G Terms Flashcards
gall bladder
a small pouch, inferior to the liver, that stores bile, and secretes it via the cystic duct
a solid mass, usually containing cholesterol, in the gallbladder/bile containing duct
a reproductive cell (sperm or secondary oocyte)
gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)
a procedure in which a aspirated secondary oocyte is combined with a sperm-containing solution outside the body, then the solution is returned to the uterine tubes
a group of nerve cell bodies outside the central nervous system (CNS). can also refer to the basal ganglia in the CNS
gastric glands
glands in the mucosa of the stomach that secrete gastric juices
medical specialty that deals with the structure, function, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines
gastrointestinal tract
a continuous tube running through the ventral body cavity from the mouth to the anus
a biological unit of heredity, a segment of DNA at a definite position on a particular chromosome
generator potential
the graded depolarization that results in a change in the resting membrane potential in a receptor. If it reaches threshold, it can trigger an action potential
the study of genes and heredity
genital herpes
an STD caused by types 2 herpes simplex virus
reproductive organs
the complete set of genes in an organism
the total hereditary information carried by an individual, the genetic makeup of an organism
the branch of medicine devoted to the medical problems and care of elderly persons
the period of development from fertilization to birth
specialized epithelial cells that secrete substances
glans penis
the slightly enlarged region at the distal end of the penis
an eye disorder caused by excess aqueous humor causing increased intraocular pressure
gliding joint
a synovial joint with flat articulating surfaces, permitting only side-to-side, and back-and-forth movements (for instance, between carpals, tarsals, and the scapula and clavicle)
glomerular capsule
a double walled globe at the end of nephron that encloses the glomerular capillaries
glomerular filtrate
the fluid produced when blood is filtered by the filtration membrane in the glomeruli of the kidneys
glomerular filtration
the first step in urine formation, where blood substances are filtered through the filtration membrane and the filtrate enters the proximal convoluted tubule of a nephron
glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
the total volume of fluid entering all the glomerular capsules in one minute
a rounded mass of nerves or blood vessels, especially the microscopic tuft of capillaries in each kidney tubule
the vocal folds/true vocal cords in the larynx, plus the space between them (rima glottidids)
a hormone made by the alpha cells of the pancreatic islets. increases blood glucose level
hormones made by the adrenal cortex, especially cortisol, that influence glucose metabolism
the making of glucose from glycerol, certain amino acids, or lactic acid
a six-carbon sugar (C6-H12-O6), the major energy source for ATP production
presence of glucose in the urine
a highly branched polymer of glucose, functions as a compact store of glucose molecules in liver and muscle cells
the process of forming glycogen from glucose
the breakdown of glycogen into glucose
a series of chemical reactions in the cytosol in which a glucose molecule splits into 2 pyruvic acid molecules, and producing 2 ATP molecules
goblet cell
a goblet shaped cell that secretes mucus, present in airway and intestinal epithelium
an enlargement of the thyroid gland
golgi complex
an organelle made of 4-6 flattened sacs/cisterns. functions in packaging, sorting, processing, and delivering lipids and proteins to the plasma membrane, lysosomes, and secretory vesicles
a fibrous joint which is made of a cone shaped peg that fits into a socket
a gland that produces gametes and hormones, the ovaries and testis
gonadotropic hormone
anterior pituitary hormone affecting the gonads
grey matter
area in the central nervous system and ganglia consisting of nonmyelinated nerve tissue
greater omentum
a large fold in the serosa of the stomach that hands down like an apron anterior to the intestines
greater vestibular glands
a pair of glands on either side of the vaginal orifice that open via a duct into the space between the hymen and labia minoria
gross anatomy
the branch of anatomy dealing with the study of structures without the need for a microscope to do so
pertaining to taste
the branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of disorders of the female reproductive system
excessive growth of male mammary glands due to estrogens by an adrenal gland tumor
one of the folds of the cerebral cortex, aka a convolution