how many functions an keys does a keyboard have
a keyboard has about 100 keys
what is touch typing
touch typing is when the typist is using his muscle memory to type out the information and he does look at the keyboard
what is WPM
words per minute
what is the Alt key
Alt key is the short form for alternate key and it is like a second control key
how many fingers does touch typing usually involve
it generally involves 8 fingers
what does the backspace key do
it deletes the characters that are to the left of the cursor
what does the delete key do?
it deletes the characters to the right
what is the use of enter or return key
the enter or return key is used to move cursors to the beginning of the nest line
it is also used for entering commands
what does the Esc key do
the Esc key send special functions that helps is exit the
what are the home keys for right and left hand
right hand:
left hand:
what are the guide keys on the keyboard
the guide keys on the keyboard are f and j
what is the numeric keypad on the keyboard (give 3 point)
- it is something similar to the calculator
- it has dual modes
- NumLock is used to switch between the modes
what is the shift key used for?
the shift key is used for accessing the functions on top of the keys
`what is the cursor
it is a helping tool which flickers when there is a sentence being typed
what is the mouse?
the mouse is a pointing device that that is used to locate things on the screen.
explain the finger positioning on the mouse
- the index finger goes on the left button of the mouse
- the middle finger goes on the right button of the mouse
what can the right and the left click be used for?
left click:
1. select an item on the desktop
2. double clicking on the left button will activate the programme the mouse is hovering over.
right click:
1. clicking on the right button on the mouse will display a set of commands
what is the use of drag and drop?
the use of drag and drop is to select and move an item from one location to another
what is the text panel?
the text panel is the place where the text has to be typed in the Rapid Typing Tutorial
what the the taskbar
the taskbar allow a change of basic options
what is the function of the lesson control panel?
has functions such as the pause/resume and the disable/able button
what do the green and the yellow progress bar represent?
the green bar represents the percentage of completion of the lesson while the yellow bar shows the acceptable time period for the certain character
what does the error button lead to on the the RTP
it leads to a detailed statistical report
what does Ctrl+1 do on RPT
it displays the characters per minute