Smooth Muscle Tissue
Can contract to construct the airway making the lumen narrower
Has a structural role.
Holds the airways open to prevent them from collapsing under low air pressure.
Elastic Fibres
Allows the airways to recoil back to their original size after the smooth muscle tissue has finished contracting.
Squamous Epithelium
- Alveoli
* Lining Ti
Tidal Volume
Volume of air taken into the lungs in one breath at rest.
Vital Capacity
Volume of air taken into the lungs in one breath during exercise/deep breathing.
Residual Volume
Volume of air left in lungs after fully breathing out - impossible to push out.
Reserve Volume
The difference in volume between air breathed in at tidal volume and the vital capacity.
Breathing Rate
Number of breaths taken every minute.
Ventilation Rate
Total volume of air, breathed into lungs in one minute - calculated by
Breath volume x breathing rate