Free Speech 5- Normative paradigm Flashcards
Free speech and normative paradigms - intro?
Normative paradigms that underpin free speech
Lot to take in
Also extensive reading list
- Styff onlivertism and social respons that udneprin free speech
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - what did fb do?
Fb in late 2016 mark zuck said number occasin fb is there simply to distrib content created by users-
do this using an impersonal and objective lgirtihm-
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - his new fb platform what?
his few fb is platform for others to disseminate speech- nothing more than that – said fb certainly not gonna be sensor or arbitor for truth –
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - actually those what?
actually those sor of principles wha fb or any other social networking sites
Says when mark – wanted all info avail all ppl all times= no secrets- so that was in line ration of setting up fb
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - what will we become clear to ?
Now as we become clear uirng lect the underline princip in amrk zuck statement are aline to libterism-
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - now from angular american perspective?
now from angular American perspetic,libetian theory and the arguments advanced by propenents of it such as john Milton john urstine john st mill Thomas jeffrson and justice oliver Wendell holmes have served support the traditional notion of eprfoemed estate/ that in us libertism was made ane explicit and foundational tenant of democracy and it in fact enshrined within first ammedment us consittuiona-
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - pursant to which congress what?
prusant tow hcihc ognress should make no alw abridign freedom of spepch or prs- so within cosnttionals atement is enshrined lib-
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - central influence of lib free speech?
now as well se central to infleune of lib free specch has ben miltons self writing process –this just intro –
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - miltons arg from truth?
miltons arg from truth alrey looked at and in partic justice holemes market place of ideas theory, whicha s know laid down in case of abrhamas us-
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - those 3 arg?
those 3 arg self writing process , argument from turht, market palce of dieaas all central to libtetism, 3 arg-
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech?- what will we see as discussed in lec 2?
now as we discussed in 2nd lec and as well see again in this, the market place of ideas theoy encapsulates john miltons self writng process as its based on premise that truth or best ideas .. As they wil nautrall emerge form competion of ideas in markert place. So on that point according to
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - what e barendt say?
Eric barend- 1 of elading fs scholars in world- said this. – about makret place of ideas – .
E. Barendt, ‘The First Amendment and the Media’ in I. Loveland (ed), Importing the First Amendment: Freedom of Speech and Expression in Britain, Europe and the USA, (Hart Publishing, 1998), 29-50, 43.
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - in context of online?
In context of online internent social media speech-s cholars such as dulberg state that the internet and other worn line expression social media expr have providd perfect environ for libertism and specifically market place of ideas theory to flourish.
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - acorrding to who?
And according to dul ebrg it provides a space for info exhnage an dindivi decision making free of burocarcy, admin power and other restriction of real space.
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech?- as a result what?
As a result scholars such as vice have recognisd that alibertism ahs become defacto communication theory the internet and for social media speech within western democracies. Not all democracies.
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - lib has what?
Lib ahs become defacto communication theory for online sppech.a dn according to vice this is bc cyber space is founded on the primacy of indiv liberty.
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - and consequently what?
And conseuqntly there now exists a normative assumption that all nation states should adopt a libterism oritentiaon toward their oversite of nedw media. Sot his just way of intor.
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - introducing whaT?
Introducing current landscapr wer in so essentially market place ideas theory is dominate theory certainly within us jrusiprence.
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - moi theory is what?
And moi theory is indicitavte of libertism – it is libetain concept. Equally libertism come dfeacto comm theory for online sppecch bc way itn and social media allow us to comm free of usually constraints, burocry, free from regulation to an extent.- thatsthe landscapr
Introduction: Libertarianism - the de facto normative paradigm for free speech? - cases for moi theory?
L. Dahlberg, ‘Cyber-libertarianism 2.0: A Discourse Theory/Critical Political Economy Examination’ Cultural Politics (2010) 6(3), 331-356.
D. Weiss, ‘Journalism and Theories of the Press’ in S. Littlejohn and K. Foss (eds), Encyclopedia of Communication Theory Volume 2, (Sage, 2009), 574-579.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - meaning of this theory?
Meaning of lib- what it is and history
Understanding history= undertdand concept
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - liberalism v libte?
Liberalism v Libertarianism?
