Frontiers Of Veterinary Science Flashcards
Comparison of the Efficacy of Surgical Decompression Alone and Combined With Canine Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cell Transplantation in Dogs With Acute Thoracolumbar Disk Disease and Spinal Cord Injury. Bach et al. 2019
- This study compared the effects decompressive surgery with or without canine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (cAd-MSCs) in the treatment of dogs with acute paraplegia.
- 22 dogs all grade 4 or 5 (11 in each group)
- The use of epidural cAd-MSC transplantation with surgical decompression may contribute to faster locomotor recovery in dogs with acute paraplegia and reduce the length of post-surgery hospitalization.
Behavioral Changes in Dogs With Idiopathic Epilepsy Compared to Other Medical Populations. Levitin et al. 2019
- Study aimed to determine presence and severity of anxiety related behaviours in dogs with IE.
- Restrospective questionnaire, 37 normal dogs, 38 epileptic dogs, 27 IVDD
- Dogs receiving polytherapy significantly reduced excitement before a walk or car trip, increased fear/anxiety when groomed, and increased trembling when alone compared to dogs on mono therapy.
- Seizure phase was associated with behaviour changes in 38% of the epileptic population.
Prognostic Factors for Recovery of Vision in Canine Optic Neuritis of Unknown Etiology: 26 Dogs (2003–2018). Posporis et al. 2019
- 26 dogs diagnosed with presumptive MUE-optic neuritis.
- 23% showed complete recovery of vision, and 77% had incomplete or no recovery.
- Presence of PLR, absence of fundoycopic lesions, younger age, and lower CSF TNCC were statistically associated with recovery of vision.
Comparison of Serum Trace Nutrient Concentrations in Epileptics Compared to Healthy Dogs. Vitale et al. 2019
- Uncontrolled epileptics had significantly higher manganese, selenium and zinc
- Controlled epileptics had higher molybdenum compared to untreated epileptics.
Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous and Oral Phenobarbital Sodium in Healthy Goats. Yates et al. 2020
- Bioavailability of phenobarbital was poor, and the half-life was very short due to a high clearance.
- Doses >10 mg/kg should be considered when phenobarbital is administered orally in goats.
Behavioral Changes Under Levetiracetam Treatment in Dogs. Erath et al. 2020
- 84 dogs on levetiracetam (mono therapy, add on, and pulse) answered a questionnaire.
- 50% of these dogs had pre-existing behavioural changes prior to leve.
- 14/44 (31%) had worsening behaviour after starting leve.
- 4/44 (9%) had new behaviour changes
- 10/40 (25%) dogs without pre-existing behaviours developed behaviour changes.
Meningoencephalomyelitis of Unknown Origin in Cats: A Case Series Describing Clinical and Pathological Findings. Nessler et al. 2020
- Case series of 4 cats (1.7 - 17.8 years) with acute to chronic progressive neurological signs of encephalopathy or myelopathy.
- Extraneural signs included hyperthermia, weight loss, hyporexia and leukocytosis (75%)
- MRI = multifocal intraparenchymal lesions in forebrain, brainstem or spinal cord with homogenous contrast enhancement.
- CSF was normal or displayed high protein.
- Histopath = Multifocal, lympho-histiocytic meningoencephalitis in 3 & lympho-histiocytic myelitis in 1.
Case Report: Meningoencephalomyelitis of Unknown Etiology Manifesting as a Bilateral Cranial Polyneuropathy in 3 Dogs. Levitin et al. 2020
- All dogs presented with a progressive history of vestibular ataxia with either central vestibular or multifocal central nervous system.
- MRI = variable degree of bilateral enlargement +/or increased contrast enhancement of CNI, III, V, VII and VIII. Also the orbital fissure.
- Evidence of intracranial and cranial cervical meningeal contrast enhancement in all three dogs
- In all cases, more cranial nerves were affected than indicated by neurological examination.
- CSF = mononuclear pleocytosis and mixed pleocytosis.
Current Understanding of the Genetics of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration. Dickinson et al. 2020
- Premature disc degeneration associated with dog chromosome 12 (CFA 12)
- Overexpression of FGF4 retrogene on CFA12
-The dominant nature of the CFA12 FGF4 retrogene on IVDD and the very high allele frequency in some breeds means that eradication may be challenging.
Transient Postural Vestibulo-Cerebellar Syndrome in Three Dogs With Presumed Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Prikryl et al. 2020
-The transient postural symptoms present as pronounced vestibulo-cerebellar signs after altering the position of the head.
-MRI revealed caudal cerebellar hypoplasia, affecting vermis, and floccular lobes bilaterally in 1 dog and hypoplasia of the nodulus vermis in 2.
- No progression of clinical signs seen within 4 months
Ambulation in Dogs With Absent Pain Perception After Acute Thoracolumbar Spinal Cord Injury. Lewis et al. 2020
- Some deep pain negative dogs develop spontaneous motor recovery, “spinal walking.”
- This can take up to a year or more to develop.
- Spinal walking has been proposed to reflect reflexive stepping generated autonomously at the level of the spinal cord central pattern generator (CPG).
- CGP organises the basic pattern for stepping, independent of supra-spinal or sensory input.
-This basic rhythmic pattern of the CPG is produced by interconnected, alternating, and mutually inhibitory flexor and extensor interneurons. - Olby et al. 2003, 7/18 (38%) dogs with absent pain perception secondary to IVDH regained ambulation (spinal walking) on average over 9 months with a range of four to 18 months
Feasibility of Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation (gammaCore VET™) for the Treatment of Refractory Seizure Activity in Dogs. Robinson et al. 2020
-Within the vagus nerve are myelinated afferent axons which project to the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), followed by further projections to the brainstem and forebrain.
