BMC & ACTA Flashcards
Risk factors associated with progressive
myelomalacia in dogs with complete
sensorimotor loss following intervertebral
disc extrusion: a retrospective case-control
study. Castel et al. 2019
- 197 dogs (45 with PMM)
- Lumbar intumescence IVDE increased risk.
- Surgery performed more than 12 hours after loss of ambulation increase risk.
- Treatment with steroids with negatively associated with PMM.
- Only variable to affect walking outcome was longitudinal extent of IVDE
Clinical signs, MRI findings and outcome in dogs with peripheral vestibular disease. Orlandi et al. 2020
- 188 dogs
- Median age 6.9years
- Head tilt 185
- Ataxia 123
- Facial paralysis 103
- Nystagmus 97
- Most common diagnosis was idiopathic (128) followed by OM/OI (49) and hypothyroidism (7)
- Long term persistence head tilt (50), facial paresis (41) and ataxia (6) reported
- Increase age associated with increase chance of diagnosing idiopathic
- Contrast enhancement of VII and/or VIII were associated with decreased chance of resolution of signs
Meningioma and associated cerebral infarction in three dogs. Frank et al. 2020
In dogs with structural epilepsy caused by meningioma, acute deterioration of clinical signs can be associated with ischemic infarctions as a potential complication.
Evaluation of treatment with a combination of mycophenolate mofetil and prednisolone in dogs with MUO. Song et al. 2020
- 86 dogs with MUO
- Treated with prednisolone and mycophenolate mofetil
- Median survival 558 days
- Dogs with complete response had no relapses reported over treatment period.
- Adverse effects included gastrointestinal upsets i30.23%, sporadic infections in 17 dogs 19.77%, and pancreatitis (8.14%).
Clinical, MRI, and histopath findings of congenital focal diplomyelia at the level of L4 in a female crossbreed calf. Wunderink et al. 2020
This type of lesion should be included in the differential diagnoses when a calf is presented with a general proprioceptive ataxia of the hind limbs. In particular, a ‘bunny-hop’ gait of the pelvic limbs is thought to be a specific clinical symptom of diplomyelia.
Definitive-intent uniform megavoltage fractioned radiotherapy protocol for presumed canine intracranial gliomas. Debreuque et al. 2020
- 38 dogs with suspected symptomatic primary solitary intracranial glioma
- Uniform fractionated megavoltage radiation protocol of 15x3Gy over 5 weeks
- MST was 698 days
- Survival and 1 year (74%) and 2 years (49%).
- Dogs presenting with only seizures will live statistically longer than dogs with other neuro deficits.
- Cyst-like lesions and mass effect were significantly associated with poorer outcome.
Salmonella enterica subspecies as an opportunistic pathogen in a case of MUO and bacteriuria. Andruzzi et al. 2020
Immunosuppressive treatment in a dog for a relapse of steroid-responsive meningitis and arteritis (SRMA) allowed for the opportunistic establishment of a bacteremia with Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae, ultimately causing meningoencephalomyelitis and subclinical bacteriuria.
Outcomes of extensive hemilaminectomy with durotomy on dogs with presumptive progressive myelomalacia. Hirano et al. 2020
- 34 dogs with presumptive PMM which has undergone extensive hemilaminectomy with durotomy.
- 2 weeks after surgery survival rate was 97%
- 82.5 weeks the survival rate was 91%
- No improvement in pelvic limb function at all.
MRI and neurological findings in dogs with disc associated CSM. Bonelli et al. 2021
- 63 dogs
- 95% were large breed
- Males were overrepresented
- Median age 7.2 years
- Chronic progressive signs in 83% (most common proprioceptive ataxia)
- 57% had various sites of spinal cord compression (<6 years often had single site)
- T2W hyperintensity in 63%
- Foraminal stenosis in 81%
- Degenerative articular processes 88%
- Ligamentum hypertrophy 38%
- No correlation between neurologic signs and number of affected sites.
- Moderate positive correlation between severity of spinal cord compression and neurologic grade.
The use of Odansetron for the treatment of nausea in dogs with vestibular syndrome. Foth et al. 2021
- 16 dogs with vestibular syndrome-associated nausea.
- Odansetron 0.5mg/kg IV
- All dogs showed signs of nausea but only 41% vomited
- Intensity of nausea significantly reduced in all dogs
Bromide toxicosis (bromism) secondary to a decreased chloride intake after dietary transition in a dog with IE. Fantinati et al. 2021
- Bromide is excreted unchanged in the urine and undergoes tubular reabsorption in competition with chloride.
-Thus, dietary chloride content affects serum bromide concentrations. - Dietary chloride content can directly influence serum bromide concentrations, therefore affecting seizure control or contributing to unexpected adverse effects.
- In the present case, a reduction in chloride intake markedly increased serum bromide concentrations causing bromism.
Cholesterol granuloma in the choroid plexus of a cat. Wannemacher et al. 2022
- 11.5-year-old, male neutered cat was presented at the emergency service with deteriorating behavioral changes including aggression, and progressive generalized ataxia.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed a large, well demarcated, inhomogeneous and contrast enhancing mass in the lateral ventricles with marked mass effect.
Evaluation of the prevalence of congenital sensorineural deafness (CSD) in a population of 72 client owners purebred white cats. Annemarie et al. 2022
- Previous reports cats with blue irises are more predisposed to CSD in which many structures in the inner ear are damaged resulting in hearing loss.
- Cats with CSD are born deaf or lose their hearing irreversibly within the first 4-5 weeks of life.
