Fungi Flashcards
G: OH/MS river valley, Africa, Sw Asia
E: Soil, woody plants, decaying matter
RI: Conidia inhalation, soil inoculation, dog bite
S: Incub: 1-15 weeks, pulmonary disease (asymptotic to mild flu), extra pulmonary (chronic cutaneous mycosis)
D: Microscopic detection (broad-budding yeast in tissue), antigen test, molecular assay
Systemic Fungus
Blastomyces dermatitidis
G: SW US, Mexico, C/S Americas
E: Soil and dust, bat and rodent, nitrogen content/alkaline
RI: Inhalation arthrocenidia
S: pulmonary/extra pulmonary, low infectious dose, flu like, cutaneous CNS
D: Microscopic detection (spherulous contanigin endospores), serologic, antigen assay
Systemic fungus
Coccidioides immitus/posadasii
G: OH/MS river valley, C/S America
E: Soil (bird/bat), high nitrogen
RI: Inhalation microcanidia
S: like pneumonia, acute pulmonary histoplasmosis, *reactivation
D: Microscopic detection of small, oval narrow based budding yeast (intracellular with in macrophages)
Systemic Fungus
Histoplasma capsulatum
G: SC, SE,E Asia
E: Soil, bamboo rats
RI: Inhalation of spores, traumatic implantation (cutaneous), enteric spread(ingest bamboo rat)
S: disseminated infection (skin, soft tissue, viscera), higher in HIV+ (Thailand and China), resembles histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, tuberculosis
D: Microscopic detection (elliptical fission yeast, intracellular), assay, serologic development
Systemic Fungus
Talaromyces (penicillium) marneffei
G: Everywhere
E: Air, soil, water
occupies : GI tract, vagina, urethra, skin, fingernails
D: Microscopic exam and culture
T: Amphotericin B, fluconazole, remove catheters, drain assesses
Endogenous infection (most) - yeast
Opportunistic Fungus
G: worldwide
E: avian excreta and soil
RI: inhaling aerosolized cells
S: possible latent infection or systematic disease (AIDS), incubates 6-10 weeks, pneumonic, CNS infection 2nd to hematogenous and lymphatic spread from pulmonary focus, disseminated disease (skin lesions and ocular microscopic detection or yeast in tissue, CSF (encapsulated budding yeast), capsular polysaccharide antigen in serum or CSF
D: Severe - Amphotericin B and flucytosine or itroconazole, Mild - fluconazole, itraconazole, AIDS: life long treatment
Risk : Chronic disease, pregnancy, cell-mediated
Opportunistic Fungus
Cryptococcus neoformans
G: worldwide
E: Air, soil, decaying matter
RI: Inhalation of conidia
S: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) -> wheezing and coughing, sinusitis, invasive aspergillosis (70%) mortality
D: Antigen in serum *ubiquitous, measure 3-beta-d-glucan, histopathology (lung tissue), BAL specimen (bronchonalveolar lavange)
Opportunistic Fungus
G: worldwide
E: Large host range, no niche?
