from the concert of Europe to the Paris Peace System Flashcards
domination of Europe in terms of pop, world trade, capital : numbers
- pop: 27% of world pop
- World trade : eu= 60% vs us = 10%
- Capital : britain: almost 1/2 of the world capital which was 210 billions Gold Franc (98)
Vs us = 18 billions
elements of the globalization
- gold standard: no inflation
- culture/sport became global
- industrialization
- urbanization
- very rapid development of transports, trade and communication
- migrations, esp from Europe
- development of multilateral institutions
examples of multilateral institutions
concert of Europe, administrative unions (postal..), the Hague peace conferences
the Hague peace conferences’ dates
1899 / 1907
Concert of Europe: creation + composition
- Britain: sea pw (2 pws standard), splendid isolation
- Russia : continental pw, expansion => threat, panslavism (maintain ties with slavic people)
- Germany : Weltpolitik => wants to become a world pw => dvp of its fleet => arms race
- France: not as pwful as G but resources from its colonial empire + foreign diplomacy ag G to regain Als and L lost in 1871 to G
- Italy : wants to be more pwful in Med Sea
- Austria : weak and fragile as dif nat + wants to preserve status quo from Russia
OE not part of it : eastern question
Dual alliance
Germany -AH : 1879
triple alliance
dual + it : 1882
secret agreement It-Fr + B-Jpn
entente cordiale
B+Fr : 1904, not an alliance
agreement on Persia and Afghanistan
B+R: 1907 => triple entente
new great pws beyond Eu
Jpn: by making war (Ch + R) => expansion
USA: first World Economy after civil war + imperialism pw
- Conservative values as most countries were monarchies
- Liberal values defended by Britain, fr and us, importance increased
- Nationalism (racism: colonization, antisemitism (western +russian), darwinism, imperialism, protectionnism (economic), arms race accelerated due to the political rivalries)
- Socialism appeared with the First International in 1864 and the 2nd International 1889, became imp after the revolution in Russia
Ch defeated by Jpn
Russia defeated by Jpn
1905 => turns to the balkans => tension increased with Austria