- Modulation of the vagus nerve may alter cerebral blood flow (CBF) as well as cause an increase of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and noradrenaline (NE) levels, resulting in antiepileptic effects.
- 9/14 dogs achieved a reduction in seizure frequency.
- 4/14 had a 50% or greater reduction.
- Adverse effects = hoarse bark and limb trembling in 25%
Analysis of Early Assessable Risk Factors for Poor Outcome in Dogs With Cluster Seizures and Status Epilepticus. Cagnotti et al. 2020
- 93 dogs studies. 23% with status epileptics and 77% with cluster seizures.
- Factors statistically associated with poor outcome;
> First seizure outside of 6m-6y.
> Hyperthermia on presentation.
> Absence of previous AEDs in case of previous seizure history.
Effect of Intravenous Morphine Injection on Neurological Examination of Dogs With Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Disk Extrusion. Fouhety et al. 2020
- 62 dogs with TL IVDE
- Neurological exam performed before and 30minutes after IV administration of either morphine or placebo.
- 32 dogs received morphine and there was no difference in pre- and post-injection modified Frankel scores
EEG Patterns Orienting to Lafora Disease Diagnosis—A Case Report in Two Beagles. Demery et al. 2020
- Clinical manifestations of LD usually include seizures, spontaneous and reflex myoclonus with contractions of the neck and limb muscles.
-The hypovoltaged background rhythm was interrupted by waxing “crescendo” polyspikes-slow wave complexes appearing 80–250 ms after the start of intermittent photic stimulation, followed by myoclonic jerks after 80–150 ms.
Comparison of Canine and Feline Meningiomas Using the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Fractional Anisotropy. Wada et al. 2021
- 13 dogs and 6 cats
- Normal appearing white matter of cats had significantly lower ADC and higher fractional anisotropy (FA) compared to dogs.
- Feline meningioma’s showed significantly lower ADC ratio and higher FA ratio compared to dogs.
-This study suggested that ADC and FA may be able to distinguish a meningioma that is solid and easy to detach, like as typical feline meningiomas.
Intravenous Ketamine Bolus(es) for the Treatment of Status Epilepticus, Refractory Status Epilepticus, and Cluster Seizures: A Retrospective Study of 15 Dogs. Reynard et al. 2021
- Ketamine bolus dose of 5mg/kg IV as a treatment for refractory SE.
- Ketamine terminated RSE 12/12 times.
- Seizure recurrence was 33% within 6 hours.
- Ketamine used for cluster seizures was associated with termination in only 29%.
- 14% adverse effects were seen.
Probable Sudden Unexpected Death in Dogs With Epilepsy (pSUDED). Huenerfauth et al. 2021
- In 12 dogs with IE, the last seizure event occurred between 6h and ~3 months before death.
- pSUDED was suspected in these dogs and an occurrence rate of 4.5-10% was calculated.
- Dogs with brachycephalic syndrome and who had cluster seizures appeared to be have an increased risk of pSUDED.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Drop Metastases of Canine Glioma: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Classification. Bentley et al. 2021
- 10 dogs with histologically confirmed foci of glioma
- CSF drop metastasis appeared as leptomeningeal nodules in 4 dogs, diffuse lesions in 6 dogs, ependymal lesions in 7 dogs.
- Many metastases were T2-homogeneous and non-enhancing.
- Diffuse leptomeningeal lesions were seen as widespread extra-axial contrast-enhancement, again very dissimilar to the intra-axial primary mass.
- Primary masses were rostrotentorial, whereas metastases generally occurred in the direction of CSF flow, in ventricles, CSF cisterns, and the central canal or leptomeninges of the cervical or thoracolumbar spinal cord.
Effect of Sedation on the Neurological Examination of the Patellar and Withdrawal Reflexes in Healthy Dogs. Horsley et al. 2021
-Reflexes were elicited in all dogs under sedation. Sedation does not affect the evaluation of the withdrawal reflex on any limb but improves the visualization of the patellar reflex in this group of neurologically normal dogs.
Is Encephalitozoon cuniculi of Significance in Young Dogs With Neurological Signs? Boer et al. 2021
- Encephalitozoon cuniculi is a microsporidium belonging to the phylum Microspora.
- Young dogs (<3 years old) that were referred with neurological signs were examined for the presence of E. cuniculi.
- Dogs were selected if serology revealed a clearly elevated IgM titer (>100) and/or if an EDTA-blood sample and/or urine sample tested positive by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- At necropsy no evidence of an E. cuniculi infection was found. We concluded that, although IgM titers and PCR indicated an E. cuniculi infection, it is most likely of limited clinical significance in young dogs.
A Comparison Between Body Weight-Supported Treadmill Training and Conventional Over-Ground Training in Dogs With Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury. Martins et al. 2021
-The BWSTT group showed 100% (10/10) recovery within a mean time of 4.6 weeks, while the COGI group had 78% (7/9) within 6.1 weeks. Therefore, BWSTT leads to a faster recovery with a better outcome in general.
- Only 10 dogs
Abnormal Behavior Episodes Associated With Zonisamide in Three Dogs: A Case Report. Kanazono et al. 2021
-Abnormal behavior episodes included sudden rage and aggression to the family members, insomnia, restlessness, and/or constant attention-seeking behavior.
- Abnormal behavior episodes deteriorated along with gradual dose increment of zonisamide and these episodes almost completely disappeared within 5 days after discontinuation of zonisamide.
Subclinical Hypoventilation in Dogs Undergoing Ventral Slot Decompressive Surgery for Cervical Myelopathy Due to Intervertebral Disc Herniation. Andruzzi et al. 2021
- 20 dogs with ventral slot vs 20 dogs with semi.
