From Occupation to Division: The Creation of Two Germanies Flashcards
military factors for Germany’s defeat in WW2
Germany had become engaged in conflict for which was not fully prepared- not have available resources and manpower
Germany and failed achieve alliance with Britain or France
failure defeat Soviet Union before onset of winter 1941
economic factors for Germany’s defeat in WW2
The failure of 4YP to prepare the German economy for war in 4 years
anglo-american bombing- German industry peaked production weapons summer 1944
over 11 million German soldiers been taken prisoners of war. from the west 7.7 million had been released but 3.3 million east- 1/3 not survive
20% housing destroyed and 30% badly damaged
950-1150 calories only by end of 1945
black market for supply of food and other goods
28th November - 1st December 1943
main aim of meeting map out military strategy for final phase of war but also revealed differences of countries and their aims
planned divide of Germany
Yalta Conference
February 1945
Stalin. Churchill, Roosevelt
Germany would be divided into four occupational zones
USSR, France, Britain, USA
allies set up commission to look into reparations for USSR
Potsdam Conference
July 1945
Truman replaced Roosevelt
the Four Ds: De- nazification, de-centralisation, demilitarisation and democratisation
German- polish border
reparations for USSR- could be taken from their zone
wasn’t clear on how to incorporate 4DS
political disagreements on democracy- east and west
deteriorating relationships- Stalin and Truman
Nuremberg trials
20th November 1945 indicated 22 of leading Nazis
12 leaders were sentenced to death of whom were 10 executed
NSDAP condemned and as criminal- were seen as controversial
trials succeeded in revealing the cruelties of the Nazi leaders and bringing them to a kind of justice
Nazi party was declared illegal- 6.5 million members threw away membership cards in attempt to distance themselves from regime
Allies left with predicament of how implement it
who could be trusted etc
American and British= thousands had to visit concentration camps to confront the truth-caused some resentment
1945 led Allies screening ex members of NSDAP banned from leading positions in public and private service
1946 1/4 million germans being held
although British zone eventually given positions
USSR dismissed 450,000 members ex-Nazi Party members and number of war criminals executed
Cold war
Allies focused on de-Nazification towards Cold War and focus on counting soviet influence
Prussia was dissolved as symbol of militarism, nationalism and power politics and could not remain a political unit
Soviet Zone- hated federal structure and 5 Lander controlled nu regional authorities and 1952 were dissolved
US zone- May 1946 first free federal state elections were held
British zone- financial costs of occupation pushed British towards encouraging decentralisation and May 1947 free elections for federal state parliaments were held
French zone- tight rule and economically cut of- March 1947 Lander elections were permitted in its zone
Removal of all German fortifications and war industry long term
in 1955 Bundeswehr created due to fears of another rise of German Militarism
1940s established police force 20,000
1953 of remilitarisation People’s police 1952-3 and National People’s Army 1955-56
10th June 1945 Soviets permitted the re-establishment of non-facist, democratic parties
1945 re-established four major parties SPD, CDU, KPD
Allied Occupation: The Soviet Zone
Soviet Military Administration SMAD which established in Soviet Zone initially prepared follow advice to win co-operation of German population
Ulbricht’s aims: Destroy remnants of Nazism
create unified working class party under leadership of KPD
occupy key power positions in local administrations such as chief of police
creation of SED created by merge of KPD and SPD in April 1946 and supported by SMAD- meant closer to dictatorship and serving soviet interests
economic and social change in Soviet Zone
had large agriculture land and well developed light industry and was less damaged
lacked materials compared to Ruhr areas
suffering of major influx of refugees from east
no effective currency
state control banking implemented
nationalisation of industry and commerce
land reform- collectivisation 1950s
allied Occupation: The Western Zones
Housing- many families had to live in old bunkers or ruined houses without sanitation or heat- the British put up provisional shelters ‘Nissan-huts’ but more permanent accommodation
Food- because of rationing- meant level of malnutrition and 1947 faced real famine - 700 and 1200 calories per day for average adult
Churchill’s iron curtain
speech March 1946 anti-soviet speech warning of threat
emerging of Britain and USA
1st January 1947- unified economically
created the German Economic Council which had power pass laws on range of economic matters such as taxation
meant USSR felt isolated
The Marshall Plan
1945-1946 USA pumped an immense amount of goods, raw materials and money into Europe
Truman doctrine 12 March 1947 President proclaimed that it was the mission of USA help ask free nations threatened by what saw as communist aggress and contain spread of that ideology
5th June 1947 Marshall Plan- economic recovery
$1.5 billion to Germany
$12.7 billion in total
creation of the Deutsche Mark
Reichsmark had been distorted by Nazi policies and effects of war- financing of war, inflation and real value lost
black market collapsed almost immediately and goods returned to the market quite legally again
hard work was encouraged and workers’ absenteeism plummeted
stimulated business to increase production and selling
complemented to the Marshall Plan and resurrected trade
The Berlin Crisis
Soviet zone changed currency to Ostmark
blocked all roads and access to West Berlin from 24th June
hoped pressure western allies into giving up new currency and surrender their sectors to them- but failures as resulted in 279,000 flights every one minute at peak time to delivery supplies