French and Latin American Revolutions Flashcards
Causes of the French Rev
- Success of the American Revolution
- Bread Shortages/Hunger
- Financial Crisis
- Government was bankrupt
- Inefficient and unfair tax structure
- Long wars with England
- Aiding American Rev
- Overspending - Enlightenment
- People are born with equal rights
- Consent of the governed - life liberty and pursuit of happiness
- Freedom of Speech
Three Estates
- First Estate - Clergy and Priests, 1% of population, SUPER rich. Pays no taxes.
- Second Estate - Nobility, 2% of the population, rich. Pays no taxes
- Commoners, 97% of population, not that wealthy. Pays all taxes and no privileges.
- Bourgeoisie: Educated, upper/middle class people (doctors/lawyers). Stuck in 3rd estate because they were born into it. Had money but no social power
- Artisans: Craftsmen, specific jobs, have special skills. No money. Slums
- Peasants: Laborers/farm workers. Not that skillful. No money
Monarchs during the French Rev
Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI
Estates General
Law making body. Was suspended for over a hundred years. Louis XVI brings it back so he will be able to tax the 1st and 2nd estate.
National Assembly
The third estate revolts because the only get one vote even though they are 97% of the population. Created their own law body. Eventually becomes the National Convention after the execution of Louis.
Events of the French Rev
- Tennis Court Oath
- Storming of the Bastille
- Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
- Reign of Terror
Tennis Court Oath
Louis prevents the national assembly from meeting. The national assembly goes to the tennis courts, and stays there until they get a new declaration. Called this.
Storming of the Bastille
King ordered troops to surround Paris to keep the people at bay. People do NOT like this. They revolt, and storm the Bastille (old castle, now a prison).
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
National assembly. Influenced by Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau. All men created equal, freedom of speech, press, and religion, protection against unfair arrest, ended feudalism. Did NOT include women.
Reign of Terror
Begins when Marie Antoinette is executed in October. 40,000 people executed. Governed France as a dictator. Changed the Calendar. Got rid of Sunday. Confiscated church lands and money. 10 days and 10 months. Kills 40,000 people. SCIENCE NOT RELIGION!!
Jacobins/Jean Paul Marat
A group of Radicals - people who want drastic changes. People who push for the war against Austria. Jean-Paul Marat is the leader of the SUPER radical group. Writes about stuff. Becomes dangerous. Gets killed.
Maximilian Robespierre
Takes over Revolution after Jean-Paul Marat. Originally in calm group, but joins the Jacobins. Saw opponents as anyone who was disloyal to the Revolution or supported the return of the Monarch. People eventually got done with him. Was executed by guillotine (French invention).
Committee on Public Safety
Made by Robespierre. France has enemies on outside and inside. This was given unlimited powers to kill anyone who didn’t agree with MR. People could be accused, tried, and killed in the same day. Many ways for people to die. Eventually gets disbanded.
The Directory
Power was placed in the hands of the upper-middle class (Bourgeoisie). Two house legislature and an executive body of five men. Unable to solve financial crisis and food shortage. Five guys who work as head of state and have to vote. Ineffective.
Outcomes of the French Rev
- End of the absolute monarchy of Louis XVI
- Rise of Napoleon
Coup D’état
French term meaning “blow to the state”. Napoleon betrays the betrayers and takes over.
Strong feelings of pride and devotion to one’s country over another country/group. Napoleon’s success made people proud to be French.
Napoleon Background/Rise
Born in Corsica in 1769. Quickly rose through the ranks ad a military officer. Supported the Directory and the Revolution. Good at commanding French troops. The directory at first didn’t like him because he originally supported Robespierre. Defended the Directory. Great success as a general and takes over a lot of places. Super popular. People really wants him to take over. Ends up taking over France.
Napoleon Restoring Order
Ended all wars by 1802. France at peace. Has a plebiscite (vote for one person) and this was help to approve a new Constitution. Gave all power to Napoleon. He was called the First Consul. Keeps changes from rev. Strengthened central gov. Set up an efficient method of tax collection and banking system. Attempted to end all corruption. Set up public schools.
Napoleon Church & State
The Concordat of 1801 wan an agreement between Napoleon and Pope. Wanted Catholics and revolutionaries to make up. Offers for the Pope to have religion and churches back as long as they legitimize Napoleon and they have to lose most of their control over France. Everyone’s happy.
Napoleon expands
Louisiana purchase, originally wanted to take over US but fails. Crowns himself emperor. Crowns his wife Josephine empress of France. Napoleonic wars. Wants to be Emperor of EUROPE. Already taken over some of Austrian Netherlands, parts of Italy and set up a “puppet” gov in Switzerland. Takes some of Spain.
Napoleon Military
Skilled and bold and praised his troops. Crushed opposition. Rulers of Austria, Prussia, and Russia were forced to sign peace treaties with France. Only Britain was left.
Continental System
Napoleon. Naval blockade to prevent trade and communication between Europe and England. Failed.
