Gall Bladder Meridian Flashcards
Channel Section, Section Pair, Location
Gall Bladder - Jiǎo Shāo Yáng (foot/leg lesser Yáng)
Triple Warmer - Shǒu Shāo Yáng (hand/arm lesser Yáng)
Location: Middle/Lateral
Gallbladder in Chinese
Kǔ Dǎn
GB 34
Yáng: component of Yīn
Líng: mound, burial mound
Quán: spring, fountain
Yáng Mound Spring
Sinew Convergence
Earth Pt.
Hé/Sea - Uniting
Gathering hui point for the sinews
Heavenly Star Point
Name: Located on Yáng aspect of the leg, opposite from Yin Mound Spring. This point is located next to the “mound” the head of the fibula and also names mound as it is an Earth Point.
Location: In palpable depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula. Approximately 1 cun lateral and superior to St-36. At the anterior border of the peroneus longus muscle, in the extensor digitorum longus muscle. Locate with the knee flexed.
Yáng Líng Quán
Areas: Sinews (muscles, tendons, ligaments and other soft tissues). Joints. Flak. Hypochondrium. Gallbladder. Chest.
Functions: Regulates Qi. Dissipates stagnation. Alleviates pain. Benefits the sinews. Regulates the Gallbladder and Liver.
GB 35
Yáng: the component of Yīn Jiāo: Intersection Yáng Intersection Divergent Yang Leg bone hole Leg hollow Xī/Hsi - Cleft Pt. of the Yang Wei Mai Name: xi cleft point of yang linking vessel and intersection jiao hui point of yang wei mai and gall bladder channel. Location: in the depression at the posterior border of the fibula, 7 cun proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, level with GB-36 St-39 and BL-58. Areas: Leg Functions: regulates Qi, dissipates stagnation, alleviates pain and benefits the Yang Wei Mai Yáng Jiāo
GB 36
Wài: Outer, Outside
Qiū: Hill, Mound
Outer Hill
Xī/Hsi - Cleft Pt.
Name: Located on the Outer side of the leg next to a hill like mound (calf)
Location: On the anterior border of the fibula, 7 cun proximal to the protuberence of the lateral malleolus. Level with GB-35 Yáng Jiāo , Yáng Intersection.
Wài Qiū
Areas: Leg
Functions: Alleviates Pain. Clears the Gallbladder.
GB 37
Guāng: light brightness
Míng: clear, bright
Bright Light
Luò - Network Pt. Connecting to LV-3 Tài Chōng - Great Thoroughfare
Name: Guāng and Míng are used to describe bright eyes, the LV begins at the eye connected internally and the GB begins at the eyes.
Location: In the depression between the peroneus longus and brevis and the extensor digitorum longus muscles, at the anterior border of the fibula, 5 cun proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.
Guāng Míng
Areas: Eyes
Functions: Benefits eyesight. Regulates the Gallbladder.
GB 38
Yáng: the component of Yīn Fǔ: to assist, to support Yáng Assitance Severed Bone Parting of the Flesh Parting Space Fire Pt. Sedation Pt. Jīng - River, Name: The fibula is known as the Assisting bone which is the Yáng aspect of the leg. Location: In the depression 4 cun proximal from the lateral malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula. Yáng Fǔ Areas: Gallbladder Fu and Channel. Functions: Clers Heat. Regulates Qi.
GB 39
Jué: Suspend, to Hang
Zhōng: bell, clock, handle-less cup
Suspended Bell
Suspended Bone
Severed Bone
Marrow Convergences
Influential gathering hui Pt for Marrow
Intersection of three leg Yang, bladder, gallbladder, stomach.
Name: reference to thinnest part of fibula end of the ridge of the lateral malleolus from where the bell shaped lateral malleolus appears to hang from it’s location point.
Location: 3 cun proximal to the lateral malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.
Jué Gǔ
Areas: Neck. Spine. joints. Bones. Marrow. Sinews.
Functions: Benefits the Marrow. Sinews and bones. Clears heat. Regulates the Gallbladder channel.
GB 40
Qiū: Hill, Mound
Xū: Old Graveyard, Ruins, Wasteland
Hill Ruins
Yuán - Source Pt.
Name: As an old grave-site resembling a mound, the lateral malleolus next to this point resembles old hill ruins.
Location: At the center of the sizable depression, anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus. Lateral to the tendon of peroneus tertius and distal to the inferior peroneal retinaculum, situated in the extensor digitorum brevis muscle.
Qiū Xū
Areas: Ankle. Foot. Gallbladder. Mind. Emotions.
Functions: Regulates Qi. Clears dampness and heat.
GB 41
Zú: Foot
Lín: Governor, to overlook, to face toward, to arrive at
Qì: tears, to weep
Foot Overlooking Tears
Foot Governor of Tears
Wood Pt.
Xu/Shū - Stream,
Opening Master Point of Dai Mai
Name: Refers to how the GB begins at the eyes and how the LV helps the eyes.
Location: In the depression distal to the junctino of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones between the tendons of the extensor digitorum longus of the minimus toe and the peroneus tertius.
Zú Lín Qì
Areas: Foot. Brest. Flanks. Girdle Vessel. Gallbladder. Head. Eyes. Mind.
Functions: Regulates Qi. Clears dampness and heat.
GB 43
Xiá: Pinched Xī: Ravine, Mountain Valley Stream Pinched Ravine Generous Ravine Water Pt. Tonification Pt. Yíng - Spring Name: Located in annulus and minimus toes. Location: Proximal to the margin of the web, level with the fourth metatarsophalangeal joint. Xiá Xī Areas: Gallbladder. Head. Eyes. Mind. Functions: Clears heat. Descends Yang. Clears the Head. Ears and Eyes.
GB 44
Zú: Foot, Leg
Qiāo: Portal, Orifice
Yīn: the component of Yáng
Foot Portal Yīn
Foot Opening to Yīn
Metal Pt.
Jǐng/Tsing - Well
Name: Refers to this as the opening point of Jue Yīn LV channel.
Location: On the lateral side of the annulus toe, 0.1 cun proximal to the corner of the nail. At the intersection of two lines following the lateral border and the base of the nail.
Zú Qiāo Yīn
Areas: Gallbladder channel. Head. Eyes. Mind.
Functions: Restores consciousness. Clears the head and brain. Benefits the Eyes.