Fuel numbers and some release stuff Flashcards
What are you signing for (release)?
Fit for duty
EFB in compliance
Max pax + cargo we can carry
Expecting to carry based on pax booked
Alternate fuel
Amount of fuel to get to most distant alternate
- 1500 Ibs minimum
- includes 400 Ibs for a missed approach
Contingency fuel
- Historical
- Known traffic delays
- Holding fuel
- Possible missed approach
T/O Fuel (BRAC)
Burn, Reserve, Alternate, Contingency
Has to be this # or greater during brake release
Tanker Fuel
Economy Fuel to save money
-330 Ibs minimum
Taxi Fuel
Estimated fuel for taxi
Ramp Fuel
T/O fuel + Tanker + Taxi
(Pax booked X Seasonal weight)
(1.5 bags per passenger X Standard checked bag weight)
Take off weight (TOW)
Burn Fuel
Takeoff to touchdown
- Includes maneuvering fuel
- Includes fuel to destination + 1 instrument approach
Reserve Fuel
45 mins of burn @ FL250 and long range cruise
Op index
Computed CG
ROO (what does this mean in release)
Canned route