What is the real name of the founder of the the psychoanalytic theory
Sigismund Freud
What is his first discovery on 1885?
Freud’s birthdate and birthplace
May 6, 1856
Freiberg, Moravia (Czech Republic)
Freud’s date of death
September 23, 1839
What are the two cornerstones of psychoanalysis
- sex
2. aggression
What is the most significant event of Freud during childhood? Why?
When Julius, his sibling died.
He think he was the reason because he wish for his death but later on out he realized that it was not the reason. This contributed to his later self.
What is a disorder characterized by paralysis or improper functioning of certain parts of the body?
Hystria or somatic synptom disorder
It is a process removing hysterical symptoms through “talking them out”
It is a principal therapeutic technique of Freud
Free association
What are the two discoveries of Freud that made him to get recognitions?
- Discovery of Cocaine
2. He learned male hysteria after he went to charcot
It is a wandering womb
In what society did he presented his theory of male hysteria
Imperial society of physicians of vienna
Who is William Fliess?
His friend after Breuer’s break-up. He was the one receiving the letters and knowing the development of his psychoanalytic theory. This is the embryonic stage of psychoanalysis.
What happened to Freud during 1890s?
He suffered professional isolation and personal crises
He realized that he was a middle aged that still want to be recognized
It is a theory of Freud that neuroses have their etiology on a child’s seduction by a parent
Seduction Theory
What are the 4 reasons why he abandoned his seduction theory?
- It will not treat the a single patient
- They will be accused of sexualt pervasion
- Unconscious mind couldn’t distinguished from fiction
- The unconscious mind of psychotic patients revealed the early childhood experiences
He is the biographer of Freud?
Ernest Jones
Ernest Jones believed from suffered from _____ in 1890?
He is a physician of Freud believed that he suffered from cardiac lesson, aggravated by addiction of _____.
Max Schur
He said that Freud “relived his oedipal conflicts with peculiar ferocity”
Peter Gay
He said Freud suffered from “creative illness”
Henri Ellenberg
A book that he was done during his middle crisis on 1899
Interpretation of dreams (IOD)
After the IOD, this book that solidify the foundation of the theory
On Dreams (OD)
A book that introduces the Freudian Slips
Psychopathology of Life (POF)
A book that was established that Sex as the cornerstone of psychoanalysis
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (TEOTOS)
A book that jokes have meaning, it reveals the unconscious mind
Jokes and their relation to the unconscious (JRTU)
He was an old friend of Freud called “Crown prince” and “man of the future”
Carl Jung
The reason of Freud - Jung break-up
The interpretation of each’s dream
Why Freud dislikes America and Americans?
He disliked it for so many reasons, they have no toilet in the streets, they called him in different names and many more.
What are the three levels of the mind?
Unsconscius, Preconscious and Conscious
It is the explanation behind dreams, slips of tongues and repression
It is a rich source of unconscious material
It is an inherited unconscious images from the ancestors similar to Jung’s collective unconscious.
It also serves to fill the gap of individual’s experience.
Phylogenetic endowment
Elements that are not conscious but become conscious either readily or with difficulty
What are the two sources of preconscious?
Conscious Perception - the conscious is only in a transitory period when focus of attention shifts to another idea.
Unconscious - ideas can enter in disguised form
It is a relatively minor in psychoanalytic theory.
These are ideas we are aware of
What are the the two ideas of conscious?
- Perceptual conscious system - everything perceived by sense organs or external stimuli
- Within mental structure
What are the three provinces of mind?
Id, Ego and Superego
Das Es is known as _______.
“It” or Id
Das Ich is known as _______.
“I” or Ego
Das Uber is known as _______.
“Over-I” or Superego
It is the pleasure principle and not-yet owned component of personality
What is the purpose of Id’s energy?
It is to seek pleasure without regard for what proper and just (amoral, no morality)
How does the id operates?
Primary process
What is the thinking style of id?
Illogical and amoral
It is called the reality principle
It is the decision making and executive branch of personality
What age does a child developed the superego according to Freud’s theory?
