backhand welding, you point the flame away from the direction of travel and hold the
tip at about a _____ angle.
For which of the following reasons should you use the backhand method instead of the
forehand method when welding plates thicker than 1/8 inch?
All of the above
For which reason is it possible to weld steel plates faster by using the backhand technique
and a reducing flame rather than the forehand technique and a neutral flame?
All of the above
Which factor is an advantage of using multilayer welding instead of single layer when
welding thick plate and pipe?
All of the above
(True or False) Sheet metal melts easily and does not require special edge preparation.
On what thickness of plate do you begin to make a slight root opening between the parts to
get complete penetration?
3/16 to 1/4 inch
What size plate requires beveled edges 30 degrees to 45 degrees and a root opening of
1/16 inch?
1/4 inch+
What action must you take to relieve stresses developed when oxygas welding low-alloy
Heat-treat before and after welding
What causes the surface of the molten puddle to appear greasy when welding wrought
Slag used in manufacturing the wrought iron
(True or False) When you oxygas weld cast iron, you must preheat the entire weldment to
between 750°F and 900°F. After completing the weld, you must postheat the weldment to
between 1100°F to 1150°F to relieve stresses.
Which characteristics apply to the method of joining a light stainless steel sheet by oxygas
Flux, a carburizing flame, no puddle, and a relatively small torch tip
To what temperature range should you preheat the joint area when you oxygas weld
deoxidized copper?
Assuming the same welding process and same part thickness, compared with the
technique for joining steel parts, the technique for joining deoxidized copper calls for the
use of a/an _____.
larger torch tip and more preheating
What type of rod is used for welding brass by the oxygas process?
silicon copper
Which action should you take when oxygas welding copper-nickel alloys?
adjust the flame to a slightly oxidizing flame.
You must wear a respirator to guard against poisonous fumes when you weld _____.
What type of welding rod should you use to minimize cracking when gas welding wrought
aluminum alloys?
Pure aluminum is one fourth as strong as _____.
For which reason do you use a flux when welding aluminum alloy?
To remove the aluminum oxide formed during the welding process
Edge notching is a recommended procedure for oxygas butt welding aluminum plate
because it _____.
aids in getting full penetration and prevents distortion
What temperature should you not exceed when preheating aluminum alloys?
(True or False) The forehand method of welding is preferred for aluminum alloys.
What action should you take to reduce the possibility of heat-treatable aluminum alloys
cracking during the welding process?
all of the above
Which requirement must be met to complete a successful weld when oxygas welding pipe?
all of the above
(True or False) For welding pipe, the backhand technique is preferred because it produces
faster melting of the base metal surfaces, allows a smaller bevel to be used, and results in
a savings of 20% to 30% in welding time, rods, and gases.