Fundamentals of Instructing Flashcards
What is anxiety and how can you overcome that with a student
Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness, nervousness, fear of anything. Emphasize the enjoyment of flying by teaching that, and teach students to cope with their fears
List and explain the different defense mechanisms
Repression - places uncomfortable thoughts into inaccessible areas of the brain
Denial - refusal to accept reality, too threatening
Compensation - counterbalancing weaknesses by emphasizing strengths
Projection - placing their own unacceptable impulses onto someone else
Rationalization - justifying actions that would be unacceptable
Reaction formation - a person fakes a belief opposite to the true belief because true belief causes anxiety
Fantasy - daydreams how things should be instead of doing things about how things are
Displacement- unconscious shift of emotion or desire onto someone else and not the target
What are abnormal reactions to stress?
Inappropriate laughter, extreme over cooperation, severe anger directed towards instructor
What are perceptions?
Perceptions is where learning comes from
Five senses: sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste
What are the factors that affect perception?
Time and opportunity, goals and values, self concept, physical organism, element of threat
What are insights?
Insight is the grouping of perceptions into meaningful wholes
What are the laws of learning and description of each
Readiness- one must be wanting and ready to learn
Effect- learning is strengthened when accompanied by a pleasant satisfy inferring and weakened when accompanied by an unpleasant feeling
Exercise- practice in order to remember what was learned
Primacy - what was first taught leaves a unshakable impression harder to relearn than initial
Intensity - immediate dramatic exciting teaches more than routine and boring
Recency - most recently learned best remembered
What are the domains of learning?
Cognitive - remembering facts concepts
Affective - addresses a learners emotions toward learning experience
Psychomotor- movement coordination use of motor skills
What are the levels of learnings?
What are the characteristics of learning?
Results of experience
Active process
What are the stages of skill acquisitions?
Cognitive stage - factual knowledge
associative stage - practice helps associate individual steps in learning
Automatic response stage - by product of practice
What is motivation?
A dominant force that governs the students progress and ability to learn, ,it’s stun can be tangible or intangible
What are the basic elements of communication?
- source (sender, speaker, writer)
- symbols (images, words)
- receiver (audience, student)
What are the barriers to effective communication?
Lack of common experience - the greatest barrier between instructor and student
Confusion between symbols and what is being symbolized
Overuse of abstractions - words that are genres rather than specific
Interference - can be physiological, environmental, psychological
What is problem based learning?
Scenario based training
Explain the demonstration performance method
People learn by doing, and is divided into 5 phases
- explanation
- demonstration
- student performance
- instructor supervision
- evaluation
Pec plain drill and practice method of teaching?
Learning through repetition (law of exercise)
Explain general characteristics of an assessment?
- Objective - must be honest, based on performance
- flexible
- acceptable - student accepts their instructor to accept assessment
- comprehensive
- constructive
- organized
- thoughtful
- specific - how they can improve what they did well on