5 - 6 years old
It is the idealistic principle
It has moral and ideal aspects of personality
Also, no contact with the outside world
How does the ego operates?
secondary process - ideas bring to outside world
What are the two subsystems of superego?
It tells what we should not do
It tells what we should do
Ego - ideal
It is the result when the ego disobey superego
It contracts the moral standards of superego
It results when ego is unable to meet the superego’s standard of perfection
Feelings of inferiority
How do you say that a person has a well-developed superego, according to Freud?
If the sex and agression drives are controlled through repression
Conscience is established through _______________.
Ego - ideal is established through ___________.
Rewards of proper behavior
Conscience has _______.
Ego-ideal has _______.
Feelings of inferiority
What is the origin name of drives?
Trieb (german word) which means a stimulus within a person
What are the other names of drives?
Instinct, impulse, constant motivational force
What are two major heading of drives?
Sex (life instinct) and agression (death instinct)
What is the name of the energy of sex and aggression?
Libido and has no name but is a death instinct
It is the amount of force it exerts
It is the region of the body in a state of excitation and tension
It seek pleasure by removing those excitation and tension
It is a person or thing that serves as the means through which the aim is satisfied
What is the aim of sexual drive?
To seek pleasure
It is a libido that invested on their own ego during childhood which is universal
Primary narcissism
What is secondary narcissism?
It is the second stage that a libido go back to own ego and it happened during puberty because they are preoccupied with personal appeance self-interests but not universal
It is the second manifestation of Eros
What is love in psychoanalysis?
A person invested the libido to object or person other than themselves
It is a need of sexual pleasure by inflicting or humiliation to another person
It is a need of sexual pleasure from pain and humiliation either by themselves or others
A book that Freud wrote as the result of unhappy experiences during WWI and consequences of Sophie’s death.
Beyond the Pleasure Principle
What is the book Beyond the pleasure principle?
It is about the elevated agression to the level of the sexual drive
What is the aim of destructive drive?
To return the organism to an inorganic state
What is the final aim of aggressive drive?
What are the example forms of aggressive drive?
Teasing, gossip, humor, humiliation, wars, atrocities and religious persecution
It is a felt, affective, unpleasant state accompanied by a physical tension that warns the person against impending danger
What kind of province of mind can only feel the anxiety?
What are the three types of anxiety?
Neurotic anxiety
Realitic anxiety
Moral anxiety
It is a type of anxiety that is an apprehension about unknown danger
Neurotic anxiety
It is a type of anxiety that has conflict between ego and superego
Moral anxiety
It is a type of anxiety that is unpleasant, nonspecific feeling involving a possible danger
Realistic anxiety
What are the two importance of anxiety in psychoanalysis?
- It is an ego-preserving mechanism that signal us that there is danger
- Self regulating because it precipitates repression that reduces the pain of anxiety
What is defense mechanism?
It protects the ego against the pain of anxiety
What are the two purposes of defense mechanism?
- Avoid dealing with sexual and aggressive implosives
2. Protect ego from anxiety
It is a type of defense mechanism that forces threatening feelings into unconscious mind
What happened when impulses are repressed?
- The impulses remained unchanged
- It takes in another unaltered form
- It can be disguised or displaced in another form
It is a type of defense mechanism that adopting disguise that is directly opposite its original form?
Reaction - formation
It is a type of defense mechanism that redirect unacceptable urges into object or people so that the original impulse is concealed
It is a type of defense mechanism that a person remain to its present, more comfortable psychological stage. It is more permanent attachment to libido onto an earlier, more primitive stage of development
A type of defense mechanism that revert back to the earlier stage, more secure patterns of behavior and invest libido onto more primitive and familiar object.
More visible to children
A type of Defense mechanism that is attributing unwanted impulse to external objects or persons
The extreme type of projection
What is a crucial distinction of paranoia and projection?
Paranoia is always characterized by repressed homosexual feeings toward the persecutor.