-Dogs with cervical lesions that were non-ambulatory before surgery had more evidence of subclinical hypoventilation in the immediate peri-extubation period than dogs with less severe injuries or those undergoing hemilaminectomy surgery. - We found no difference in the ventilation status in dogs undergoing cervical or thoracolumbar decompressive surgery for IVDH from 8 to 72 h post-operatively.
-These data suggest that dogs with severe cervical spinal cord injuries may be at risk for subclinical hypoventilation in the immediate peri-extubation period.
Canine Tick-Borne Encephalitis: Clinical Features, Survival Rate and Neurological Sequelae: A Retrospective Study of 54 Cases (1999–2016). Kleeb et al. 2021
-In 62% of the TBE cases unspecific signs were described before the onset of neurological signs, resembling a biphasic appearance.
-Case fatality rate was 33% and all dogs died within the first 4 months after diagnosis.
- Older dogs and dogs presented with seizure activity had an increased hazard risk of death
Response to Levetiracetam Treatment and Long-Term Follow-Up in Dogs With Reactive Seizures Due to Probable Exogenous Toxicity. Stabile et al. 2021
- 13 dogs diagnosed with reactive seizures.
- All received 60mg/kg loading dose followed by 20mg/kg Q8hrs.
- Leve was weaned after 6 months of seizure free period.
-No adverse effects of the treatment were reported. No dogs experienced any seizures after discharge or after levetiracetam withdrawal.
Comparison of Dorsal-to-Ventral Ratios of the Cervical Paraspinal Musculature in French Bulldogs With and Without Cervical Intervertebral Disk Disease and Two Other Breeds Based on CT Scan Measurements. Hart et al. 2021
- Although some incidental differences were found, most parameters did not significantly differ between the BOAS and IVDH FBs
-This study’s findings suggest that the paraspinal musculature is an additional biomechanical influencing factor on the preferential sites of IVDH in the cervical spine esp in FBs
Clinical Features and Risk Factors for Gastrointestinal Complications in Dogs Treated Surgically for Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Disc Extrusion. Metro et al. 2021
- 116 dogs
- GI signs seen in 47% of dogs.
- 40% had 1 episode and 38% and >5 episodes.
- Diarrhoea most common 73%
- Melaena 2%
- Median hospitalization was 7 days (4–15 days) vs. 5 days (4–11 days) in dogs with or without GI signs, respectively.
- Pre-operative paraplegia with absent pain perception was identified on univariable analysis (p = 0.005) and longer anesthetic duration on multivariable analysis to be associated with development of more severe GI signs (p = 0.047).
Intracranial Lesion Detection and Artifact Characterization: Comparative Study of Susceptibility and T2*-Weighted Imaging in Dogs and Cats. Wolfer et al. 2021
- SWI detects haemorrhage.
- Aim of the study was to compare the number of areas of signal void (ASV) between SWI and T2* of haemorrhage and calcification and image artefacts.
- SWI had advantages of better detection of ASV in SWI compared with T2*WI
- Frontal sinus conformation appears to be a limiting factor in image interpretation
Positioning Head Tilt in Canine Lysosomal Storage Disease: A Retrospective Observational Descriptive Study. Tamara et al. 2021
- Head tilt is triggered in response to head movement and is believed to be caused by a lack of inhibition of the vestibular nuclei by the cerebellar nodulus and ventral uvula (NU)
- Hypothesized that other diseases, such as lysosomal storage diseases that cause degeneration in the whole brain, including NU, may cause NU dysfunction and positioning head tilt.
- It was observed in many dogs with LSD, NCL, GM1 gangliosidosis and GM2 gangliosidosis
Sustained Gaze Is a Reliable In-home Test of Attention for Aging Pet Dogs. Hoel et al. 2021
- Twenty dogs aged 7–15.5 years completed testing.
- CAnine DEmentia Scale (CADES) questionnaire
- Gaze duration was significantly associated with CADES (p = 0.0026).
Inflammatory Disease Affecting the Central Nervous System in Dogs: A Retrospective Study in England (2010–2019). Conclaves et al. 2021
- 1140 dogs diagnosed with inflammatory disease affecting the CNS
- Immune mediated 83.6% and infectious 16.4%
- MUO 47.5%
- SRMA 30.7%
- Infectious disco (9.3%)
- Otogenic intracranial infection (2.2%)
- Infection more likely seen in older, male dogs, with progressive signs, hyperaesthesia and identification of a possible associated preceding event.
Multicenter Study of Clinical Presentation, Treatment, and Outcome in 41 Dogs With Spinal Epidural Empyema. Laws et al. 2022
- 41 dogs with spinal empyema, 17 treated surgically and 24 dogs medically.
- Functional recovery achieved in 78.9% of conservatively treated and 75% in surgically treated.
- No significant difference in long term outcome between groups.
- However significantly more surgically treated dogs were non-ambulatory at presentation.
Detection of Extracellular Traps in Canine Steroid-Responsive Meningitis-Arteritis. Wohlsein et al. 2022
- Extracellular traps (ETs) are DNA networks formed by immune cells to fight infectious diseases by catching and attacking pathogenic microorganisms.
- Extracellular DNA fibers and attached ET markers are detectable in affected perivascular and meningeal tissues of dogs suffering from SRMA.
Phenotypic Characterization of Idiopathic Epilepsy in Border Collies. Santifort et al. 2022
- 116 Border Collies
- Median age of onset 33.5months
- 40% of medically treated dogs received 1 AED, 60% received =>2 AEDs
- 81% had phenobarbitone
- 4 or more side effects seen in 23% dogs
- QoL score 7/10
- QoL declined by a median of 30% during course of life in 39% of dogs
Bromide Dose in Dogs With Epilepsy Living Close to Coastal Areas and Living More Inland: A Retrospective Observational Study. Lichtenauer et al. 2022
- Potassium bromide is a frequently used antiseizure medication with a half-life time of over 25 days.