Now first distin liber and libetanism- distin is a fine one- very often lot of authors use both interhcnagbly= confusing . There is a diff but fine one. Lib has bene described as a tendeny of liberlsim –
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - difference btw 2 is?
Difference btw 2 is – liberalism – gov are responsile for guaranteeing individ freedom as a rsuslt it ress on twin claims that any governmental intrusion on individ freedoms such as free speech must be based on reasona nd rational jsutifications, that serve to protect or further those righrs.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - so other words what?
So other words under lvo- lib accepts that gov has a role to play and it can actually intrude on those rights, so long doing that to protect them.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - on the other hand what?
On the other hand lib, determines that individ freedom should be tbtained with as little or no gov involvement as poss. So in true libertain environ, gov not involved at all, in for
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - e.g free speech?
e.g free speech,t here would be no involvement by gov, no involvement by sate, theres nor egulation. Good expl.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - liv was born opp to autho?
So livism was born ad opposition to authotism- sAUTH – still very much active in authorn states e.g north kroea Russia china some south American countries.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - it was born out of what?
It was born out of opposition to authortism – auth theory palces all forms of comm under the control of th governing elite or the authorities.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - now authorians justified control?
Now all authirans justified this control of communication and the theories req to acquist to those in power on basis that this control was necc to protect and presver a divinly ordained social order. Goin back her 100 yrs
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - so in most countries?
. So in most counries wetstern dem, this control auth control rested in hands of king or queen, monarch had control fo thus. And monarch would grant royal charters or license to media pracitioners.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism- so u imagine what?
So u imahine ur media pract 1600’s distributing ur apnflet to people ud be granted license to monarch and what put in granted by monarch or church. Would be allowd put what u want in ti and that of course what happens in most authorism countries till this day.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - russia etc still have?
Russia etc still have that control but diff in western.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - so if this charters license?
So if this charfters license violated they could be revoked media prac couldn’t do job and could be jailed so penalties very sever.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - consequently sensorship was indicative?
Consequnelt sensorship was indicative of auth. As was the arbitrary and irratic ways in whichc ontrol was excercised.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - so had complete control what?
So had complete control what said. So wasn’t free press essentially.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - now the orgins of libet can be traced back to what?
Now the origns of libetism can be traced back to 16th centruay Europe. Now the origns of,ibetism can be tarced back to 16thc entury europ and in patic john miltons are protica 2nd lec. No areo prot published in 1644 and although npt comprehensive statement principles of free speech free pres sit provided very strong libt arg against auth control of free speech and press.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - so area laid down what?
So area proat laid down something called self writing process. RIGHITN.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - this porcess does what?
This process udncermin libe provss ever since. Self writin enshrined moi theory = libteriam arg.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism - now self writing process?
Now self writing process dictates that everyone should be free to express selves and according to preterson above r.a. w. = beginngin os lib seed swn john Milton itica.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - early lib?
Early lib such as Milton john Erskine argued if indivi called be freed form restriction on comm- what would hpeen peole would natural foll r.a.w Milton and Erskine: freedom from restrictions = people would ‘naturally’ follow the dictates of their conscience, seek truth, engage in public debate.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - as a result what?
as result create better life for themselves and rest of soc. That was cert joh Milton and john erksin arg,. Their few on things. Mybw u think INDEALISTC but that’s there view.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - now in applying this theory?
Now in applyin ghtis theory to modern media.. Modenr medi landacpe weve already looked at.
Modern media: pure libertarianism = unregulated laissez-faire journalism (see J. Merrill, The imperative of freedom: A philosophy of journalistic autonomy (Freedom House, 1990), 11, 35).
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - from pure libt perspective what?
From pure libetain perspective it shoudlbe categorised by john merryl import comm scholar. Famous stufy comuncaition theioyr he is leding shcola rin that area..
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - according to him applying?
According to him applying lib ertisim in modern media from pure libedtain perspective it should be categorised by uncontrolled full unrfegualted laissz faire- with clear sepration of state and media.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - so as said very start?
So as said very start absoltuen no gov intervention. No control no imput form gov or state here. Complete freedom from media.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - niw meryl goes on to say?
Now meryrl goes on to say. Emrryls view, freedom should beunderlined moral principe of any pres theoya nd he syas this ..
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - in this article up here?
