G1 Flashcards
How much should good concrete slump?
How many times should a slump be rodded?
25 times
What size is a slump cone?
What happens when segregation occurs?
When larger aggregates settle to the bottom of the mix
What does a slump test do?
Tests the consistency and workability of concrete
Aggregates should be shaped?
Round or cubically
Plastic cement is often used for making what?
Mortar, plaster, stucco
GU Concrete is what and number?
General use #10
MS Concrete is what and number?
Moderate Sulphate Resistant #20
MH Concrete is what and number?
Moderate Heat of Hydration #20
HE Concrete is what and number?
High Early Strength #30
LH Concrete is what and number?
How Heat of Hydration #40
HS Concrete is what and number?
High Sulphate Resistant #50
What is Air Entrainment?
Microscopic Air Bubbles
What are the three types of Masonry cement from non load bearing too high load bearing?
Type N, Type S, Type M
Good Aggregates should be?
Strong, Hard, Clean, Durable
Eco-Frendly Cement should have less _ and replaced with _ ?
Clinkers, HVMA (High Volume Mineral Additive)
What percent of concrete is aggregates?
Fine aggregates are how big?
less then 5mm
An accelerator is an example of a/an?
How do you find the water to cement ratio?
Water divided by the cement = ratio
The slump cone should be filled in how many layers then rodded when full?
3 Layers
Name 4 qualities of properly portioned concrete mixes
Workability, Strength, Durability, Freeze/thaw Resistant
the water-cement ratio for strong concrete should be?
Size of aggregates should be what thickness of the member?
Concrete being pumped should have _ added?
the most common Pozzolans or Pozzolanic admixture is?
Fly Ash
Fly Ash is used too what?
replace some of the cement to produce a more cost efficient concrete mixture
Pervious Concrete is what?
Porus and allows water to flow threw it
Cement applied with compressed air is called?
When is Gypsum used?
For self levelling concrete
Silica Fume is used too what?
replaces cement but used when high strength concrete is required
Blast furnace slag is used too what?
replace cement but improve the service life of the concrete
what are protective coatings and what are they used for?
resins, pigments and solvents. protecting the surfaces of the concrete in harsh environments
What is prestressed concrete?
Pre tensioned steel cables that have been set before concrete placement to increases tensile strength
Rebar should be overlapped how much?
24 times the diameter of the bar
what are the three types of steel used in pree stressing?
New built steel, axle steel, rail steel
what should the max size of aggregates be?
1/5th size of steel members
what should not be used when applying protective coatings?
form oil and curing compounds