- Although not statistically significant there is a trend that dogs living in close proximity to the sea may require a higher dose of potassium bromide to maintain therapeutic concentrations
Clinical Course and Diagnostic Findings of Biopsy Controlled Presumed Immune-Mediated Polyneuropathy in 70 European Cats. Renee et al. 2022
- Median age of onset 10months (4-120)
- British shorthair most common (25.7%), DSH 24.5%, Bengal 11.4%, Maine Coon 8.6%, Persian cat 5.7%
- Weakness 98.6% and tetra paresis 75.7%, decreased withdrawals 83.6%, cranial nerves 17.1%, Pain 12.9%, urine and faecal problems 14.3%.
- Insidious onset 69.1%, 30.1% sudden.
- Spontaneous EMG 89.6%
- Decreased MNCV 52.3%
- Abnormal F Wave 72.4%
- Remittent course in 49.2% or remittent relapsing in 34.9%
- Relapses occurred in 35.7%
- Favourable outcome in 79.4%
Retrospective Preliminary Assessment of Routine Follow-Up Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Dogs Presumptively Diagnosed With Discospondylitis. Freitas et al. 2022
- 25 dogs with discospondylitis had an MRI at diagnosis and a second MRI.
- At the time of MRI-2 16 (64%) dogs were asymptomatic and 9 (36%) were symptomatic.
-No MRI-2 features were associated with the clinical status.
-The subjective classification of inactive discospondylitis was significantly associated with asymptomatic clinical status, but the classification of active discospondylitis was evenly distributed between groups.
Electrical Impedance Myography in Dogs With Degenerative Myelopathy. Kowal et al. 2022
- Canine degenerative myelopathy (DM) leads to disuse and neurogenic muscle atrophy.
- Muscle pathology has been previously quantified in other disorders using the technique of electrical impedance myography (EIM)
- EIM 100 kHz phase values are sensitive to muscle pathology in DM and that phase values are decreased in dogs with DM.
- Measurements from the gastrocnemius muscle show the greatest differences from similar aged healthy dogs suggesting it may be the preferred muscle for future EIM studies.
Pharmacokinetics of Cannabidiol Following Intranasal, Intrarectal, and Oral Administration in Healthy Dogs. Polidoro et al. 2022
- Determine the pharmacokinetic behavior of CBD after a single dose via intranasal (IN) and intrarectal (IR) administration in six healthy Beagle dogs
- IN administration of CBD resulted in faster absorption when compared to PO administration
Treatment With Cytarabine at Initiation of Therapy With Cyclosporine and Glucocorticoids for Dogs With Meningoencephalomyelitis of Unknown Origin Is Not Associated With Improved Outcomes. Barber et al. 2022
- Recently, a benefit to using a cytosine arabinoside (CA) constant rate infusion (CRI) at the time of diagnosis has been demonstrated.
- 51 were treated with cyclosporine and a tapering course of prednisone. Twenty-one dogs received a single initial 200 mg/m2 treatment with CA either as a CRI or subcutaneously.
- No differences in success (defined as sustained improvement on neurological exam with owner perceived good quality of life), relapse, or death were identified at 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, 18-, or 36-month time points.
Biopsy Characteristics, Subtypes, and Prognostic Features in 107 Cases of Feline Presumed Immune-Mediated Polyneuropathy. Kolb et al. 2022
- Inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy (IMPN) is one of the causes of sudden onset of neuromuscular signs such as para-/tetraparesis in young cats.
- Hierarchical k-means clustering sorted the tissues into 4 main categories: cluster 1 (44/129) represents a purely inflammatory IMPN picture, whereas cluster 2 (47/129) was accompanied by demyelinating features and cluster 3 (16/129) by Wallerian degeneration.
- Animals grouping in cluster 1 had a tendency to a higher probability of recovery compared to other clusters.
Comparison of Surgical Outcomes Associated With Compression Secondary to Hemorrhage and Intervertebral Disk Extrusions in Dogs. Lawler et al. 2022
- 143 dogs
- Disc extrusion with extensive epidural haemorrhage in 78 dogs
- non-hemorrhagic in 65 dogs
- Outcomes did not differ when taken to surgery.
- Dogs with DEEH compression had more compressed sites than dogs with non-hemorrhagic IVDE
- Our results support the finding that when a similar level of surgical decompression is achieved, dogs with DEEH compression have similar outcomes to dogs with non-hemorrhagic IVDE
Pregabalin Add-On vs. Dose Increase in Levetiracetam Add-On Treatment: A Real-Life Trial in Dogs With Drug-Resistant Epilepsy. Krichbaeumer et al. 2022
- 26 dogs (mean age 5.5yrs and seizure frequency 4/month)
- Dogs received either add-on treatment with pregabalin (PGB) 4 mg/kg twice daily (14 dogs) or a dose increase in levetiracetam (LEV) add-on treatment (12 dogs).
- Two dogs in the PGB group (14.3%; 2/14) and one dog in the LEV group (8.3%; 1/12) achieved treatment success with long seizure-free intervals
- Overall low success rates with both treatment strategies likely reflect a real-life situation in canine drug-resistant idiopathic epilepsy
Phenotype of Idiopathic Epilepsy in Great Swiss Mountain Dogs in Germany. Ostermann et al. 2022
- Breed disposition effecting 2.56% of population in Germany
- Avg age of onset 28.83 months
- Most common seizure type was focal going into generalised (64.5%)
- Clusters in 48.9%
- Status in 37.2%
- Median age of death 4 years
The effect of phenobarbital treatment on behavioural comorbidities and on composition and function of the fecal microbiome- in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. Watanangura et al. 2022
- Clostridiales were significantly decreased after PB
- Significant increase in total fecal short chain fatty acids, proportionate and butyrate.