A type of defense mechanism that incorporates positive qualities of another person into their own ego
Freud believed introjection is a prototype to resolve ______?
Oedipus complex
A type of defense mechanism that is a direct expression of eros and result in a kind of balance social accomplishments
A type of defense mechanism that is a repression of genital aim but substituting a cultural aim or social aim
What are the four stages of development?
- Infantile stage
- latency stage
- Genital stage
- Maturity stage
It is the most crucial for personality formation happened during 4 -5 years of life.
Infantile Stage
What are the three phases of Infantile stage which primary erogenous zones undergoing?
- Oral Phase
- Anal Phase
- Phallic Phase
What is the sexual aim of early oral activity?
Receives or incorporate into one’s body and object-choice.
A subphase of early of oral which has no ambivalence toward pleasurable object and satisfied with minimum frustration and anxiety?
Oral - receptive oral phase
A subphase of oral that infant responds biting, cooing, closing theri mouth, smiling and crying.
Oral - sadistic oral phase
It is a second stage or form of aggressive drive when anus become a pleasurable zone?
Sadistic Anal Phase or Anal stage
A subphase of anal stage that children receives satisfaction by destroying or losing objects
Early anal period
A subphase of anal stage that children has erotic pleasure of defecation
Late anal period
A person that is overly resistant to toilent training and holding back their feces
Anal Character
A person that has orderliness, stinginess and obstinancy
Anal Triad
Differences of active orientation and passive orientation
AO - masculine qualities of dominance and sadism
PO - feminine qualities of voyeurism and masochism
It is a third stage of Infantile formation which occurs at 3 -4 years of age.
Phallic stage
A stage when genital is the leading erogenous stage and marked the dichotomy of male and female
Phallic stage
A dictum “anatomy is destiny” is came from ____?
Sigmund Freud
What is oedipus complex?
rivalry towards father and incestuous feeling towards mother
What is complete oedipus complex?
A stage where there is ambivalence condition of hostility and lust towards parents.
What is castration anxiety?
It is a fear of losing penis
How the castration complex begins in a child?
When a child realized and aware that girl has no penis. This is the greatest emotional shock of his life.
How does oedipus complex resolved in boys?
- When a child realized that he will be punished so he will repressed his impulses toward sexual activity.
- Identification of father (father is a model of values)
What is penis envy?
A female’s wish to be a boy or desire to have a man’s penis.
What is simple oedipus complex or electra complex?
It is a the hostility towards mother, incestuous feeling towards father.
How does electra complex resolved in girls?
- By giving up the masturbatory activity
2. Gradual realization that oedipal desires is self-defeating
Why female’s superego is weaker, more flexible and less severe than male?
- It is because the superego is built from the relics of shattered oedipus complex.
- It is because of the differences in formation of oedipal history
Explain the oedipal history of male and female
Male - Castration anxiety follows the oedipus complex
Female - Oedipus complex follows the Castration Complex (penis envy)
Which is the faster to resolve oedipus complex of boys or oedipus complex of girls? Why?
The boys has complete and fastes dissolved compare to girl because they did not experience emotional shock unlike boys.
What is the result of dissolved oedipus complex to boys and girls?
A strong superego for boys
A weak superego for girls
It is a “dark continent of psychology”
Feminine psychology
A stage/period which is a dormant psychosexual development that begins at 3 - 4 years until puberty
Latency Period
What happened to a child during latency period?
Parents or teachers suppressed their sexual activity that leads to repression.
They are able to form groups or cliques
A stage/period which is the reawakening of sexual aim that begins during puberty
Genital stage
What happened to a child during genital stage that is different from Infantile period?
A child’s libido go back to its ego which gives up the autoeroticism that direct’s energy to another object
- Reproduction is possible
- The girls still lingers her penis envy, boys see vagina as an sexual object rather than a source of trauma
- Sexual drive is more organized
A final stage which begins at puberty and continues throughout life time that attained by everyone who reaches physical maturity.
Maturity stage
How do you say that a person is psychologically healthly individual based on Freud’s theory?
