East Germany 1949-63 Flashcards
how did the DDR maintain power
SED and party system
Soviet troops and SMAD
Transformation of SED
Walter Ulbricht was leader
absolute loyalty to USSR
purged first two years 150,000 party members
used Free German Youth political youth group spread SED and political ideology
election first People’s Chamber 98% votes and 99.7% approval and SED had majority of seats
the judiciary
1950 half judges and 86% public prosecutors members of SED following de-nazification
criminal law adapted to suppress all opposition
40 years about 200,000 people prosecuted for political reasons- used to intimidate
The Secret Police
Stasi February 1950
1955 13,000
far bigger than Gestapo
omnipresent control
used people to report on others
Military forces
People’s police 1949
National People’s Army 1956- used control working class
SMAD 1953
1953 Uprising
17th June 1953
cause by Ulbricht and SED to implement Stalinisation with policies of collectivisation and industrialisation
large dissatisfaction since rationing and lack of consumer goods
refugees from DDR to BRD- 171,000 1952
failures of uprising
poor organisation- spontaneous because of threat of economic changes- 10% rise on productivity and working hours- ‘norms’- had no effective weapons
Soviet Intervention- state of emergency declared and support from Soviets- tanks and troops met with small resistance
non-intervention of west- expected but Soviet forces re-established order on behalf of Ulbricht’s government
consequence of uprising
exposed DDR as not democratic workers state but Ulbricht’s regime strengthened
13000 people put on trial- 2 death penalty - propaganda used Blame west
Purge of party- January 1554 20,000
Stasi given authority suppress any opposition and number of agents increased
concessions- work norms withdrawn, controlled prices of food lowered and more consumer goods introduced
showed one party structure and development of mass organisations had become established and that presence of Soviet troops could not be ignored
February 1956 Khrushchev
promoted Hungarian Uprising 1956
but didn’t influence because:
Ulbricht learned from 1953 Uprising and party discipline became stricter
concession of shortening work day and freeing of 21,000 political prisoners October 1956 reduced discontent
brutality of suppressing Hungarian uprising damped down any rebellioius tendencies
DDR Economy
September 1950 joined Comecon Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
USSR and DDR had close economic ties until introduction of New Economic System adopted by SED 1963 which rejected Seven Year Plan in favour of decentralisation in management and economy
First 5 year plan 1951-5- 76% of industrial production under control of VEB and SAGs
claimed succeed targets
SED manitous targets for heavy industry such as coal 1950 2,805 1955 plan 3,500 reality 1955 2,667
emphasis heay industry neglected consumer goods
lack of workers rights that were promised
Implementation of 7 year plan to aline DDR economic development with USSr aims: increase industrial production 188% and increase consumer goods production 177% and extend collectivisation- resulted in Building of Berlin Wall and refugees to west 1960-1 1000 a day
collectivisation- 1952 LPGs meant collectivisation was occurring but small scale farms
1958- because of desalinisation 2/3 not collectivised
2nd wave occurred in 1960 and completed
short term= meant rationing 1961 and decline food production
Health care- free for all from state hospitals and medical centres
pensions available to all men aged 65 and women aged 60
1959-62 increase homes being built 100,000 a year- but soviet style so dreary and just functional
education and youth
de-nazification- 80% teachers dismissed and emergency teacher training classes organised
Law for Democratisation of German Schools put in place 1946- abolition of private and religious schools and centralised curriculum
creation of Polytchenic Upper schools POS based 10 year stystem 6-16
education compulsory and uniforms so POS all children
entry university dependant on political commitment
uni attendance working class 1945 19% to 36% 1949
Free German Youth- FDJ- aim indoctrinate youth with socialist education and fight against western influences- 1950 3 million people
but 1960s many young interested in Western style of outfits
religious education abolished
1952-3 repression of over 50 clergymen and youth leaders arrested and Young Congregation defined as anti-socialist and subversive
women and family
mothers had work unskilled jobs and manage family at home
not until 1966 Family Law offered more help and protection for families by the state and stressed equality of men and women
standards of living
economy while improved faced long queues and all meat and sugar stayed rationed until 1958
poor quality- and lacked quantity
Trade Unions- FDGB purged several times ensure loyalty to SED and be used by them
small opposition
refusing vote or join SED mass organisation
listening/ watching western tv and radio
youngsters and western youth culture
nazi sympathisers through graffiti and slogans on walls
farmers resisting collective farms
1961 able emigrate to west
how was Berlin divided
military- four areas and Western Powres after crisis had access to sectors through air corridors and connections via railway and motorways
Political- constitutional laws BRD- Politburo DDR
social- freedom move across
Khrushchev’s Berlin Ultimatum
1960 western powers had 6 months leave- demilitarised free state and when refused he was determined firm stance Berlin in interests of USSR and DDR
DDR Seven Year Plan
1960 clear DDR economy expanded too quickly and industrial growth declined quichly
collectivisation- while complete 1960 harshly enforced
Warsaw Pact- similar to that of eastern version of NATO 1955
Berlin Wall
13th August 1961
establishment of wall underlined superpower’s lines of authority- avoid war
DDR protect from western influence and 42 died 1962 trying escape
BRD- distaste and no German unification