RI: ingestion/inhalation of spores, ocular/sexual infection possible
S: *double infections, diarrhea, dissemination (vision loss, neurologic disturbances, hepatitis, UTI, Pulmonary infections
D: ID organism in biopsy, stool, body fluids, microscopic exam CSF and urine
T: Support immune system (CD4-HIV), Albendazole, Fumagilin
P : personal hygiene and sanitation
Opportunistic Fungus
G: Worldwide
E: Soil and decaying vegetation (bread mold)
RI: Inhalation, ingestion, contamination of wounds (sporangiospores)
S: Acute and rapidly progressing (mortality 70-100%), Rhinocerebral mucormycosis, Acute nasal, paranasal, orbital infection, diabetic, hematologic malignancies
D: Microscopic exam, histology, culture; Specimen - nasal mucosa scrapings, sinus aspirates, biopsy, *broad aseptate hyphae, negative cultures common
T: surgical debridement, Amphotercin B
Opportunistic Fungus
G: Worldwide
E: common environment saprobe
RI: construction, demolition, remodeling correlation
S: Mycotic keratitis, positive blood culture
T: resistant to Amphotercin B, immune support and surgical removal
- Hyaline mold
Opportunistic Fungus
G: Worldwide
E: ubiquitous
Found : disseminated, localized (lung, paranasal, CNS)
T: Amphotercin B, surgical removal, immune support
*dematiaceous mold
Opportunistic Fungus
RI: Inhalation, person to person
S: early childhood, pneumonia, extra pulmonary (Lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, liver, eyes, ears)
D: Microscopic exam (bronchial lavage fluid, induced sputum, lung biopsy; molecular assay (detection of “silent” infections)
Opportunistic Fungus
G: Worldwide, tropics/subtropics
E: common endogenous skin colonizer
RI: catheter related infections, dandruff
D: fluorescence/ chronic infection
Superficial Fungus
Malassezia furfur
- Tinea versicolor
G: Worldwide, tropics/subtropics
E: soil (common on skin, oral, GI biota)
S: White piedra, peradentitis, pneumonia, soft tissue lesions, meningitis, organ abscesses
D: microscopic exam (Arthroconida and pseudoyphae), like yeast/superficial (topical - hygiene, shave hair), (invasive - azoles, amphotericin b
Superficial Fungus
G: Worldwide
RI: Arthroconidia / hyphae or keratinized material (direct or indirect (fomites))
- colonize horny tissue then form centrifugal ring pattern
D: direct microscopy, skin, hair, nails; wood’s lamp
T: Azoles, good hygiene, cool and dry
*Cepitis - scalp, coupons - body, cruris - foot or groin
Cutaneous Fungus
G: Japan, N and S America
E: Ubiquitous in soil and decaying mater
RI: Cutaneous penetration with contaminated veg
S: small nodule, secondary lymph nodes, linear chain of nodules
D: culture pus or tissue
T: 3-12 months treatment
Systemic Fungus
Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis
Sporothrix schenckii
G: tropics, warm, moist (lack of footwear)
E: ubiquitous in soil/organic matter
RI: cutaneous puncture with contaminated veg
S: ringworm-like lesion -> cauliflower sclerotic bodies, sclerotic bodies, several years, dematiceous sclerotic bodies
D: Clinical presentation, histopathologic, culture, molecular analysis
T: surgical excision and drugs
Systemic Fungus
G: Dry tropical (SW US, Mexico)
E: ubiquitous soil and organic matter
RI: cutaneous puncture contaminated veg
S: oily granules, destroys muscle and bone locally
D: grains/granules in pus, histological exam
T: amputation, surgical resection
Systemic Fungus
Eumycotic mycetoma
E: Worldwide, common cause of parasitic death
Risk factors - m/m sexual, immigrants, tourists, institutionalized, HIV+
S: Asymp, Mild - loose stools, stomach pain, stomach cramps, Severe - amebic dysentery (stomach pain, bloody stools, fever), Possible - liver abscess, spread to lung or brain
D: Trophozoites and cysts in stools, Trophs in tissue
T: Metronidazole - invasive trophozoites; luminal amoevicide
P: decontaminate F/W, Sani, Hyg, treat water, wash produce w soap and acid
GI Protozoan : Amoeba
Entamoeba histolytica
E: S: D: T: P:
GI protozoan : flagellate
Giardia lamblia
E: S: D: T: P:
GI Protozoan : coccidian / sporozoa
Cystoisospora belli
E: S: D: T: P:
GI Protozoan : Coccidian
Cryptosporidium spp
C. Parvum, C. hominis
E: S: D: T: P:
GI Protozoan : Coccidian
Cyclospora cayetaensis
E: S: D: T: P:
GI Protozoan : Flagellate
Dientamoeba fragilis
Commensal Protozoans
Amoeba : Iodamoeba butshii, Entamoeba dispar, hartmanni, coli, Endolimax nana, Flagellate : Chilomastix mesnili
E: S: D: T: P:
GI Protozoan
Blastocystis spp
E: S: D: T: P:
Urogenital Protozoan : Flagellate
Trichomonas vigils
E: S: D: T: P:
Free-living Amoeba
E: S: D: T: P:
Nealgeria fowleri
E: S: D: T: P: