decolonization, 3rd World and international economy Flashcards
decolonization: def
= “the process whereby an imperial power gives up its authority over its colonies” (A.Best…)
related to self-government and self-determination
where did decolonization start ? thanks to whom?
order of decolonization in this region
America, thanks to the US
USA-Canada-Latin Am-Cuba
creation of the USA
1776 (British col)
indep of Latin America
Monroe Doctrine : European should not interfere anymore in Am
indep of Canada
dominion in 1867 and independence in 1931
decolonization of Cuba
order of the world decolonization
Am - Middle East - Asia - Afr
colonization of the ME
1916: Sykes-Picot + 1920: San Remo
Fr: Lebanon and Syria
UK: Palestine, Transjordan, Iraq
decolonization of Egypt
decolonization of Iraq
decolonization of Lebanon and Syria
indep of Palestine/Israel
decolonization of Lybia
1951, (IT)
decolonization of Morocco and Tunesia
algerian war
whose countries helped the decolonization process of Asia ?
Jpn and US
decolonization of Korea
decolonization of Philippines
indochina war
decolonization of India/Pakistan
decolonization of Burma (UK)
decolonization of Indonesia (NL)
decolonization of Singapore
decolonization of South Afr
1910, dominion
decolonization of Gold Coast
decolonization of Guinea (FR)
decolonization of French Africa and Congo (BELG)
decolonization of Spanish and Portuguese colonies
decolonization of Namibia (mandate of SA)
3rd world : wants, invention, claims
wants: more pw, more respected by richer countries, no cold war
invention: principles of the peaceful coexistence
claims: Bandung : continuations of the decolonization process and development
Bandung Conference
17 April 1955, 29 states : mainly asian countries
some intended results didn’t really come to terms as there were CW participants but success
“Non-aligned movement” : beginning, major summit, concept strength and weakness
- beg: Brioni meeting in Yugoslavia in 1956 btw 3 leaders
- Belgrade Summit, 25 states
- neutralism
- strength : real force in IR: majority in UN Gen Assembly => resolutions passed
- weakness: CW battleground
Belgrade summit
agreement: pressure group who focus mainly on political problems (CW, colonialism and apartheid) as well as eco dev issues.
foundation of the OPEC
UNCTAD + G77 try during it
UN Conf on Trade and Development
supports developing countries to access the benefits of a globalized economy more fairly and effectively
G77: try to fix a goal for the dvpt aid (1% GDP rich countries annually)
first oil shock
price *4
in retaliation of supporting Israel against Egypt and Syria as well as in response USD value decline
UNGA : new international Eco order resolution
more balanced relations N/S
= eco ability of S to change IR shown
launch of N/S dialogue
2nd oil shock
price * 2 compared to the price after the 1st oil shock
due to the Iranian Revolution
N/S Summit in Cancun
seemed that the south had succeeded in becoming an eco force
aim of G77
- promote their collective economic interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity on all major international economic issues within the United Nations system
- promote South-South cooperation for development.
western eco integration
want of USA to prepare eco coop, new internat eco based one liberal values (free trade, open eco and soc) + BW institutions (obj : price stability and gold standard)
+ thanks to GATT (trade lib) , Marshall Plan => OEEC creation, Keynesian consensus (dvpt of public investment and welfare state)
Organization for European Eco Coop
to aminister the Marshall plan
crisis of the West : what happened, consequences and sol
what happened :
- weakening of the US due to CW => US trade deficit and USD devaluation => end of the BW system
- oil shocks => end of cheap oil, more and more trade and budget deficits, inflation (“stagflation”), rising of unemployment, debts more and more important => eco crisis
sol :
- creation of the G7 = western European cooperation, proposed by FR
- neoliberal solutions: Thatcher (1979) and Reagan (80) => consensus became dominant
= reduction of the gvt intervention, more exports, liberalization of eco, reduction of deficit, more competitiveness
USD devaluation
1971, no more convertibilty into gold
end of BW system
Jamaica Agreement
creation of the G7 + members
major western eco : JPN, USA, UK, FR, Germ
+ IT and CAN in 1976
crisis of the communist model in the East
- eco failure under Mao Zedong : agr into modern country but then under D. Xiaoping modernization policy (“4 modernizations”) in 1979 : liberalization of eco
- failure of the planned eco in the soviet block => collapse of the system in Eastern Europe and desintegration of the USSR (89-91)
crisis of the south : successes vs failures
- eco success of Eastern Asia based on open eco, lib, state intervention = flying geese paradigm
- oil shocks => debt crisis in Mex + Latin Am => Washington Consensus
- fragmented “3rd World” = “emerging eco” vs “least developed countries “ : GDP / hab < 1000 $ a year (mostly subsaharian) => dvpt of the Monterrey consensus
4 dragons
Taiwan, Singapore, Hong-Kong, South Korea
eg of tigers
Indonesia, Philippines
debt crisis in Mex
Washington consensus
John Williamson, 1990
based on BW institutions and on liberal principles (less state intervention, more competitiveness, more refunds, reduction of debt and public, social spending)
previously OEEC but more global
37 countries such as South Korea and Mex = countries who got closer to the West
Monterrey consensus
- international coop possible thanks to the hegemonic stability of the USA (>20% world GDP)
- based on liberal principles => growing process of interdependence of international eco
- creation of the World Trade Org
- economic regional integration
- creation of G20 => cooperative answer possible through G20 to world eco crisis
creation of the World Trade Org
ensure trade liberalization
Ch in 2001 and Russia in 2012
creation of the G20 + first summit
- 1997 after financial crisis in Asia (pb of solvability, collapse of stock market) : global aspects
- 2008 = 1st summit
first BRIC summit
2009 then BRICS in 2011
the growing importance of environment
- The Limits to Growth, Club of Rome : carrying on this model of growth will be dangerous for the sustainability of the planet , important echo
- brundtland report : “sustainable development “
- Rio summit : adoption of the conventions on climate change + to protect biodiversity
- UN Millenium Summit : millenium dvpt goals
- Paris agreement on climate, SDG by 2030
def of sustainable development
a development mode that has to reconcile eco growth, the reduction of inequality, and the preservation of natural resources in order to not wrong future generations
rio summit date
UN Millennium Summit
the threats to globalization
failure of regulation ( not fully efficient), inequalities, failure of coop (protectionism, nat), environment (climate change), health (coronavirus), politics : “southern contestation” + strategic competition