From Chinese Cinderella Flashcards
“Time went by relentlessly”
Implies that she does not want her school to end and that her school life is better than her home life. Reader questions why. Adverb, doesn’t want time to go by quickly, connotations that she’d like it to be stopped
“Outside it was not and there was a warm wind blowing. The radio warned of a possible typhoon the next day”
Pathetic fallacy. Adds tensions as it foregrounds that there is a storm coming. Also a symbol of chance
“Leaving school throbbed at the back of my mind like a persistent toothache”
Use of a simile compares the thought of leaving school to a persistent nagging pain to emphasise how much she hates the idea of leaving school and how that idea will not go away. Has been damaged by her family rejecting her
Use of direct speech gives reader the feeling as if the events are unfolding right now.
“Chauffeur is waiting to take you home”
This shows that she comes from a very rich family. Emphasised later on through the description of the house as an “elegant villa…halfway up the hill between the peak and harbour.”
“Full of foreboding, I ran downstairs as in a nightmare, wondering who had died this time.”
description of her emotions is placed at the start of the sentence so that there is emphasis on her anticipation that something bad will happen is stronger.
Alliteration of ‘f’ sounds is striking and draws attention to the phrase
sentence is broken up by commas, illustrating the movement of her running down the stairs and also the racing of her thoughts in her mind
Exaggerates her isolation as she only gets contacted by her family if sake thing bad happens
Worried, adverbial clause, adds more info
“Then why are you taking me home?”
Use of lots of questions shows her insecurity and wariness of the situation.
“They give me the orders and I carry them out”
Rude and defensive nature of the chauffeur
The reference to the family as “they” excludes Adeline from the family and suggests that they have an equally low status as each other and are at the same position on the family hierarchy. Unprecursed pronoun, exophoric reference plural pronoun, she’s not included
“I wondered what I had done wrong”
Her assumption that she has done something wrong implies that this is often the case and the only other reason, apart from dead family members, that she is ever summoned. Her paranoia also shows her fearful state.
“Where are we?”
Reiterates that her relationship with her family is not strong as she does not recognise her own house.
“and it was Saturday again”
Contrast with the normal view of Saturdays being a good thing. Sets a sad tone
“Father’s chauffeur assured me everyone was healthy”
Bad family relationship as the chauffeur knows more about the family’s wellbeing than she does.
“I had forgotten.”
Implies that she does not really care or she is trying to stop herself from getting embarrassed.
“it was quiet and cool”
““Where is everyone?””
Contrasts with a typical return from boarding school as no one is there to greet her.
“Mother is out playing bridge. Your two brothers and little sister are sunbathing by the swimming pool”
They are all treated very luxuriously which contrast with her situation.
“Summoned by Father”
“summoned” as connotations of formality and implies that her father is very powerful and superior to her. The capitalisation of the word father indicated that he is authoritative and she respects and is intimidated by him. Shows difference in status, only used in unequal relationships
“in my case perhaps the end of school forever”
Short introductory paragraph to entice the reader.
Ambiguous sentence at the end to hook the reader, leaves reader wondering why she would not be going back to school
“Holy of holies”
Sacred place and she is in awe implying that she had never been there before. Reference to bible-Jewish table
“Timidly, I knocked on the door”
Timidly creates apprehension and tension. Has to knock on door instead of just entering shows respect and also the degree of separation between them. Also shows typical family roles, and the respect that she has for her parents.
“Saw he was in a happy mood”
Attention and sensitivity to detail shows how she is afraid and looking for signs to know why she has been called there. Also implies that their relationship is not good.
“Is this a giant fuse on his part to trick me? Dare I let my guard down?
Shows she is normally defensive when she is at home, mistrust within the relationship, she is not at ease around her family. Rhetorical questions build up tension.
“For bringing honour to Hong Kong. We are proud of you.”
She has a duty to her family, school and country. Shows the importance of honour and “face”. Her participation in the competition shows the importance of school to her.
“Is it possible? Am I dreaming? Me, the winner?”
Winning this competition is her equivalent of a fairy god mother, it is her opportunity to go to school and to be away from home. Her joy and excitement at winning this also creates pathos as it implies how much she dreads being home and how desperately she wants to get away from her family. Rhetorical questions are used to express her disbelief at the possibility of winning. There is a sharp transition from tension to excitement. Also shows her isolation as she had not informed her family about her participation in this event.
“Is the winner..her name… related to you?”
Unaware of anything that is happening with his own daughter and if not for his friend, he would have not have even known of this. Shows distance in the relationship and also his lack of concern and care for his daughter. His friend does not even know he has a daughter showing that he does not talk about his daughter at all.