- PB responders had significantly higher butyrate.
Magnetic resonance imaging highlights the meningeal involvement in steroid responsive meningitis-arteritis and suggests the inflammation of the surrounding tissues (70 cases). Remelli et al. 2022
- The most frequent detection on cervical MRI of dogs affected by SRMA is meningeal enhancement, often accompanied by enhancement of the synovium of the articular facets and/or muscular enhancement.
Prevalence of idiopathic epilepsy and structural epilepsy in 74 Boxer dogs in a referral hospital. Loncarica et al. 2022
- 6.8% diagnosed with IE
- 93.2% had structural epilepsy
- 22.7% of dogs had intracranial lesion despite normal neuro exam
Biopsy and histologic findings of the dura mater at the level of the foramen magnum in 121 CKCS with Chiari-like malformation. Holdsworth et al. 2022
- 121 CKCS with MRI and foramen magnum decompression with cranioplasty and durectomy
- 54.55% of dural biopsies had histopathology changes
- 35.5% had osseous metaplasia, 13.22% had fibrosis, 3.31% had arachnoid hyperplasia and 2.48% had mineralisation.
Feline lymphoma of the nervous system. Immunophenotype and anatomical patterns in 24 cases. Mandara et al.
- 24 cats
- 10 tumours in spinal cord, 8 in brain, 4 in peripheral nerve, and one both brain and SC, and one brain and optic nerve
- 8 years mean age
- Extra-axial in 11, intra-axial in 6.
- B cell lymphoma in the younger cats, T cell in older
- CD-44 expression confirmed a common malignant potential for all anatomical patterns of CNS lymphoma in cats
Cranial thoracic myelopathies (T1-T6 vertebrae): Retrospective evaluation of the signalment, clinical presentation, and, presumptive or final diagnoses in 84 dogs. Lopes et al. 2022
- 76/84 had chronic progressive signs over 4 weeks
- 14% had short strides thoracic, otherwise localisation was T3-L3
- 33/84 neoplasia
- 22/84 malformations
- 16/84 IVDP
- Most common vertebrae T3 and T5
Magnetic resonance imaging features of canine intradural/extramedullary intervertebral disc extrusion in seven cases. Casado et al. 2022
-Golf-tee sign” (widening of the subarachnoid space cranial and caudal to the lesion)
-Beak sign” (pointed and sharp compressive lesion)
-Y sign” (division of the dura and arachnoid layers)
- Y sign seen in all 7 dogs
- Golf tee sign seen in none
- Beak sign in half
Assessment of risk factors in dogs with presumptive advanced canine cognitive dysfunction. MacQuiddy et al. 2022
- Association between a thin body condition and an increased chance of cognitive decline.
- But may be confounding
- The prevalence of cognitive dysfunction rapidly increased with age in this study.
Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features, and pathological findings of spinal lymphoma in 27 cats. Lorenzo et al. 2022
- 62.9% rapidly progressive paraparesis
- Bimodal age (<2 and >8)
- MRI = ill defined epidural focal lesion with moderate to severe spinal cord compression, expanding more than one vertebral body
- Typically localised to lumbar, circumferential and hyper intense on T2.
- Degree and pattern of contrast enhancement were variable
- Involvement of vertebrae and adjacent spinal soft tissues present in 74%
Brucella canis discospondylitis in 33 dogs. Long et al. 2022
-31/33 (94%) dogs were <5 years old (median = 2.5 years, mean = 2.9 years, range 0.5–10 years). 21/29 (72%) dogs had signs of nonspecific pain, spinal pain, or lameness for >3 months (median = 6 months, mean = 8.2 months, range 5 days−4 years). Fever was seen in only 4/28 (14%) dogs. Multifocal lesions were evident on radiographs in 21/29 (72%) dogs and MRI in 12/18 (67%) dogs. Smooth, round, central end-plate lysis, defined as “hole punch” lesions, were identified radiographically in 25/29 (86%) dogs. Vertebral physitis or spondylitis without discitis was evident on MRI in 7/18 (39%) dogs.
Constant rate infusion of diazepam or propofol for the management of canine cluster seizures or status epilepticus. Cagnotti et al. 2022
- 37 dogs
- 58% diazepam CRI and 42% propofol CRI
- 60% of cases responded well to CRI with cessation of seizure activity.
- No significant difference with propofol vs diazepam
Phenotypic characterization of idiopathic epilepsy and epilepsy of unknown cause in Irish Setters. Plonek et al. 2022
- Mean age 41 months
- Primary GTCS
- Clusters in 54%
- 56% pre-ictal
- 97% post-ictal
- Genetic study rejected a simple autosomal recessive inheritance pattern
Association between spinal cord compression ratio in magnetic resonance imaging, initial neurological status, and recovery after ventral slot in 57 dogs with cervical disc extrusion. Bach et al. 2023
- Level of compression does not correlate with neurological grade
- Dogs with grade 1,2 and 3 recovered faster than dogs graded 4 (10 days)
- No significant difference in recovery after 30 days.
- No correlation between compression and recovery
- CSF attestation on HASTE images was not signficantly correlated with neurological grade but did weakly correlate with post-surgical recovery time
Signalment and C-reactive protein values in dogs with immune-mediated polyarthritis and steroid responsive meningitis arteritis. Indzhova et al. 2023
- SRMA diagnosed significantly more in dogs <12 months and IMPA in dogs >12 months.
