Fund of Computer Sciences Flashcards
What is the function of a computer?
To convert raw data into useful information
Information Processing Cycle
Converts data collected by a customer order form into information used to fulfill the order
First Generation Computer
Used vacuum tubes/
Massive in size/
Used manual switches to process data
Second Generation Computer
Transistors replaced vacuum tubs/
More powerful/
More reliable/
Reprogrammed in less time
Third Generation Computers
Intergrated Circuits/
Faster/Smaller/ More reliable
Fourth Generation Computers
Introduces microprocessors (CPU)
Moore’s Law
Made prediction in 1965 that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles every two years.
States of Binary Code
Only has two, 1 (on) and 0 (off)
Smallest unit of digital information
8 bits
Uses 7 bits and represents 128 characters
extended ASCll; Uses over 100,000 characters
Quantum Coding
Uses quantum properties of superposition and entanglement to create multiple states using quilts
Quantum bits
The basic units of quantum information
The ability of a quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time until it is measured
Quantum Computers
Simulate chemical reactions/
Simulate financial markers/
Improve weather forecasting and AI advances/
Break encryption/
Develop new drug and cure diseases
Bit Measurements
KIlo, Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta
Byte measurements
Kibi, Mebi, Gibi, (Used for RAM)
A megabyte is _____?
1,000,000 bytes
A Mebibyte is ____?
1,048,576 bytes
What is a desktop?
All in one computer
Ergonomics (Proper workspace)
Proper posture/
Use a foot rest/
Elbows on an arm rest spent at a 90%/
Monitor below eye level/
Frequent breaks
Improper Workspace
Can affect health, comfort, and productivity/
Leads to discomfort
Qualities of smartphones tablets
Internet access/
Email access/
Digital Cameras/
Mapping Tools/
Documenting editing/
Mobile apps/