Gait And Movement Analysis Flashcards
Circumduction in swing
- Hip flexor weakness
- DF weakness
INITIAL CONTACT at hip, knee, ankle
Hip = 20 degrees flexion (extensors act to prevent trunk flexion) Knee = 5 degrees flexion (to absorb shock) Ankle = 0
MIDSTANCE at hip, knee, ankle
Hip = 0 (abductors stabilizing pelvis) Knee = 5 degrees flexion (quads then passive) Ankle = 5 degrees dorsiflexion
Spasticity, PF contracture, or absent proprioception affects foot placement + without BBS <43/56, severe spasticity, or absent proprioception
Articulating AFO PF stop
Absent heel rise in mid- and terminal stance
PF weakness
Limited hip extension in mid- and terminal stance
- Hip flexor contracture/spasticity
- Hip extensor weakness
Excessive PF in mid- and terminal stance
- PF contracture
- PF spasticity
- Quad weakness
Excessive knee buckling
- Quad weakness
- Hamstring spasticity
MIDSWING at hip, knee, ankle
Hip = 25 degrees flexion Knee = 25 degrees flexion Ankle = 0
Excessive knee flexion/buckling mid- and terminal stance
- Hamstring contracture/spasticity
- Quads weakness
- Excessive DF
- Knee pain
Past-retract in swing
- Impaired motor control (unable to extend knee with hip flexed)
- Compensation to achieve knee stability during loading response
No spasticity, PF contracture, or absent proprioception affects foot placement
Articulated AFO with/without DF assist stop/assist
INITIAL SWING at hip, knee, ankle
Hip = 15 degrees flexion Knee = 60 degrees flexion Ankle = 5 degrees plantarflexion
Early heel rise in mid-stance
- PF spasticity
- Heel pain
- Excessive knee flexion
Hip hiking in swing
- Compensation of lack of knee flex/ankle DF
Excessive DF in mid- and terminal stance
- PF weakness
- Knee or hip flexor contracture
- Crouched gait
Hip abduction/scissoring in swing
- Adductor spasticity
- Contralateral abductor weakness
TERMINAL SWING at hip, knee, ankle
Hip = 20 degrees flexion Knee = 5 degrees flexion Ankle = 0
TERMINAL STANCE at hip, knee, ankle
Hip = 20 degrees extension (PASSIVE) Knee = 5 degrees flexion (PASSIVE) Ankle = 10 degrees dorsiflexion
LOADING RESPONSE at hip, knee, ankle
Hip = 20 degrees flexion Knee = 15 degrees flexion (accepts the load) Ankle = 5 degrees plantarflexion
Spasticity, PF contracture, or absent proprioception affects foot placement + BBS <43/56, severe spasticity, or absent proprioception
Solid AFO
Absent heel strike
- Excessive knee flexion in TSw (quad weakness or hamstring spasticity)
- Excessive PF in TSw (PF spasticity or DF weakness)
- Heel pain
Knee hyper ext in mid- and terminal stance
- PF weakness/contracture
- Hip ext weakness
- Quad weakness
- Quad spasticity
- Impaired proprioception
Completion criteria for KAFO
- Come to stand with AD Ind (3 sessions)
- Stand and walk through // bars with open hands Ind (1 session)
- Walk with AD 20 steps with SBA (2 sessions)
PRESWING at hip, knee, ankle
Hip = 10 degrees extension (adductors to assist with swing initiation) Knee = 40 degrees flexion (PASSIVE) Ankle = 15 degrees plantarflexion (PASSIVE)
Foot slap
DF weakness
Hip external reputation at mid- and terminal stance
- Limited ankle DF mobility
Decreased foot clearance in swing
- Limited hip/knee flexion or excessive PF
- Impaired proprioception
Participation criteria for KAFO
- No contracture of hip/knee/ankle
- SLR 0-110 degrees
- Ind with transfers including wheelchair to floor
- Max VO2 >20 mL/kg/min
- 50 continuous full dips in // bars
Excessive hip/knee flexion (steppage)
- DF weakness
- PF spasticity