- Dogs with SRMA had significantly higher CRP values compared to IMPA (but influenced by age. <12 higher CRP indicated IMPA, >12 a high CRP indicated SRMA
-CRP concentration as a sole diagnostic modality showed only fair discriminatory potential to differentiate between SRMA and IMPA
Gluten serological testing in various dog breeds with paroxysmal dyskinesia. Rogers et al. 2023
- 45% dogs tested positive for gluten sensitivity with either gliadin IgG or transglutaminase-2 IgA or both ratios elevated.
A shortened whole brain radiation therapy protocol for meningoencephalitis of unknown origin in dogs. Herzig et al. 2023
- 10 dogs with MUO (new or relapsing)
- Neurological status improved in all 10 dogs during radiation therapy.
- 4/10 returned to normal shortly after radiation therapy.
- 3/10 dogs died within the first 3 months.
- Mean overall survival for all dogs was 723 days
Sleep and cognition in aging dogs. A polysomnographic study. Mondino et al. 2023
- Percentage of time spent in wakefulness, drowsiness, NREM, and REM sleep, as well as latency to the three sleep states were calculated.
-Dogs with higher dementia scores and with worse performance in a problem-solving task spent less time in NREM and REM sleep.
MicroRNA profiling of cerebrospinal fluid from dogs with steroid responsive meningitis-arteritis and meningoencephalitis of unknown origin. Sanchez et al. 2023
-Cerebrospinal fluid is a challenging biological material to use for profiling miRNAs due to the low content of circulating RNAs. Despite this, we could confirm several miRNAs being differentially abundant when comparing healthy dogs and dogs with MUO and SRMA, respectively.
Cervical intervertebral disc disease in 60 Yorkshire terriers. Plus et al. 2023
- 80% of cervical IVDE were acute onset.
- Ambulation preserved in 51.7%
- Relapses seen in 11.7%
- Complete recovery seen in 76.7%
- Prevalence in Yorkie was 10%
Investigation of the effect and availability of ketamine on electroencephalography in cats with temporal lobe epilepsy. Mizuno et al. 2023
-obtained EEG recordings from TLE cats and healthy cats administered either ketamine or medetomidine alone (study 1) or ketamine after medetomidine sedation (study 2).
-While there was no significant difference in the count of IEDs between medetomidine and ketamine, ketamine caused seizures in cats with TLE similar to their habitual seizure type and with a higher seizure frequency.
-Our results suggest that ketamine may activate epileptiform discharges during EEG recordings.
A questionnaire-based investigation of the swimming puppy syndrome: 115 dogs. Rumpel et al. 2023
-Swimming Puppy Syndrome (SPS) is a benign reversible condition of unknown etiology in multiple dog breeds.
- Brachycephalic dog breeds, particularly English Bulldogs, are reported as being predisposed (2, 5). Male and female dogs are equally affected (1, 2). Similar conditions are reported in other animal species, e. g. cats, birds (spraddle leg syndrome), piglets and rabbits (splay leg syndrome)-Affected dogs show laterally abducted limbs and are unable to stand and walk on their own.
-Potential risk factors including reports on birth complications, size and muscle mass compared to littermates and diet of the dam during pregnany were evaluated and no influence on the occurrence of SPS was identified.
Duration of constant rate infusion with diazepam or propofol for canine cluster seizures and status epilepticus. Cagnotti et al. 2023
-45 (62%) received DZP CRI and 28 (38%) received PPF CRI.
-Even though a shorter DZP or PPF CRI duration was not associated with a worse outcome, the study failed to identify a clear superiority of shorter CRI duration on outcome or length of hospital stay in dogs with refractory seizure activity of different etiology.
Clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, surgical features and comparison of surgically treated intervertebral disc extrusion in French bulldogs. Albertini et al. 2023
- 28% Cervical, 71% TL
- C3-C4 most common and L3-L4 most common.
- Extrusion tended to result in compression of neural structures over multiple disc spaces
- TL discs had a higher grade and required more extensive surgical treatment than cervical discs.
-The mean time to improvement was 1.1 day in C-IVDE (range 1–2 days). - 90.1% of C-IVDE improved within the first 24 h.
- The mean time to improvement was 2.1 days in TL-IVDE (range from 1 day to 4 days).
- All dogs that did not improve (5/39) were grade 5 TL-IVDEs at presentation.
Significance of intramedullary T2* signal voids in the magnetic resonance imaging of paraplegic deep pain-negative dogs following intervertebral disc extrusion at short-term follow-up. Clark et al. 2023
- 82 dogs grade 5
- 59.8% regain nociception
- Significantly reduced to 33.3% when multiple gradient echo signal voids were present.
- No difference in myelomalacia
-This paper adds to the existing literature and suggests that the gradient echo sequence may be of use when assessing acute spinal cord injury in the context of intervertebral disc extrusion and how it relates to prognosis.
Microanatomical findings with relevance to trigeminal ganglion enhancement on post-contrast T1-weighted magnetic resonance images in dogs. Santifort et al. 2023
- This study provides further support to the theory that TGCE in dogs may be due an incomplete blood-nerve barrier or blood-ganglion barrier at the interface between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.
Current definition, diagnosis, and treatment of canine and feline idiopathic vestibular syndrome. Mertens et al. 2023
-IVS was defined by most specialists as an acute to peracute, improving, non-painful peripheral vestibular disorder that often affects cats of any age and geriatric dogs.
- A detailed neurological examination and comprehensive blood tests, including thyroid values, blood pressure, and otoscopic examination, was seen as crucial.
-Treatment of IVS typically involved intravenous fluid therapy and the use of an antiemetic, with maropitant once daily being the preferred choice among specialists.