- 72 white cats of various breeds
- Prevalence in this population was 16.7% CSD
- No association between the blue color of irises and deafness in the studied population could be found, p = .91
Long term changes of Th17 and reg T cells in blood of dogs with SCI after IVDH. Wesolowski et al. 2023
- This study demonstrated that altered Th17 and Treg levels in peripheral blood are altered in the acute stage of IVDH
Clinical, imaging and histopathological characterization of a series of three cats with cerebellar cortical degeneration. Giron et al. 2024
- Neurological inherited disorders are rare and cerebellar cortical degeneration remains amongst the most common of these disorders.
- Identified this in 3 related cats
- Post-mortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of cerebellar cortical degeneration, with marked to complete loss of Purkinje cells and associated granular layer depletion and proliferation of Bergmann glia.
Collection of CSF into EDTA vs plain tube does not affected the standard analysis in dogs. Koch et al. 2019
The collection of CSF into EDTA tubes does not influence the result of the standard CSF analysis. However, a presumed positive effect of EDTA on cell preservation could not be shown in the present study.
Recurrence rate of IVDD in surgically treated French Bulldogs. Leu et al. 2023
- 127 French Bulldogs with IVDD and surgery
- 52.7% showed signs of recurrence
- Cervical spine was slightly lower (47%) compared to the thoracolumbar spine (56.6%)
- French Bulldogs with a first episode of IVDD ≤ 3 years of age seem to be prone to recurrence
- 50% of the recurrences (median) occurred within the first 12 month after the first episode of IVDD.
Manual therapeutic plasma exchange for treatment of a dog with suspect acute canine polyradiculoneuritis. Czerwick et al. 2023
- Immunotherapy via single treatment of manual therapeutic plasma exchange was administered. This procedure was safe, and the dog showed improvement of clinical signs 3 days after therapy was initiated, as well as improvement of neurological signs (from grade 4 tetraplegia to grade 3) within 5 days.
Lissencephaly in ShihTzu Dogs. Rodriguez-sanches et al. 2023
- Lissencephaly is a brain malformation characterized by smooth and thickened cerebral surface, which may result in structural epilepsy.
- Early-onset acute signs of forebrain abnormalities were observed in all dogs, which were mainly cluster seizures and behavioral alterations.
- Antiepileptic drugs effectively controlled cluster seizures, however, sporadic isolated seizures and signs of forebrain abnormalities, such as behavioral alterations, central blindness, and strabismus persisted.
- MRI features::
– diffuse neocortical agyria
– thickened gray matter while
– internal hydrocephalus,
– supracollicular fluid accumulation
– corpus callosum hypoplasia
Successful surgical and medical treatment of a severe, acute epidural bleed in a young dog due to SRMA. Zilli et al. 2021
- Clinically relevant haemorrhage is a rare finding in SRMA dogs
- MRI described in a dog with SRMA - extradural mass lesion at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra, consistent with a subacute epidural haemorrhage, causing severe compression of the spinal cord.
- D-dimer concentration was determined by immunoturbidimetry in the CSF and serum samples and was elevated in both (3.68 µg/mL and 3.43 µg/mL, respectively; serum reference: < 0.67 µg/mL).
- In these animals, the abnormal high levels of D-dimer can be explained by the presence of vasculitis and sometimes also of subarachnoid bleeding and consequent clot formation
- D dimer is a protein fragment released when a blood clot dissolves
Evaluation of Ab in CSF for the diagnosis of tick-borne encephalitis in dogs. Alnefelt et al. 2021
- Diagnosis of TBE relies on a combination of clinical signs of CNS disease and laboratory findings, including CSF pleocytosis and serum TBEV antibody titers.
- Comes from Ixodes ricinus tick.
- Exposure to TBEV does not necessarily cause clinical disease, and seroprevalence has been reported as high as 40% in endemic areas.
- 89 dogs included in study 56 with neurological signs and 33 neurologically normal dogs.
- A positive TBEV CSF and serum IgG antibody titer in 3.4% of dogs.
-A positive serum TBEV antibody titer was found in 12.4% of dogs. - None of the control dogs showed a positive CSF antibody titer.
- A positive CSF IgG antibody titer supports a clinical diagnosis of TBE in patients with acute onset of CNS disease and may help reduce the risk of over-diagnosis.
Clinical predictors of syringomyelia in CKCS with chiari-like malformation based on owners observations. Pedersen et al. 2024
- 89 CKCS
- 13 with CM without syrinx
- 26 with CM with small syrinx 2.00-3.99 mm
- 50 with CM with large syrinx ≥4 mm
- clinical signs significantly more frequent in dogs with a large syrinx.
- Signs = phantom scratching, bilateral scratching of the neck or shoulder, aversion when that area is touched, or exacerbation of clinical signs when the dog is emotionally aroused.
Clinical presentation, diagnostic findings and outcome of dogs undergoing surgical resection for intracranial meningioma: 101 dogs. Forward et al. 2022
- 101 dogs that had intracranial surgery for meningioma resection - 94% of dogs survived to hospital discharge with a median survival time of 386days.
- 50% of dogs survived for less than a year,
- 25% survived between 1 and 2 years,
- 15% survived between 2 and 3 years and
- 10% survived for greater than 3 years following discharge from hospital.
- One or more adjunctive therapies were used in 75 dogs and the analysis of the data did not reveal a clear benefit of a specific type of adjunctive therapy.
- Those dogs that had a transfrontal approach had a significantly reduced survival time (MST 184days)
- There was no association between meningioma subtype and survival time.