Frog Skeletal System Flashcards
Function of the skeleton of the frog
Provide support for the body, protection of the internal organs, and attachment surfaces for muscles
What is the skeleton of the frog consist of?
Bony and cartilaginous elements
What is cartilage?
It is a tough, elastic connective tissue flounder in the joints, nose, ears, and more. It serves a structural component, providing support and cushioning for these areas.
Lower jaw
Upper jaw
Nose bone
Found above the nasal
Front of frog’s head, involves the nostrils
Found between the nasal and fronto-parietal
Eye socket
Orbital fossa
Beside the auditory capsule
Prootic bone
Beside the Auditory Capsule, outside the skull in the temporal region/ Jaw movement
Squamosal bone
Inside the mouth, in front of the squamosal and auditory capsule, also jaw movement
Location at the posterior of the skull, they connect the skull and neck
Occipital Condyle
A hole between the Occipital condyles
Foremen magnum - passageway for the spinal cord
Bumps at the posterior of the skull and houses the occipital condyles
Directly connects the mandible and maxilla
Quadrate Cartilage
Located beside and outside the squamosal bone
VENTRAL - T-shape Bone
a bone located in the roof of the frog’s mouth, helps in swallowing prey
between the vomer and sphenethmoid
Location - Foramen for 5 and 7 nerves
Base of Parasphenoid
Location - Foramen for 9 and 10 nerves
Beside or on Exoccipital
What does the skull consists of?
It consists of the cranium, sense capsules, jaws, large orbits, and hyoid
What are the three regions of the frog skull?
cranium, sense capsules, and jaws
Three regions of the Sense Capsules
auditory, olfactory, and occipital regions
Describe the frog skull
triangular in shape, broad, and dorsoventrally flattened
The dorsal part of the cranium is formed by the _____. While the ventral part by the ____, and the lateral sides by the _____ bones.
Frontoparietal bone, Parasphenoid bone, and Sphenethmoid bones.
Posterior part of the cranium is the ___
occipital segment
The frog skull is ______ due to the presence of paired ______
Dicondylic skull, occipital condyles
first cervical vertebra and connects with the occipital condyles of the skull
Rod-like elongated bone found at the posterior of the vertebra
Vertebral column
It has 9 vertebrae, very short due to the absence of a neck and tail, movement is limited to the pelvic girdle for jumping
U or V-shaped bone connected to the Urostyle
Pelvic Girdle
Wedge shape bone that is made of infused vertebrae bones known as sacral bones
Functions of the bones of the limbs
Digging, Swimming, Jumping, Climbing
long bone of the hindlimb connecting the ilium and tibio-fibula
fusion of inner tibia and outer fibula bones
Describe the Tarsals
The tarsals are divided into the Calcaneum and Astragalus
What are the Calcaneum and Astragalus bones?
Calcaneum (projecting heel bone) and Astragalus (jointed with the leg bones for stability)
Long foot bones reaching the middle part of the foot
small bones found in the toes of a frog’s hindlimb
Wrist bones
Upper arm region, “S” shaped bone
First half of the fingers
forearm region
shoulder blades
one half of the pelvic girdle
Deltoid ridge
found below the head of the humerus
Elbow joint
Name of the bones between the Metacarpals and radio-ulna
Proximal Carpal (close to forearm) and Distal Carpal (Further from forearm)
Dorsal or behind the scapula
What are the parts of the pectoral girdle?
scapula, supra-scapula, clavicle, coracoid, and sternum
Collar bone of the frog
found below the clavicle and provides stability to the shoulder region
Breast bone