Comparison of standard T2-weighted turbo spin echo and volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination magnetic resonance imaging sequences in the assessment of articular process dysplasia in Pug dogs with thoracolumbar myelopathy. Gilbert et al. 2023
Three-dimensionally reconstructable VIBE sequences were significantly more accurate than traditional T2W-TSE MRI sequences in classifying CAP morphology, which should reduce the need for CT for pre-operative assessment.
Out-of-hospital rescue medication in dogs with emergency seizure disorders: an owner perspective. Kahn et al. 2023
- 1563 owners home treament included;71% administered diazepam, 19% midazolam, 6% levetiracetam, 3% lorazepam, and 4% more than one rescue or other medication.
- Even though rectal diazepam was the most used rescue medication in this survey population, intranasal midazolam was perceived by the owners as a better option regarding effectiveness, time to seizure cessation and owner compliance.
Reliability and interobserver variability of a grading system of ventricular distension in dogs. Czeriwck et al. 2023
-The presented MRI-based grading of ventricular enlargement is a reliable and functional method for an objective grading of the ventricular system in dogs.
Prevalence, MRI findings, and clinical features of lumbosacral intervertebral disc protrusion in French Bulldogs diagnosed with acute thoracic or lumbar intervertebral disc extrusion. Rosa et al. 2023
- The results of this study support the hypothesis that lumbosacral IVDP is frequent in FBs presenting with thoracic or lumbar IVDE. In over half the dogs lumbosacral IVDP appears to be asymptomatic; however, in other cases, chronic lumbosacral IVDP seems to cause neurological deficits that may lead to erroneous localization of acute IVDE, representing a confounding factor for clinicians.
Are postnatal traumatic events an underestimated cause of porencephalic lesions in dogs and cats? Davini et al. 2023
-Porencephaly is defined as a fluid-filled cavity of variable size in the brain cortex. It is regarded as a congenital condition and is typically considered a developmental or an encephaloclastic defect.
- Recognition of skull fractures and muscular abnormalities closely associated with the porencephalic cavity may support a diagnosis of a postnatal traumatic origin of porencephaly.
Phenotypic characterization of Pomeranians with or without Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia. Santifort et al. 2023
-Total prevalence of CM was 54.9%
- prevalence of SM was 23.9%
-The top 5 ORCS included 1/scratching with skin contact, rubbing head or ears, or both (57.6%), 2/air licking (30.7%), 3/spontaneous signs of pain (26.0%), 4/persistent licking front and/or hind paws (22.6%), 5/phantom scratching (22.6%).
Magnetic resonance imaging prognostic factors for survival and relapse in dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown origin. Gonclaves et al. 2024
-The most common location for lesions identified on MRI were the white matter tracts of the corona radiata and corpus callosum, followed by the frontal, sensorimotor and temporal cortices.
-Lower T2 lesion load was associated with longer survival and higher T1 post-contrast lesion load was associated with relapse.
Isoflurane treatment for refractory and super-refractory status epilepticus in dogs. Sarpekidou et al. 2024
-The clinical termination of seizure activity was achieved 100% (26/26) in all episodes. In 73.1% (19/26) of the episodes, ISO administration resulted in successful RSE/SRSE treatment. Poor outcome was recorded in 26.9% (7/26) of the episodes because RSE/SRSE reoccurred after ISO discontinuation,
Dorsal laminectomy for the treatment of lateralised cervical intervertebral disc extrusions in dogs—Prognosis and complications. Gouveia et al. 2024
Minor intraoperative complications were reported in 22 (42.3%), with hypothermia being the most common. Thirteen (25%) needed revision surgery due to persistent cervical pain with (9/13) or without (4/13) neurological deficits. Re-extrusion or persistent extrusion was found in 92.3% of cases needing surgical revision. Median hospitalization time was 6 days. Forty-seven (90.4%) cases had a good outcome.
Longitudinal assessment of syringomyelia in Pomeranians. Santifort et al. 2024
- Syrinxes increased in size over time.
58% has signs at first MRI but 89% had signs at second MRI.
-There are differences in the presence or absence of ORCS as well as quantitative syrinx measurements in Pomeranians at different ages.
Outcome in paraplegic dogs with or without pain perception due to thoracolumbar fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy or acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion. Togawa et al. 2024
-14 dogs were initially paraplegic DPP (8 FCEM, 6 ANNPE) and 17 dogs were paraplegic DPN (11 FCEM, 6 ANNPE).
-1 of 12 DPN dogs (8.3%) regained independent ambulation, whereas 9 of 14 DPP dogs (64.3%) regained independent ambulation.
- DPN dogs had a significantly higher risk of not regaining independent ambulation compared with DPP dogs.
- Absence of pain perception is a useful negative prognostic indicator in dogs with severe thoracolumbar FCEM or ANNPE
Allele frequency of a genetic risk variant for necrotizing meningoencephalitis in pug dogs from Europe and association with the clinical phenotype. Renee et al. 2024
-The CFA12:2605517delC genetic risk variant is widely distributed in the European pug population and frequently homozygous in pugs with a NME phenotype
- CFA12
The effect of oral zonisamide treatment on serum phenobarbital concentrations in epileptic dogs. Mahon et al. 2024
- In five dogs, phenobarbital serum concentrations were raised to concentrations higher than the reported hepatotoxic concentrations (trough>35 mg/L). This required a reduction in daily doses of PB. This case series suggests that zonisamide affects the metabolism of PB and causes an increase in PB serum concentrations over time.