In this article up here… read as writnen basic faith shown by lib advocates that fre epres workin in laissez fair sit will natural result .. Read as written ina rt.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2)- online speech what?
Online speech and cyber-libertarians: harm in regulating online is greater than the harm caused by the online speech
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - cases in relation to this?
(see: I. Nemes, ‘Regulating Hate Speech in Cyberspace: issues of Desirability and Efficacy’, Information & Communication Technology Law Vol. 11, No. 3, 2002. See also: B. Leiter, ‘Clearing Cyber-Cesspools: Google and Free Speech’ in S. Levmore and M. Nussbaum, The Offensive Internet (Harvard University Press, 2010), 156; J. Bartlett, The Dark Net (Random House, 2014), 8-9).
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - now in context of online what?
Now in context of online and social media speech his view from merryl corrltes which view cyber libt .
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - now a cyber libt movement devloped?
Now a cyber libt movement developed over last few years and nemes has written about cyber libt in context of online speech.a nd according to neemsi she said that cyber libt argue that harm in regulimg online speech is greatedr tan harm cused by the online speech in the first place.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - saying cyber say?
Saying cyberlit say tht regulating online speech cause greter harmt han speech in 1st palce.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - cyber libert favour?
Cyber libert favour and archaic unregulated int free from state control. Cos they fear that regulation will stifle internet develop and associated readers.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - natural right resting?
Natural right resting on moral principle of autonomous agency
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - plaisance?
(see: P. Plaisance, ‘The Mass Media as Discursive Network: Building on the Implications of Libertarian and Communitarian Claims for New Media Ethics Theory’ Communication Theory 15(3) 2005, 292-313).
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - so what theory?
So what theory dictate is hat free speech is an intrinsic natural right that indivdiuals are born with and as result cos intrinsic natural right born with its absoklut there should be no qualification o it at all.a nd as a result it does not create any additional dutirs or responsiboktirs that attach to rightto fos or indeed media freedom so under libt theory.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - media freedom should give rise to what?
Emdia freedom shouldn’t give rise to any additional responsibilities or obigaitons. Its antual right it should be a an absolute right unqualified. That’s what they say. So anyqs
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - were looking comm?
Were looking comm theory here – important stuff cos undpring free speech.
So looka t now stay orgins theory lookat how decline authirisnm look a how libt has continued to flourish. Certianly in us
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (2) - individualistc rather than coll? -
Individualistic rather than collectivist theory of society:
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - 18th centuary?
Eighteenth century: decline of authoritarianism.
Despite the efforts likes of john Milton erksine weren actually till 18th cent that authr-western democraices began to decline and state monoplies in publishing were eventually abloshied.
Crown or church has control they monopolised our pressed.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - so everything that cit?
So everything that citzns heard was from essentially governing lite, king queen or church. So it was anything but a free press.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - so by the end of that cent ?
So by end of that cent authorisnm regime had been entirely replaced by literism priniciples protectrting f o s and freedom of the press fro state and church int. so gone almost 1 extreme to other.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - so had auth regime?
So had auth regime from end 18th and libt regime which protect press state foem chyrhc.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - libt?
Libertarianism has flourished since. Later propennts of lbit theory such as Thomas jeffreson and john stewert mill and justice lvier wendel homes in us.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - were equally as influencial?
Were equally as influncial in this shuft away from authrisnm as Milton had been in the theories early emergence back in 1600’s/ and as w eknow its bc of mills arg from truth and also justice holmes mpoi theory.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - that libt free speech ideology?
That libt free speech ideolgiy continued to florusih to 19th an 20th cen. Although start of 20th cent saw royal commission on press. And also hutchson commsion report in us so these 2 inquires mirrored eahcother.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - royal commsion on press uk?
Royal Commission on the Press (UK) / Hutchins Commission report (US): emergence of social responsibility theory?
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - they were around same time 1940s?
Theywere around same time 1940’s so this was uk this was us, so although 20th cent saw royal comm on press and also Hutchinson commission us thaese act as catalyst for the emrgence of social responsibility theory.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - the doctrone of social respon?
The doctrine eof social respon have never really taken hold. Cert as much as libterisnm.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3)- and this isc ert case in?
And this is certainly case in respect of itn and social media speech. Wheeas seen the defacto normative pardignm is still libt. So as a result largely due to influence of arg from truth and also moit partic in us, libt remains a dominate comm theory.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - not the respoect of?
