when was the cell first discovered?
cells were first found by robert hooke in 1665
list all the cell organelles
- cell wall
- mitochondria
- plastids
- cytoplasm
- cell membrane
- endoplasmic reticulum
- golgi apparatus
- vacuoles
- lysosomes
what is the cell membrane?
the cell membrane the outermost layer of the cell that is made up of cellulose
it is knows as a semi permeable membrane because it lets only certain substances enter and leave the cell
what is osmosis
osmosis is the process where water moves around a semipermeable membrane
what are the types of osmosis
hypertonic solution
hypotonic solution
isotonic solution
what is a hypotonic solution
- a hypertonic solution is created when the medium surrounding the cell has more water than the cell
- the cell will most likely burst
- the cell will gain water
- this solution is known to be dilute
what is a hypertonic solution
- a hypotonic solution is created when the amount of water outside the cell is lower than in the cell
- the solution is known to be concentrated
- the cell will loose water
- the cell will shrink in in size
what is a isotonic solution
- the medium outside the cell has exactly the same amount of water that is inside the cell
- the cell will not change in shape
- the net movement of water will be 0
what is the cell membrane made up of
it is made up of lipids and protein
what is endocytosis
endocytosis is the process where the cell is able to engulf the food from its external surroundings. example is amoeba
what is the cell wall
the cell wall is only present in plants
it is made of cellulose
it is rigid outercovering which is outside the cell membrane
what is plasmolysis
this is a process when the contents inside the cell shrink away from the cell wall
what is the nucleus
the nucleus has a double layered membrane called the nuclear membrane
it is a porous membrane that allows certain substances to enter and leave the cytoplasm
it contains chromosomes which are only visible when the cell is about to divide in rod shaped structures
what are chromosomes
they are rod shaped structures that are only visible when the cell is about to divide
it contains the deoxyribose nucleic acid which contains hereditary information need for the cell
the chromosomes are made up of DNA and proteins
what is the chromatin
chromatin is the place where the instructions for the cell and the DNA and the protein are located before the cell divides
the chromatin arranges itself to form the chromosomes when the cell is about to divide
what are the prokaryotic cells
the prokaryotic cells do not have a well developed nucleus and lack may cytoplasmic substances that the eukaryotic cells have
it lacks the nuclear membrane and only has the nucleic acid
what is the eukaryotic cells
the eukaryotic cells have a nuclear membrane and other cytoplasmic organelles what the prokaryotic cells lack
what is the cytoplasm
the cytoplasm is the medium where the substances are able to travel
it is made up made up of fluid like substance and is located inside the cell membrane
what is the endoplasmic reticulum
the endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membrane bound tubes
there are 2 types of ER the soft endoplasmic reticulum and the rough reticulum
what is the rough endoplasmic reticulum
the RER has ribosomes attached so it appears rough under the microscope
it is able to produce its own proteins and they will be send to other places
what is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
the SER is a place where fat cells such as lipids are generated
some of the proteins and the lipids help in the building of the cell membrane
what is membrane biogenesis
membrane biogenesis the the process where the lipids and proteins will be used in the construction of the cell membrane
what are the functions of the ER
the endoplasmic reticulum helps in the manufacturing of the lipids and protein and provide a site where bio chemical activities take place
list the organelles in the cytoplasm
golgi apparatus
smooth ER
rough ER
plastids and mitochondria