Functional Exam 3 Hip Thigh AOI Flashcards
Rectus Femoris
A-extend knee flex hip
I-Tibial tuberosity via patella and patellar ligament
Vastus Medialis
A-extend knee flex hip
O-Medial lip of linea aspera
I-Tibial tuberosity via patella and patellar ligament
Vastus Lateralis
A-extend knee flex hip
O-Lateral lip of linea aspera, gluteal tuberosity and greater trochanter
I-Tibial tuberosity via patella and patellar ligament
Vastus Intermedius
A-extend knee flex hip
O-Anterior and lateral shaft of femur
I-Tibial tuberosity via patella and patellar ligament
Biceps Femoris
A- Flex knee, Laterally rotate flexed knee, extend hip, laterally rotate hip, tilt pelvis posteriorly
O-ischial tuberosity, lateral lip of linea aspera
I-Head of fibula
A- flex knee, medially rotate flexed knee, extend hip, medially rotate hip, til pelvis posteriorly
O-ischial tuberosity
I-Proximal medial shaft of tibia at pes an serine tendon
A-flex knee medially rotate flexed knee, extend hip, medially rotate hip, tilt pelvis posteriorly
O-ischial tuberosity
I-posterior aspect of medial codndyle of tibia
Gluteus Maximus
A-extend hip, laterally rotate, abduct hip, adduct hip
O-coccyx, edge of sacrum, posterior iliac crest, sacrotuberous and sacroiliac ligaments
I-iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity
Gluteus Medius
A-abduct hip flex hip medially rotate hip, extend hip, laterally rotate hip
O-gluteal surface of ilium between posterior and anterior gluteallines, below iliac crest
I- lateral aspect of greater trochanter
Gluteus Minimus
A-abduct hip medially rotate hip, flex hip
O-gluteal surface of illium btween anterior and inferior gluteal lines
I-anterior aspect of greater trochanter
Adductor Magnus
A- adduct hip medially rotate hip flex hip extend hip
O-inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium, ischial tuberosity
I-medial lip of linea aspera and adductor tubercle
Adductor Longus
A- adduct hip medially rotate hip flex hip
O-pubic tubercle
I-Medial lip of linea aspera
Adductor Brevis
A- adduct hip medially rotate hip flex hip
O-inferior ramus of pubis
I-pecineal line and medial lip of linea aspera
A- adduct hip medially rotate hip flex hip
O-superior ramus of pubis
I-pectineal line of femur
A- Flex knee medially rotate flexed knee
O- inferior ramus of pubis
I-proximal medial shaft of tibia at pes anserinus tendon