Functionalist theory Flashcards
based on a value consensus
Value consensus
sharing of a common culture
set of shared norms, values, beliefs and goals which binds indivduals into social solidarity
Social solidarity
can be achieved in society through 2 key mechanisms
instils and teachers the shared culture so norms and values are internalised and they act in the way society requires
Social Control
through rewards for conformity and sanctions for deviance - ensures individuals behave in the intended way
Too much crime
dysfunctional for society however crime is inevitable and universal
Crime in society
every society has a known level of crime
crime is normal and an integral part of society
Cause of crime in all societies
inadequate socialisation
diversity of lifestyles
Diversity of lifestyles
different groups develop subcultures
with different norms and values
mainstream culture may view as deviant
Inadequate socialisation
not everyone is effectively socialised into the shared culture - more prone to deviate
modern societies have weaker rules governing behaviour because the modern complex division of labour causes individuals to become different which weakens the shared culture
Boundary Maintenance
crime produces a reaction from society
unites members, reaffirms societys values and shared culture
Adaption and change
all change starts with an act of deviance
scope for individuals to challenge norms and values and show what is functioning in society