G6: Leadership and Organizational culture Flashcards
it plays a crucial role in shaping organizational behavior. It sets the vision and goals, models behavior, communicates effectively, engages employees, makes decisions, resolves conflicts, manages change, evaluates performance, influences organizational culture, and promotes continuous learning and development.
is the idea that people who become leaders possess traits or characteristics different from people who do not become leaders.
Leader emergence
this become leaders because they enjoy being in charge and leading others. Of the three leadership motivation factors, people scoring high on this one tend to have the most leadership experience and are rated by others as having high leadership potential.
identity motivation
this seek leadership positions when they perceive that such positions will result in personal gain.
non-calculative motivation
this become leaders out of a sense of duty.
social-normative motivation
: In contrast to leader emergence, which deals with the likelihood that a person will become a leader, this involves the idea that leaders who perform well possess certain characteristics that poorly performing leaders do not.
Leader Performance
: is most important when the leader is not distracted by stressful situations and when the leader uses a more directive leadership style.
Cognitive Ability
: A personal characteristic that has received some support pertains to a leader’s need for power, need for achievement, and need for affiliation. High-performance managers have a leadership motive pattern, which is a high need for power and a low need for affiliation. The need is not for personal power but for organizational power.
As with leader emergence, meta-analyses suggest that the role of gender in leader effectiveness is complex. When all studies are combined, men and women appear not to differ in leadership effectiveness (Eagly, Karau, & Makhijani, 1995).
such as country club leaders, Theory Y leaders, and leaders high in consideration act in a warm and supportive manner and show concern for their subordinates. they believe that employees are intrinsically motivated, seek responsibility, are self-controlled, and do not necessarily dislike work.
Person-oriented leaders
such as task-centered leaders, Theory X leaders, and leaders high in initiating structure define and structure their own roles and those of their subordinates to attain the group’s formal goals.
Task-oriented leaders
_____ has deeply rooted, but perhaps unconscious, resentment and anger. On the surface, these leaders are charming, quiet people who often compliment their subordinates and fellow workers. But they resent the successes of others and are likely to act against subordinates in a passive-aggressive manner.
paranoid/ passive-aggressive leader
The type of leader who is insecure and seldom rocks the boat or causes trouble. This person goes along with the group, is friendly to everyone, and never challenges anyone’s ideas. Thus, he travels through life with many friends and no enemies. The reason he has no enemies is that he never does anything, challenges anyone, or stands up for the rights of his employees.
high-likability floater
are leaders who overcome their insecurity by overconfidence. They like to be the center of attention, promote their own accomplishments, and take most, if not all, of the credit for the successes of their group—but they avoid all blame for failure.
Fiedler believed that an individual’s leadership style is the result of a lifetime of experiences and thus is extremely difficult to change. Fiedler’s contingency model holds that any individual’s leadership style is effective only in certain situations.
Situational Favorability
That is, the greater the position or legitimate power of the leader, the more favorable the situation. Thus, a group or organizational setting in which there is no assigned leader is not considered to be a favorable leadership situation.
The more the subordinates like their leader, the more favorable the situation. The leader-member relationship is considered the most important of the three variables.
This program is based on Fiedler’s belief that an individual’s leadership style is not easily changed. Thus, to improve their abilities, leaders learn through four-hour workshops how to diagnose situations and then change these situations to fit their particular leadership styles (Csoka & Bons, 1978)
Leader match
Structured tasks have goals that are clearly stated and known by group members, have only a few correct solutions to a problem, and can be completed in only a few ways. The more structured the task, the more favorable the situation.
A leader who has an informational style provides information in a climate of ignorance, where important information is missing from the group
Informational Style in a Climate of Ignorance
A leader with this through energy and optimism and is effective only in a climate of despair, which is characterized by low morale.
Magnetic Style in a Climate of Despair
A person who uses the position style leads by virtue of the power inherent in that position. Such a person might lead through statements like “As your captain, I am ordering you to do it” or “Because I am your mother—that’s why.” Individuals who use a position style will be effective only in climates of instability
Position Style in a Climate of Instability
A person with an affiliation style leads by liking and caring about others. This style is similar to that of the person-oriented leader discussed previously. A leader using affiliation will be most effective in a climate of anxiety or when worry predominates.
Affiliation Style in a Climate of Anxiety
A person using the coercive style leads by controlling reward and punishment and is most effective in a climate of crisis. Such a leader will often use statements such as “Do it or you’re fired” or “If you can get the package there on time, I will have a little something for you.” This style is typical in war. If soldiers disobey an order, an officer can have them shot.
Coercive Style in a Climate of Crisis
A leader with a tactical style leads through the use of strategy and is most effective in a climate of disorganization. A good example is a class that breaks into small groups to complete an assignment.
Tactical Style in a Climate of Disorganization
According to House’s path-goal theory, a leader can adopt one of four behavioral leadership styles to handle each situation:
subordinate ability
calls for planning, organizing, and controlling the activities of employees.
instrumental style
shows concern for employees.
The supportive-style leader
shares information with employees and lets them participate in decision-making
The participative-style leader
The leader who uses the _____ sets challenging goals and rewards increases in performance
achievement-oriented style