Fuel Flashcards
What is the quantity of each main tank?
What is the purpose of the ventral surge tanks?
Ensures positive surge pressure and allows up to 2% thermal expansion without spillage. They are 100 L each and are vented back into the main tanks.
What is the purpose of the wing center box?
There is no fuel stored here and it is just provided for the transit of fuel cross feed pipes. To prevent vapor concentration the box is drained and vented.
Engine Feed
What is the purpose of the feeder tanks?
Always full to protect the engine feed system against negative and lateral factors.
How many pumps? Capacity Lt and KG, of the feeder tanks?
2 Pumps, 200 Lt and 160 KG.
What is the purpose of the HMU (hydro mechanical unit)?
Provides fuel pressure to the engine and associated jet pump in the fuel system. The jet pump is located in the feeder compartment.
What is the function of the motive flow valve?
The jet pump is activated by HP fuel from the engine HMU and is controlled by a motive flow valve. It is closed during cross feed to the associated engine, ie cross feed R to L, left valve closed.
When does the electro pump run?
In normal operations it will only run during engine start then the jet pump takes over. The electro pump is de engerised 30 sec after the pressure is greater than 8.5 PSI.
What pressure in the jet pump will cause the electro pump to start?
5 PSI.
What is the logic of the fuel cross-feed?
A cross-feed valve, controlled by an electrically operated actuator, allows both engines to be fed from one side or one engine to be fed by either tank, allowing control of an unbalance situation.
Max imbalance?
730 KG or 1609 LBS. 200 KG LND
Look at the cross feed procedure 2 ENG, 1 ENG?
When the cross-feed valve is open, a blue “FUEL X FEED” light comes on memo panel. In this case, the two electrical pumps are automatically actuated. It’s possible to use only one fuel tank by switching off the opposite pump PB.
Can the fuel LP valve be controlled by the crew?
Through the associated fire handle.
What does the pump PB do?
PUMP PB pressed in, will allow the pump to automatically run if, delivery low pressure to the jet pump is detected. The motive flow valve will open but remain closed until sufficient pressure is provided 30 seconds after HP fuel pressure is available and normal jetpump functioning is sensed by the 600 mbar (8.5 PSI) pressure switch, electrical pump is
automatically switched off.
What does the FEED LOW PRESS light indicate?
FEED LO PR illuminates with the CCAS when up stream of the LP valve is less than 4 PSI, this indicates starvation or pump failure.