Full Formulas (Midterm) Flashcards
After sweating treatment, where fire needling was used to induce the sweat, at the site of the needle the skin is raised and gathered, and there is cold. If in the center it is raised and red, there will be a buntun attack. Qi from the lesser abdomen will ascend to the heart. Moxa above each fire needled site to obtain a strong sensation.
Guizhi jia Gui Tang
Guizhi jia Gui Tang
Guizhi 10-20g Baishao 6-12g Shengjiang 6-12g Dazao 6-12g Zhigancao 4-8g
Taiyang disease with a stretched and stiff nape and back, yet also sweating and aversion to wind
Guizhi jia Gegen Tang
Guizhi jia Gegen Tang
Gegen 8-16g Guizhi 4-8g Shaoyao 4-8g Shengjiang 6-12g Dazao 6-12g Zhigancao 4-8g
For those who tend towards panting, when prescribing Guizhi Tang
Taiyang disease where there is slight panting following purgation indicates that the exterior has not yet been resolve
Guizhi jia Houpo Xingren Tang
Guizhi jia Houpo Xingren Tang
Guizhi 6-12g Shaoyao 6-12g Shengjiang 6-12g Dazao 6-12g (Zhi)Gancao 4-8g Houpo 4-8g Xingren 6-16g
Taiyang disease where the pattern is developing, yet the whole body is stretched and suddenly extremely rigid. The pulse, conversely, is deep and slow. This is tetany
Gualou Guizhi Tang
Gualou Guizhi Tang
Tianhuafen 6-8g Guizhi 6-12g Shaoyao 6-12g Shengjiang 6-12 Dazao 6-12g Zhigancao 4-8g
If there is a faint pulse with aversion to cold (in Taiyang disease following purgation)
Guizhi qu Shaoyao jia Fuzi Tang
Guizhi qu Shaoyao jia Fuzi Tang
Guizhi 9-12g Zhigancao 6-8g Shengjiang 9-12g Dazao 6-12g Fuzi 3-32g
Lung distention and coughing with ascendant qi, vexation and agitation with panting, and water qi below the heart
Xiao Qinglong jia Shigao Tang
Xiao Qinglong jia Shigao Tang
Mahuang 6-12g Guizhi 6-12g Shaoyao 6-12g Xixin 6-12g Ganjiang 6-12g Wuweizi 8-16g Banxia 8-16g Gancao 6-12g Shigao 4-8g
(A Danggui Sini Tang pattern) that is differentiated in that the person has lingering cold
When, after eating there is a desire to retch, this belongs to Yangming
Shaoyin disease with vomiting and diarrhea, counter flow cold of the hands and feet, vexation and agitation as if on the edge of death
Dry retching with ejection of drool and foam, with a headache
Danggui Sini jia Wuzhuyu Shengjiang Tang
Danggui Sini jia Wuzhuyu Shengjiang Tang
Danggui Sini Tang + Wuzhuyu Tang Danggui 6-12g Guizhi 6-12g Shaoyao 6-12g Xixin 6-12g Tongcao 4-8g Wuzhuyu 6-64g (2 sheng) Shengjiang 6-32g (1 sheng) Dazao 6-25g Zhigancao 4-8g
For cases of injurious cold for six or seven days, with a rising fever and a mild aversion to cold, vexing pain in the extremities and joints, slight retching, a poking glomus under the heart, and when the exterior pattern has not yet lifted
Chaihu Guizhi Tang
Chaihu Guizhi Tang
Chaihu 8-16g Huangqin 3-6g Guizhi 3-6g Shaoyao 3-6g Banxia 4-8g Shengjiang 3-6g Renshen 3-6g Dazao 3-6g Zhigancao 2-4g
Xiao Chaihu Tang
Chaihu 16-32g Huangqin 6-12g Banxia 8-16g Renshen 6-12g Shengjiang 6-12g Dazao 6-12g Zhigancao 6-12g
Lizhong Wan
Renshen Ganjiang Zhu (Bai, Cang) Zhigancao – 3 liang each (6-12g)
Zhenwu Tang
Fuzi 6-32g Fuling 6-12g Shaoyao 6-12g Baizhu 4-8g Shengjiang 6-12g
Xiao Jianzhong Tang (HQJZTang)
Guizhi 6-12g Shaoyao 12-24g Shengjiang 6-12g Dazao 6-12g Zhigancao 4-8g Yitang 6-12g (+ Huangqi 3-6 g)
Banxia Xiexin Tang
Banxia 8-16g Huangqin 6-12g Huanglian 2-4g Ganjiang 6-12g Renshen 6-12g Dazao 6-12g Zhigancao 6-12g
Injurious cold, or striking wind, where the physician has contrarily purged, the patient will have diarrhea about 10 times per day with undigested food, thunderous rumbling in the abdomen, a hard and full glomus under the heart, dry retching, and heart vexation that cannot be pacified. The physician perceives the glomus under the heart as an incomplete disease process, and then purges again, causing the glomus to worsen. This is not a heat bind (as the physican thinks), but rather vacuity in the stomach. The guest qi is ascending with reversal that causes the hardness.
Gancao Xiexin Tang
When Fox Creeper disease manifests, its signs are as if one has injurious cold. There is taciturnity with a desire to sleep, yet the eyes won’t close. There is unrest whether resting or moving. If it erodes the throat, it is called “Creeper”; if it erodes the genitals, it is called “Fox”. There is no desire to eat or drink, and a strong aversion to the smell of food. The complexion is suddenly red, then suddenly black, then suddenly white. If the erosion is occurring above, there will be a raspy voice
Gancao Xiexin Tang
Gancao Xiexin Tang
Banxia 8-16g Huangqin 6-12g Huanglian 2-4g Ganjiang 6-12g (Renshen) 6-12g Dazao 6-12g Zhigancao 8-16g