Napoleon Peninsular Wars
Spain and Portugal vs France. France dominates Spain. People start to revolt. King tries to ride to France, but gets arrested. Napoleon’s brother is new king, even though he has nothing to do with Spain. Britain starts to help Spain revolt.
Invasion of Russia
Great mistake. Napoleon is mad that the Czar of Russia wasn’t obeying the Continental System. Napoleon tries to make an example of them. He invades Russia with between 600,000-700,000 men. There’s no way to get supplies to them. Russian retreat, they don’t fight Napoleon because they have an advantage. They use a strategy to destroy stuff as they retreat so they can’t use their stuff. They finally fight in Moscow. Napoleon “wins”, but Russians burn Moscow. Lots of people are dying from heat and cold.
When Napoleon surrenders, he is exiled to the island of Elba first. Louis XVIII is now king of France. The people don’t like this. Napoleon leaves Elba seizes France back. French people welcomed Napoleon back. The troops Louis sends joins Napoleon. Louis leaves. His new reign is called the 100 days.
Battle of Waterloo
Napoleon raises an army. British and Prussian forces crushes Napoleon. 100 days was his new rule. Battle of Waterloo was his last stand.
St. Helena
Second island Napoleon was exiled to, much farther from France. Humid. He has a nice house, his green wallpaper turned into poison. Napoleon ends up dying here.
Napoleonic Code
Comprehensive set of laws. No privileges based on birth. Freedom of religion. Government jobs would go to people most qualified. Downsides: Limited liberty (speech/press) and promoted order and authority. Slavery is reauthorized.
Napoleonic Wars
England, Russia, Austria, and Sweden ally together to fight France.
Napoleon’s 3 biggest mistakes!!
- Peninsular War
- Continental system/Britain Blockade
- Trying to conquer Russia
Battle of Trafalgar
Napoleon lost the naval Battle of Trafalgar, ending hopes of invading England/Britain.
Congress of Vienna/Klemens von Metternich
A bunch of leaders come together and they want long-lasting peace and stability. Goal: Collective security and stability for the entire continent. A series of meetings in Vienna, set up by Klemens von Metternich of Austria. They also want balance of power. Authorizes/leads the Congress of Vienna. Believed in balance of power. Restored monarchies, redrew the political map of Europe, new political philosophies of liberalism/conservatism emerge.
Liberalism vs Conservatism
- Liberalism: Progressive, focuses on society, personal freedom, fair trade, supports workers, “The world can be improved. Bring in the new.”
- Conservatism: Traditional, focuses on the individual, economic freedom, free trade, supports employers, “Protect the good things about the world.”
Hacienda System
Plantation system. A farming system that exploits indigenous people.
Colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country.
Large landowner. They controlled most of the lands.
Lived/worked on Patron’s land and owned crops at the end of the harvest.
Formerly a colony of France. Island. Shook the institution of slavery in the New World - which led to difficulties between Haiti and the US. First independent black nation.
Peninsulares: Spaniards born in Spain. Highest on the class structure.
Creoles: Still Spanish/Portuguese, but not born there. Born from Peninsulares.
Mestizos: Born of one Spanish and one Native American parent. Usually not a healthy marriage.
Major Cities in Latin Am Rev
- Havana, Cuba
- Mexico City, Mexico
- Lima, Peru
- Sao Paolo, Brazil.
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spanish-born colonial officers. Usually have good life.
Gran Columbia
A combination of Venezuela, Columbia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Ruled by Simon Bolivar for 12 years.
The Cry of Dolores - 1810
A speech by Father Miguel Hidalgo because he was shocked by the poverty of the people and oppression by Spain in Mexico.
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Liberator of Haiti. Formerly a slave that was freed. The leader of the slave rebellion in Haiti. Overthrows the French leadership. Try to establish independent state. The British and Spanish also try to invade. They rise up again. Established the independent state of Haiti after defeating them. Gets captured and put in prison and dies there.
The Monroe Doctrine
Issued by President James Monroe in 1823. Latin American nations were acknowledged to be independent. US wanted to keep away any foreign interference. If the Europeans invade anywhere in the Western Hemisphere (North/South America) the US will takes it as a threat to itself.
Simon Bolivar
A creole and known as the Great Liberator. Led revolutionary efforts against the Spanish Empire. Liberated the northern areas of Latin America (Venezuela, Columbia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia) president of the new Hispanic-American republic called Gran Columbia. Writes letters to likeminded people. Also a really good general.
Father Miguel Hidalgo
Served as a Mexican Catholic priest in the town of Dolores. Was shocked by the poverty of the people and oppression by Spain. Gave the speech “The Cry of Dolores”. Gathered an “army” of 90,000 people. They were crushed by the actual Mexican army and he was executed. He became an inspiration to others and Mexico gains independence from Spain in 1821.
Colonial System
- Colonial gov mirrored home gov
- Influenced by Catholicism
- Major element of economy was mining precious minerals