Functional Capacity Evaluations Flashcards
What is a FCE?
- Primarily for work injuries
- Medical model unable to provide answers for longer term/serious injuries as to whether worker is ready to RTW
A systematic process of measuring, recording and
analysing an individual’s ability to perform activities in
response to broadly defined work demands
Stages of FCE
- Preparation
- Execution
- Report writing
Functional Ax?
used in conjunction with other medical and physical testing or examinations to strengthen the overall assessment
Functional Testing?
used as a means to demonstrate and
measure changes over time
Functional screening?
used as a means to screen large numbers to determine if further testing or investigation is required – usually Pre Employment testing
Why is FCE conducted?
- medico-legal
- pre-employment
- ongoing risk mgmt
- rehab planning
Signs of fatigue?
- Biomechanical slowing
- Accessory muscle usage
- Sliding the load over self or using lower extremity to push or nudge the load
- Using lower extremity to nudge the load from the floor to a shelf
- Trembling or muscle fatigue
FCE limits reached by?
- HR >= 85% max, or >70% if on Beta Blockers
- Physical/biomechanical indicators - asymmetrical postures, muscle tremors, changes in cadence/pace, momentum, weight controls person, muscle tremor, accessory muscle use, NOT PAIN
- Psychophysical limits - person identifies their own limits
- Unstable medical condition, recent flu, infection
- Recent surgery or injury (within 6wks)
- Substantial psychiatric or behavioural issues
- Communication barriers that prevent instructions being understood
- Non-compensable medical co-morbidities restricting performance or exclusion from work
- Inappropriately dressed
If concerned about contraindications?
Medical clearance prior to proceeding
Preparation stage includes..?
- gather medical reports, current medical certificate for restrictions, job analysis, progress reports from rehab providers,
– purpose of FCE – to return to a job, or is employer uncertain of what worker is capable of; medico‐legal, no job but physical tolerances to be determined
– Authority to exchange information
– Informed consent
Execution stage includes..?
- Client/Patient interview – Subjective Ax – Objective Ax – brief neuromuscular, and physical screen, functional testing, work specific activities – Safety considerations – Post test symptoms
When should you always obtain medical approval?
If BP >195/100
List the interview components (13)
---History, progress to date Medical History Diagnostic Tests Types of Medical Treatment Medication Pain Description Contraindications --Current ADL Employment History Training/Education Employment Goals Job Description Review Individual perception of abilities
What equipment is required?
—Heart Rate Monitor
Blood Pressure Cuff
Hand dynamometer to measure grip strength
Varying weights
Items to be lifted – boxes, weights, specific work items
such as tools, cables,
Equipment specific to persons work duties – ladder,
shovel, work tools
Fitness Ax equip – bike, steps,
Equipment depends on the type of FCE to
be performed
What are some subjective tools?
- Modified Borg
- (optional) Oswestry, Roland Morris, Pain Disability Index, FABQ
What does the objective assessment include? (4)
—Basic ROM (inclinometry, goniometry joint measures),
muscle strength, posture
Fitness tests – step up or bicycle ergometer
Any other useful physical measurement that would be
appropriate to the purpose of the FCE
What test do you use for motor dexterity?
Purdue Peg Board
Determining end points of performance?
- Biomechanical = strength, endurance, coordination, balance
- Physiological = heart rate and blood pressure
- Psychophysical = pain intensity, fear of
movement/(re)injury, pain behaviours
Can FCE predict RTW?
Floor to waist lift can predict RTW in short term
but not long term
Choice of FCE protocol depends on…?
---Purpose of test Outcome expected Complexity of case Time Price Training available Equipment Testing venue Evaluators professional background Political, corporate, legal climate
The report includes…?
Direct toward the purpose
Participant’s overall level of work – sedentary to very
Abilities on specific tasks
Tolerance for an 8‐hr day
Level of cooperation or sincerity of effort
Comparison of current abilities with job demands
Should you ask for a job description or should you assess job demands yourself?
YOU ASSESS - better understanding of demands of job
Examples of FCE’s?
- F.A.S.T
- Blankeship
- WorkHab