When has a balance structure of mind (Id, ego ans superego), consciousness, minimal repression and mostly uses sublimation rather than neurotic symptoms.
What is the primary goal of later psychoanalytic therapy?
To uncover the repressed memories through free association and dream analysis
What is the purpose of psychoanalysis?
Strengthen the ego, to make it more independent to superego, to widen its perception and enlarge its organization so that it can it fresh portions of the id. “Where id was, there ego shall be”
What is free association?
Verbalizing every thought that comes to their mind
What is transference?
The strong sexual or aggresive feelings towards the analyst
What is positive transference?
More or less relive childhood experiences with nonthreatening climate
What is negative transference?
Form of hostility with resistance of treatment
What is countertransference?
The strong sexual or aggresive feelings of analyst towards the patients
What is resistance?
The variety of unconscious responses to block the progress of therapy but a positive sign that treatment is useful
What are the limitations of psychoanalytic?
- not all memories are brought into consciousness
- Treatment is not effective with psychotic patients
- Once cured, it may later developed another psychic problem
What is dream analysis?
It transform manifest content to more important latent content
What is manifest content?
The surface meaning given by dreamer
What is latent content?
It is the unconscious material uncover by the analyst
What is repetition compulsion?
A dream that is frightening and traumatic frequently found with people having PTSD
What are the two disguise form of dreams?
- Condensation
2. Displacement
What is condensation of dreams?
The unconscious material has been abbreviated or condense already.
What is displacement of dreams?
The dream image is replaced by other idea
What are the methods of interpreting dreams?
- Ask patients to relate their dreams and their association to it
- Dream symbols
What is the purpose of using the method of dream analysis?
It is to trace back the dream formation and reveal the dream interpretation
It is a “royal road” to knowledge of unconscious
Dream analysis
It belongs to preconscious
It belongs to unconscious
What are the three anxiety dreams?
- Embarrassment of nakedness
- Death of loved one
- Failing of examination in school
What does embrassment of nakedness means?
A dream which that is rooted from childhood in the presence of adult
What does death of loved one means?
A dream which express wish of destruction
What does failing of examination in school means?
A dream which is anticipating a difficult task
It is known as “faulty action” or Fehlleistung
Freudian slips
It is the today’s word for Freudian slips. Who invented it?
James Strachey
What are the two forms of consciousness based on freudian slips?
Core consciousness - state of not being aware or awake
Extended consciousness - state of being awake
It is part of brain that reflect one’s knowledge
Prefrontal cortex
It is a neurotransmitter that is for pleasure
What are the two neurlogical origins of pleasure?
Brain stem and limbic system
What is the pleasure-seeking system and pleasure-liking system?
Dopamine - former
Opiods - latter
What part of the brain that when damage it affect the structure of personality or activates the id-driven.
Frontal - limbic system
Who is Phineas Gage?
A person who has damaged frontal lobe that changes to be an id-driven person
A theory which the meaning is what the waking mind gives to thse more or less random brain activities, but meaning is not inherent in the dream
Activation - synthesis theory
A research conducted by Daviid Wegner and colleagues which wishes suppressed during a day assert themselves in dreams.
Dream rebound effect
Explain the theory of Freud based on the six criteria of research.
- Generates research
- Falsifiable
- Organizes data
- Guides action
- Internal consistency
- Parsimonous
- Generates research - average
- Falsifiable - low
- Organizes data - moderate
- Guides action - low
- Internal consistency - yes
- Parsimonous - not
Explain theory based on the dimensions of humanity
- Determinism vs. Free Choice
- Pessimism vs. Optimism
- Causality vs. Teleology
- Conscious vs. Unconscious
- Social vs. Biological influences
- Uniqueness vs. Similarities
- Deterministic because we are not control by our own actions
- Pessimism because it is based on the unconscious mind
- Causality - it is based on the past
- Unconscious - unconscious mind
- Biological influences - it has low social
- Uniqueness vs. Similarities - in the middle