Ganja Flashcards
What is the active substance?
Thc is the psychoactive substance
Cbd is non psychoactive, but not inactive.
Where is the active ingredient found?
Female plant
Cannabis sativum
Acute effects of cannabis in humans
Mild euphoria to paranoia Increased heart rate, due to vasodilation Incoordination Hallucinations at high doses Short term memory Appetite stimulant Analgesia Red eyes Sleepiness
Link between scizophrenia and cannabis
Early cannabis uses increases risk of psychosis 2-3 fold
Is cannabis addictive?
Yes, but it less addictive than other drugs.
Animals dont like it as much as other drugs.
What receptors does cannabis bind to?
Gi pcr, decrease presynaptic neurotransmitter release
Most highly expressed gpcr in the brain (hippocampus, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, basal gang, medulla)
What is the endogenous cb1 agonist?
ANANDAMIDE, 2-ARACHIDONYL GLYCEROL Formed from arachidonic acid membrane precursors Not stored in vesicles Synthesised on demand Act to decrease neurotransmitter release
What may be a method to treat drug addiction?
Reduce cb1 activity, reduces drug and ethanol consumption
Blocking cb1= decreased ethanol self admin
Increasing the levels of intoxication
What type of cb1 receptors and anandamide metabolising enzymes are associated with human addiction?
Genetic variants!
Treatment for drug addiction in humans?
Cb1 antagonist
But this causes depression