Five Major Religions in 1500 Flashcards
Founder of Buddhism
Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)
Buddhism location in 1500
Southeast Asia
Buddhism: monotheistic or polytheistic?
Considered neither
Buddhism holy text
Buddhism beliefs/characteristics
- Eightfold Path to Enlightenment
- Spread by Asoka’s missionaries
- Nirvana: Buddhist’s Enlightenment
- Reincarnation based on karma until you get to Nirvana
- Four Noble Truths
- Life is Suffering
- Suffer because you’re attached
- There is a way to get rid of attachments
- To end suffering, follow the eightfold path
Founder of Hinduism
Hinduism location in 1500
Majority in India but spread to Europe and North America
Hinduism: monotheistic or polytheistic?
Neither: Many forms of one god (god - Brahma)
Hinduism holy text
Upanishads and Vedas
Hinduism beliefs/characteristics
- Reincarnation based on karma until you get to Moksha
- Karma: Knowledge that all thoughts and actions result in future consequences, good and bad.
Founder of Judaism
Judaism location in 1500
Europe and Middle East
Judaism: monotheistic or polytheistic?
Judaism holy text
Judaism beliefs/characteristics
- Ten Commandments: their moral and religious conducts
- Diaspora: Dispersion of any people from their original home
Founder of Christianity
Christianity location in 1500
Europe and Middle East
Christianity: monotheistic or polytheistic?
Christianity holy text
The Bible/New Testament
Christianity beliefs/characteristics
- Establishment of Christian doctrine by early church councils
- Jesus as son of God
- Life after Death
Founder of Islam
Muhammad (the seal of the prophets)
Islam location in 1500
Europe, Middle East, and Northern Africa
Islam: monotheistic or polytheistic?
Islam holy text
Islam beliefs/characteristics
- Allah is god
- Mecca and Medina: holy cities
- Shia vs Sunni:
Shia (smaller group) - believe that close relative of Muhammad should lead (Ali). Sunni (larger group) - believe that the person most capable and spiritual should lead. Huge war between them, and to this day do not get along. - Five pillars
- Testimony of Faith (there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is Prophet)
- Pray 5 times a day towards Mecca
- Giving Zakat (charity)
- Fasting during month of Ramadan (can’t eat or drink from sunrise to sunset) (pregnant, old, young, and sick people excused)
- Hajj (traveling/pilgrimage) to Mecca at least once in their life. Travel to ka’ bah (black box)