Freud: Psychoanalysis Flashcards
Freud saw mental functioning as operating on three levels; these levels of mental life are __, __, and __.
Unconscious, preconscious, and
Includes drives and instincts that are beyond awareness but that motivate most human behaviors
Unconscious drives can become conscious
only in __ form, such
as dream images, slips of the tongue, or neurotic symptoms
Disguised or distorted
The blocking out of
anxiety−filled experiences
Inherited experiences that lie beyond an individual’s personal experience
Phylogenetic endowment
Contains images that are not in awareness but that can become conscious either quite easily or with some level of difficulty
Plays a relatively minor role in Freudian theory; stem from either the perception of external stimuli (our perceptual conscious system) or from the unconscious and preconscious after they have evaded censorship
Freud conceptualized three regions of the mind: __, __, and __.
Id, the ego, and the superego
Completely unconscious, serves the pleasure principle and contains our basic instincts; operates through the primary process
Governed by the reality principle and is responsible for reconciling the unrealistic demands of the id and the superego; secondary process
Has two subsystems−the conscience and the ego−ideal; serves the idealistic principle
Results from punishment for improper behavior
Stems from rewards for socially acceptable behavior
The forces that motivate people
Dynamics of personality
Eros or the life instinct
__ of the sexual drive is pleasure which can be gained through the erogenous zones
__ is any person or thing that brings sexual pleasure
Self-centeredness among infants
Primary narcissism
Self-centeredness in adolescence and adulthood that is not universal
Secondary narcissism
Receiving sexual pleasure from inflicting pain on another
Receiving sexual pleasure from painful experiences
Destructive instinct
__ aims to return a person to an inorganic state, but it is ordinarily directed against other people
Destructive instinct
Felt only by the ego, but the id, superego and outside world can be a source
Stems from the ego’s relation with the id
Neurotic anxiety
Similar to guilt and results from the ego’s relation with the superego
Moral anxiety
Similar to fear, is produced by the ego’s relation with the real world
Realistic anxiety
Operate to protect the ego against the pain of anxiety
Defense mechanisms
Involves forcing unwanted, anxiety−loaded experiences into the unconscious
The most basic of all defense mechanisms because it is an active process in each of the others
The ego’s attempt to do away with unpleasant experiences and their consequences, usually by means of repetitious ceremonial actions
Marked by obsessive thoughts and involves the ego’s attempt to isolate an experience by surrounding it with a blacked−out region of insensibility
marked by the repression of one Impulse and the ostentatious expression of its exact opposite
Reaction formation
Takes place when people redirect their unwanted urges onto other objects or people in order to disguise the original impulse
Develop when psychic energy is blocked at one stage of development, making psychological change difficult
Occur whenever a person reverts to earlier, more infantile modes of behavior
Seeing in others those unacceptable feelings or behaviors that actually reside in one’s own unconscious; when carried to extreme, it can become paranoia, which is characterized by delusions of persecution
Take place when people incorporate positive qualities of another person into their own ego to reduce feelings of inferiority
Involve the elevation of the sexual instinct’s aim to a higher level, which permits people to make contributions to society and culture
Freud saw __ as proceeding from birth to maturity through four overlapping stages
Psychosexual development
This stage encompasses the first 4 to 5 years of life and is divided into three subphases
Infantile stage
During this phase, an infant is primarily motivated to receive pleasure through the mouth
Oral phase
A child goes through this phase during the second year of life
Anal phase
If parents are too punitive during the anal phase, the child may become an __
Anal character
The anal triad includes __
Orderliness, stinginess, and obstinacy
During this phase, boys and girls begin to have differing psychosexual development
Phallic phase
Boys and girls experience the __ in which they have sexual feelings for one parent and hostile feelings for the other
Oedipus complex
Takes the form of castration anxiety and it breaks up the male Oedipus complex and results in a well−formed male superego
Male castration complex
Castration complex, in the form of __, precedes the female Oedipus complex, which leads to only a gradual and incomplete shattering of the female Oedipus complex and a weaker, more flexible female superego
Penis envy
It takes place from about age 5 until puberty−in which the sexual instinct is partially suppressed
Latency period
Begins with puberty, when adolescents experience a reawakening of the genital aim of Eros
Genital period
A stage in which the ego would be in control of the id and superego and in which consciousness would play a more important role in behavior
Psychological maturity
Patients are required to say whatever comes to mind, no matter how irrelevant or distasteful
Free association
Conscious description of a dream
Manifest content
Unconscious meaning of a dream
Latent content
Nearly all dreams are __, although they are usually unconscious and can be known only through dream interpretation
Uses both dream symbols and the dreamer’s associations to the dream content
Dream analysis
Not chance accidents but reveal a person’s true but unconscious intentions
Parapraxes or Freudian slips