Gas Laws And Formulas Flashcards
Formula for Pressure
P = F/A (in2)
As force increases, pressure increases
Pascal’s law:
Pressure applied to a confined fluid is transmitted equally and undeminished in all directions.
Heat of Compression
Energy added to gas by compression
Adiabatic Compression
Compressing gas without losing or gaining heat to its surroundings
Boyle’s Law
Temp is constant.
Volume varies inversely to pressure
P1 x V1 = P2 x V2
Dalton’s Law
Sum of pressure of each gas = total pressure
Volume and temp are constant
Charle’s Law
Pressure is constant.
Volume and temp vary directly to absolute temp. Double volume = double temp
V1/T1 = V2/T2 or
V1xT2 = V2 x T1
Gau-Lussac’s Law
Volume constant
Absolute pressure varies directly with absolute temp
P1/T1 = P2/T2
P1xT2 = P2xT1
Combined Gas Law
PxV/T =k(gas constant)
p1xv1/t1 = p2xv2/t2
Avogadro’s Law
Equal volumes of 2 different gases at equal pressures and temp contain equal numbers of molecules, regardless of the mass of the gases
Ideal Gas Law
P1 x V1/T1 = P2 x V2/T2
Define pressure
Force per unit of area
Formula to calculate pressure
P = Force(lb)/Area(in2)
Pascal’s law states:
Pressure applied upon a confined fluid is transmitted equally and undiminished in all directions.
Critical temp
The highest temp at which a substance can be liquefied.
Critical pressure
The pressure at which the gas liquefied when the substance is at its critical temp.
Unit of pressure used in SI system equal to 1 Newton per Sq in
Bubble point
The temp a liquid zeotrope first begins to boil
Due point
The temp a,vapor zeotropic first begins to condense
Flash point
The temp the vapors of a refrigerant lubricant ignite.
Floc point
The highest temp at which a wax separation occurs in a refrigerant lubricant
Separation of a zeotropic blend into its individual refrigerants during phase change.
Pour point
The lowest temp a refrigerant lubricant will flow.
A fluids resistance to flowing.
High viscosity, flows slowly
Low viscosity, flows freely
A refrigerant blend that has a range of boiling and condensing points because each refrigerant acts independently of the others.
A compression ratio of — makes it possible to use asingle stage compressor
A compression ratio of more than — usually reaqures a 2 stage compressor