Prevalence of neurological diseases associated with cervical pain and/or signs of cervical myelopathy in French bulldogs: a retrospective analysis of 105 cases. Capasso et al. 2024
The most commonly diagnosed condition was an intervertebral disc herniation (66.9%), followed by C2 idiopathic hypertrophic ganglioneuritis (15.1%), cervical syringomyelia (11.5%), congenital osseous malformations (1.4%), spinal arachnoid diverticula (1.4%), neoplasms (1.4%), steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis (0.7%), traumatic vertebral fractures (0.7%), and other (0.7%).
Efficacy and safety of alfaxalone compared to propofol in canine refractory status epilepticus: a pilot study. Kafaji et al. 2024
- Successful outcomes were obtained in six (6/10) patients in the PPF group and five (5/10) patients in the ALF group. Adverse effects were recorded in six (6/10) and three (3/10) animals in the PPF and ALF groups, respectively. No statistically significant differences in outcomes or the presence of adverse effects were observed between the groups.
Clinical findings and outcome in feline tetanus: a multicentric retrospective study of 27 cases and review of the literature. Dussaux et al. 2024
-Tetanus is a toxigenic illness caused by the action of Clostridium tetani neurotoxin (TeNT), which results in partial or generalized muscle stiffness in infected mammals and birds.
- Young cats > Old cats. Median age 4 years.
- Single limb lameness first sign near primary injury site
- Electrodiagnostics - continuous motor unit discharges in both agonist and antagonist muscles.
- Tx was metronidazole, muscle relaxants, and nursing
- Only 3.7% were euthanised due to financial constraints.
- 92% of cats returns to independent capacity on all limbs within 25 days.
Magnetic resonance imaging pattern recognition of metabolic and neurodegenerative encephalopathies in dogs and cats. Garces et al. 2024
-Hepatic encephalopathies involvement of the cerebellar nuclei (8/23),
-Myelinolysis showed novel involvement of a specific white matter structure, the superior longitudinal fasciculus (5/5)
-Thiamine deficiency affected numerous deep grey nuclei with novel involvement of the oculomotor nuclei (3/9), thalamic nuclei, subthalamus and cerebellar nuclei (1/9).
-Hypertensive encephalopathy had a more extensive distribution of the white matter changes associated mass effect and increased brain volume.
-Lysosomal storage disease showed white matter involvement only,
- Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis characterised by severe brain atrophy when compared to gangliosidosis and fucosidosis.
-All patients with L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria had a characteristic T2-weighted hyperintense swelling of the cerebral and cerebellar cortical grey matter, resulting in increased brain volume.
-Lafora disease cases showed either normal brain morphology (5/11) or mild brain atrophy (6/11).
Clinical presentation, magnetic resonance imaging findings, and outcome of 80 Dachshunds with cervical intervertebral disc extrusion. Violini et al. 2024
- 55% grade 1, 33% grade 2, and without nerve root signature in 85% of cases.
- > 48hr history
- C2-C3 most common and foramina IVDE in 14% of dogs.
- 77.5% were treated surgically
- 80% returned to normal, and no difference was seen in dogs treated medically or conservatively.
Canine idiopathic generalized tremor syndrome, immune-mediated? Kajin et al. 2024
-Thirty-three dogs were included, and screening for neural antibodies was performed in 30 of those dogs. The analysis showed an increased titer of mGluR1 antibodies in two dogs, GFAP and later in the course of disease mGluR1 antibodies in one dog and an increase in unspecific autoantibodies which could not be further classified in two dogs.
- In conclusion, idiopathic generalized tremor syndrome is proposed to be an immune-mediated disorder potentially mediated by neural autoantibodies in a subgroup of dogs.
Gut feelings: gastrointestinal signs in French bulldogs undergoing spinal surgery. Toit et al. 2024
- 97 FBDs in study
- 76.3% had GI signs in hospital
- Diarrhoea most common, then regurgitation and then vomiting
- Resolution within 2.2 days
- Longer anaesthesia length was associated with developing GI signs
Cerebrospinal fluid L-lactate as a diagnostic marker for infectious-inflammatory disorders in the central nervous system of cattle. Ferrini et al. 2024
-Bacterial infection of the central nervous system (CNS) poses a clinical challenge and is a leading cause of neurological disorders in cattle.
-Elevated CSF L-lactate levels indicated neutrophilic pleocytosis, which is often manifested in acute bacterial infection.
- Reference interval for CSF L-lactate was 1.1-2.4mmol/L
Phenotypic characterization and quality of life of Labradoodles with idiopathic epilepsy and epilepsy of unknown cause. Mandigers et al. 2024
- 95% of labradoodles said stress was a precipitating factor.
- Cluster seizures 33% and status in 10%
- 38% did not need treatment, whereas 43% did
- More favourable outcome compared to other breeds
CSF flow measurement in the mesencephalic aqueduct using 2D cine phase-contrast MRI in dogs with communicating internal hydrocephalus, ventriculomegaly, and physiologic ventricular spaces. Fake et al.
Increased CSF flow velocities in rostral and caudal directions are present in dogs with ventriculomegaly and internal hydrocephalus compared to normal controls.
Case series: Cervical far-lateral and combined cervical far lateral/foraminal intervertebral disk extrusions in 10 dogs. Santifort et al. 2024
-Far-lateral intervertebral disk extrusions (IVDEs) have been reported infrequently in dogs in veterinary literature, mostly affecting the caudal lumbar intervertebral disks.
-episodic signs of cervical pain (30%), persistent signs of cervical pain (50%), nerve root signature or lameness (50%), and abnormal cervical posture only (10%)
-All cases were managed medically. The top 3 medications were gabapentinoids (100%), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (100%), and paracetamol (30%).
- Median treatment duration was 25 days.
- Short-term outcome (<3 months) was resolution of clinical signs in 78% cases.