“He looked radiant. For once, he was proud of me. In front of his revered colleague, C.Y. Tung, a prominent fellow businessman also from Shanghai, I had given him face. Is this the big moment I have been waiting for? My whole being vibrated with all the joy in the world.”
Sense of pride and face in front of colleagues, shows there is competition between the two men and he immediately compared to other instead of being glad for this daughter because of achievement. He is only proud because of the ‘face’ that she has given him through winning this competition and not really proud of her. In addition, it also show how important this is as it is this event that has made him proud and radiant ‘for once’.
‘Tell me, how did you do it?’ he continued. “How come you won?”
father has no confidence in Adeline and his lack of knowledge about this subject shows that he does not know that she even entered the competition and much less about her writing talents, he is surprised that she has won this competition.
“Perhaps I was the only one determined enough to enter and there were no other competitors”
She is very humble over her achievements and not boastful
“He laughed approvingly”
Suggest that even a mere question that he asks her is a test, approvingly is an interesting choice of verbs as he is not happy but pleased that she answered the question as he wanted her to.
“Please father,” I asked boldly
Asking a question is bold, shows distant relationships, and lack of communication. However, it also shows her degree of reverence and respect towards him, does not want to be rude and disrespectful at all.
“May I go to university….like my brothers”
Gender roles: brothers and boys allowed to go to university, girls are not. Old fashioned family.
“Tell me, what do you study?”
Unaware of her interests and talents. Distant relationship and he does not care about her much.
“How marvellous it was simply to be alive”
Shows the degree of excitement, emphasised through hyperbole. Shows how important education is to her.
” don’t you think the native English speakers can write better than you.”
His criticism is brutal and is factually, bluntly delivered. He does not care about her desires and interest. It also shows the stereotypical idea and reaction towards a career that is creative- writer.
“I waited in silence, I did not wish to contradict him.”
Even after harsh blunt criticism she does not want to be disrespectful
‘You will go to England with Third Brother this summer and you will go to medical school. After you graduate, you will specialise in obstetrics. Women will always be having babies. Women patients prefer women doctors. You will learn to deliver their babies. That’s a foolproof profession for you. Don’t you agree?’
Stereotypical gender roles and gender jobs and what women at that time are expected to do. Not given any choice about their future, life is dictated by parent’s wishes. Adeline is being ordered to study what she wants to do, her interest and passions are not even considered and deliberated by her dad.Not really a question as he has already made it really made it clear that she will do as he wants her, he ‘scoffed’ at her interest and desires. His certainty that she will do as he wishes is shown through the repetition of modal verbs.
“Agree? Of course I agree.”
The importance of studies to Adeline is shown through her acceptance to do anything even that her dad wishes. Also shows her duty in respecting and fulfilling her parents wishes even if they do not match up to her own personal wishes and desires.
Fairytale, reminds us of poverty, leads in, title shows what we should expect and what to take from the passage
Certain words and techniques are chosen to make the passage seem more archaic
“End of school forever”
Doesn’t want this, her school friends’ education will continue when she thinks hers won’t
Parallel, symbol and metaphor for
Losing at life, symbol of chance, doesn’t know what will happen
“Ma-mien Valentino was calling”
Past continuous tense, ignoring the call of her, either preoccupied with her negative thoughts and doesn’t want to listen to her call, or she ignores her in the same way she mig tune out her family nagging her
“How should I know?”
Italicisation of I suggests a rude tone
Middle class, high society life
Referring to family members (eg Little Sister)
Formal and impersonal reference to family, part cultural, partly because of how she is not close to her family
“In his room”
Place that only he goes
“A place to which I have never been invited”
Formal syntax, hyper correct, unusual, never been in her fathers room, not allowed free access around her house
Direct thought
“Giant ruse” “trick”
Poinigniant, in a bad relationship
“Dare I let me guard down?”
Direct thought questions
“Don’t look so scared”
Still a command
“Is it possible? Am I dreaming? Me, the winner?”
Triple of questions, direct thought
“He looked radiant”
Her reaction is not given, only his
“Pleased to tell him you are my daughter”
Only because she’s had a success that his children haven’t yet had
“Revered colleague”
Worships his colleague and not his daughter
“I plan to study literature. I’ll be a writer”
Confident expression, definitive present and future tenses
“Third Brother”
“That’s a foolproof profession”
Insulting and he has a low opinion on her capability
“Thank you very, very much”
Implication that she just wants to get away from her family