Gartenberg - Cell Wall Actibiotics Flashcards
If someone comes in with a serious bacterial infection what should you do?
1) GIve a broad spectrum antibiotic or utilize combination therapy
2) Grow a culture and figure out which organism is responsible for the infection.
3) Once identified, treat with a narrow-spectrum drug.
- keep in mind, Bacteriostatic drugs may inhibit the action of Bacteriostatic drugs that rely on active cell growth.
why is it that cell wall antibiotics often don’t work as well on Gram - bacteria?
Because the gram - bacteria have a outer cell wall layer, they have difficulty getting access to the cell wall.
Broad spectrum
Drugs that work against both gram+ and gram-
Extended spectrum
A drug whose selectivity is broadened by chemical modification
What types of molecules are best for treatment of gram - bacteria?
Small hydrophilic molecules that can fit through their transmembrane pores.
What other factors dictate specificity once inside of the cell?
Affinity of the drug for their target
Ability of drugs to evade systems that eliminate them (efflux pumps)
General structure of cell wall
NAG and NAM come together as one monomeric unit. They combine with other moomeric units by transglycosylases outside of the cell. Then in order to cross link a second polysaccharide we use transpeptidases.
- The peptides contain two D-Alas that are connected by Gylcines in the middle only in G+ (5 glycines).
Transglycosylase - join monomeric sugars of NAG/NAM to other monomeric sugars outside of the cell in order to create a polysaccharide.
Transpeptidase - joins the polysaccharides together to cross link them.
What are some common beta-lactam drugs?
WHat is the biochemical mechanism of action of transpeptidases?
They have a serine group in their active site. The serine attacks the peptide bond between the two D-Alas. This causes one D-Ala to leave as a leaving group. Then, a glycine from a second polysaccharide comes in and attacks the D-Ala and covalently bonds to it while the transpeptidase is a leaving group.
Mechanism of action of Penicllin And the beta-lactam class of drugs?
Penicllin looks a whole lot like the D-Ala D-Ala moiety. Therefore, the serine residue of the transpeptidase attacks Penicllin instead of the actively growing cell wall. Penicllin is actually larger than the D-Ala D-Ala within the active site, so there is no room for Glycine or H2O to come in and release Penicllin.
What was the bacterias response to beta-lactam drugs?
What did microbes do in order to protect themselves from beta-lactams?
They began secreting beta-lactamases. These enzymes look like transpeptidases and they bind to the Penicllin, but these beta-lactamases have much larger active sites than does transpeptidases, so H2O is able to come in and hydrolyze the bond and release the penicillin but not in the original structure.
What did the pharmaceutical industry do to combat the activity of beta-lactamases?
Beta-lactamase inhibitors
What is an example of Beta-lactamase inhibitors?
Clavulanic acid