Freud Flashcards
What year was this experiment done?
What was the key theme of this study?
Understanding disorders
What was the main theory the study was based on?
Theory of Psychosexual development
Briefly explain what the theory of psychosexual development is
Sexual impulses are present in new horns and they seek satisfaction through their own bodies
What are the 5 stages of psychosexual development?
Explain oral stage of psychosexual development
Fascinated with putting things in their mouth (eg thumb sucking instead of breastfeeding)
Explain anal stage of psychosexual development
Children keep excrement inside until they feel contractions (eg potty training)
Explain phallic stage of psychosexual development
Child sees a difference in male and female bodies
Boys fear girls were castrated for playing with their penises
Oedipus complex arises
Explain latency stage of psychosexual development
Child interested in sports/friendships/hobbies etc
Explain genital stage of psychosexual development
Intensity of sexual desire increases but they move their desire into other people (outside family) who resemble them
Explain the oedipus complex
Little boys have a sexual desire for their mother and see their father as a rival they wish would disappear (jealousy)
What is the castration complex/anxiety
Boys fear that after seeing a naked female they will lose their penis
What’s a phobia?
Anxiety disorder - persistent fear out of proportion to danger and compelling desire to escape situation
What’s psychoanalysis
Intensive and long term therapy - aims to alleviate distress by giving patient insight into unconscious mental processes
What are the overall aims of the study?
Provide evidence for psychosexual development theory using psychoanalysis of dreams and fantasies of a child with a nervous disorder
What’s a case study?
A research method involving a small group studied in depth
Often P are unusual in some way
What was the sample?
Little Hans
-Vienna, Austria
-Brought up w minimal force
- Lively cheerful baby
What was the sampling method used?
Self selecting - Put out call asking friends and supporters to send info about children’s development
What was the procedure?
Letters - Hans father wrote details of Hans behaviour and convos and made his own interpretations
Replies - F replied with own interpretations of behaviours/convos. gave guidance on topics to discuss/behaviours to look for
Data collection method?
Self report - interview
Phobias (baths)
-punished for death wish against sister
-young children can be scared of water
Phobias (horses)
-represents father (blinkers-glasses and muzzle-moustache)
-widdler cut off bc he touched it (horse biting him)
-“don’t put finger to horse it’ll bite you”
Phobias (carts/buses)
-horse fell down and thought of dad dying so can have mum to himself
-had seen bus horse fall over
Dreams/fantasies (powdered)
powdered by mother and said “why don’t you put your finger there?”
- desires mother / seduction attempt
Dreams/fantasies (girraffes)
-big was dad and crumpled was mum / stole mum from dad
- had been to zoo five days earlier
Dreams/fantasies (imaginary friends)
-named lodi (represents faeces or mother having another baby)
-mum was mum and Hans was dad (oedipus complex)
- young children have imaginary friends
Provided support for:
-his theory
-oedipus complex
-phobias came from unconscious
advantage of sample?
could collect lots of details about Hans phobias
disadvantage of sample?
hard to generalise results to all kids
advantage of self report in this study
could find out lots of info about his thoughts/fantasies/phobias - not possible through other methods
disadvantage of self report in this study
may have been asked leading questions and only reported certain convos which support theory
advantage of qualitative data in this study
detailed - evidence to support theiry
disadvantage of qualitative data in this study
can be subjective and less scientific - interpreted to match theory
what ethics were kept
what ethics were broken
may have suffered psychological harm and embarassment by being questioned by father about personal issues
Discuss ethnocentrism
- unlikely to be same as kids in less privileged places
- phobias are common in kids
internal reliability
procedure is not standardised and replicable - asked questions and summarised the convos to F
external reliability
Sample isn’t large enough to show consistent effect - cant assume all kids go through psychosexual development like Hans
Freud would say findings are consistent w those from adult patients
internal validity
there were much simpler/obvious explanations
leading questions could’ve influenced responses
external validity
specific sample doesn’t represent how all kids develop
-diff ages
-diff cultures