Functional Exam 3 Palpations Flashcards
standing hand on side of abdomen below umbilicus. compress inferiorly feel superficial tip of ASIS. compare sides.
Iiac Crest
side lying locate ASIS. slide posteriorly along iliac crest.
follow iliac crests posteriorly. shallow hump surrounded by thicker tissue. visibly locate dimples sof low back and explore surrounding region.
Ischial Tuberosity
with hip/knee flexed
prone gluteal fold. fingers at center press superiorly/medially.
side top hip flexed hand on med thigh slide prox to glut fold/isch tuberosity
Greater Trochanter
-Ask patient to internally and externally rotate hip in short seated position to identify location of greater trochanter.
Sacrum/SI joint
prone thumb and finger upon PSIS explore between. midline of sacrum. palmate to the sides of crest.
prone locate PSIS. slightly inferior and medial. small widening by keeping one hand upon it with other hand flex knee to 90. passivly rotate hip med, small opening (can lat rotate)
Gluteus maximus
prone. locate coccyx, edge of sacrum, PSIS, and posterior two inches of iliac crest to isolate landmards of GM. locate insertion of GM at gluteal tuberosity. connect origin to insertion paplate thick superficial fibers. they can extend hip.
IT band
supine ASIS flad had posterior and distal to ASIS and iliac crest. above knee and ASIS. alternate medial rotation with relax. med rotaton TFL will contract to solid oval mound. distally will blend w. IT.
side lying locate biceps femoris. have abduct.
Biceps femoris
-Differentiate between vastus lateralis and biceps femoris on lateral thigh by providing slight resistance in both knee flexion and extension in a side lying position.
lateral part of hamstrings leading to head of fib
medial hamstrings. turn partner supine and follow it distally to pes anserinus tendon.
same as semimemb but deep and difficult to isolate.
rectus femoris
-Differentiate between rectus femoris and iliopsoas at the hip by performing resisted hip flexion with knee flexed (iliopsoas) and knee straight (rectus femoris). Also can ask patient to lean forward (iliopsoas) or backward (rectus femoris).
supine w.knee bolstered. line between AIIS and patella. flex hip and lift foot off table.
vastus medialis
supine knee bolstered. extend knee. palpate medial and proximal to patella. sartorius and RF form teardrop.
vastus lateralis
-Differentiate between vastus lateralis and biceps femoris on lateral thigh by providing slight resistance in both knee flexion and extension in a side lying position.
side lying. flat hand on lateral thigh extend relax knee.
vastus intermedius
(difficult to palpate due to its depth but edges can be accessed if R.F. is moved)
supine. rest foot on op knee (hip flex/lat rotated). hand middle of med thigh. raise knee to sceiling. ASIS-med tib.
hamstrings group
prone hand on posterior thigh. flex knee holding foot off table. Ischial tuberosity, distally 1 inch and palpate tendon to seperate bellies.
quads group
seated hands flat on thigh above knee below hip. extend and relax knee slowly.
adductors group
supine hip slightly flexed and laterally rotated. hand on med thigh, adduct hip against resistance. adduct/relax.
-Differentiate between rectus femoris and iliopsoas at the hip by performing resisted hip flexion with knee flexed (iliopsoas) and knee straight (rectus femoris). Also can ask patient to lean forward (iliopsoas) or backward (rectus femoris).