Not just in reostc of us speech- (course where its strong hold is) but also in relation to underling principles of though stae.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) - and signi as said in respect?
And significantly as said in respect of online intenernt and social media communication. So that’s where we are, so minute dom theory very much libt.
The meaning and origins of libertarianism (3) -so q we have to ask?
So q we have to aks is thus. Is libt appropriate for modern media. Is it an appropriate normative paradigm. Does it udeprn free speech in right way that’s q we need to ask.
Is libertarianism an appropriate normative paradigm for the modern media? - this section will focus?
This section will focus on two libertarian philosophical arguments that underpin free speech: argument from truth; marketplace of ideas.
told what were neede to ;pok actually mean
Is libertarianism an appropriate normative paradigm for the modern media? - it will consider?
It will consider their viability as philosophical foundations in the context of the modern media.
and see whether not they should still be philiodhopcial foundations 4 free speech in 2 days landscape. Gonna condiser their viability.
Is libertarianism an appropriate normative paradigm for the modern media? - does anyone have what?
Does anyone have initial thoughts –whether libt based what said do u think libt and its underlying rational is approp for modern media. Theres no right or wrong.
Do you think it works/ do you think speech on the int shiuld be free of any gov or state input/- rebulaion should just be able to doa nd say what we want on int.? Should fb just be platform speech that’s it.
Is libertarianism an appropriate normative paradigm for the modern media? - not libt - anyone?
Not a libt –anyone dis and say libt is way forward?- couldbe potential exam q e.g propents of moi is exactly what say- … all the ideas info should be avil for everyon e to see and what is really true will rise to surface.
Is libertarianism an appropriate normative paradigm for the modern media? - libt say ?
Libt say no gov or stat int at all- so if u have legislation that upholds free speech, noq ualifications on it think libetroan say that fine, but fo instance art 10 of eu convention obvs give us right o fos but its qualified by art 10 2 – crtain sit that right to free speech can be limited. That goes against libt ration cos interfene thers some state intervention.
The argument from truth: recap - located in mills 19th?
Located in Mill’s 19th Century text On Liberty and, predominantly, his essay, Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion.
ever get chance reccomeed read, its worth readin g bit heavy going but when do its worth the ffort.
The argument from truth: recap - overall thrust?
Overall thrust: truth is most likely to emerge from totally uninhibited freedom of thought, and almost absolute freedom of expression.
so as result thought and
The argument from truth: recap - consequently?
Consequently, thought and discussion protects individual liberty from its predominant threat, which is not ‘political oppression’, but ‘social tyranny’
social trynanny= tyrannical majority- doesn’t allow us to have our own autonomus thought but in state,requires absolute accor dwith the majorites ideas an dopinions.e ssentially arg in nuteshell
The argument from truth: criticism 1 - argue ?
Look at y –argue that actualy others perhaps ahs certain failings partic rather in relation to modern media- have to reminded social media/online speech – medias comm online via social media etc is no longer outlien of freespeech its not central toh ow we
The argument from truth: criticism 1 - but act free speech?
but act free speech is stillbased on policitcl htoeires and philioshis arg of truh moip etc, that cam efrom time like before even computers where conceived let alone itn and social media,
The argument from truth: criticism 1 - as seen these therories?
As seen these theories comes from 18th/19th cent- that’s part prov why not variable now as once were – could be prob q
The argument from truth: criticism 1 - other leading free speech?
Other elading free speech scho- disprie arg tht disiebrility truh within soc almost unviersall accepted and fsct view almost universally accepted correlat
The argument from truth: criticism 1- schauer?
Schauer: ‘desirability of truth’
The argument from truth: criticism 1 - loreal?
L’Oreal SA v Bellure NV [2010] EWCA Civ 535 per Jacob
LJ: ‘truth has high international recognition’
Assumption that free speech leads to truth = open to attack…
The argument from truth: criticism 1 - jacob?
Jacob judg in loreal- said that truth sad right tot ell and hear truth has high in reco.
The argument from truth: criticism 1- the assumption?
The saausmption that freespeech leads to truth is in my view atleast and view of other scholars, open tot attck on number of fronts reason say open to attack other fronts is that firstly not encc causal link btw foe and discoveerypf tryth.
The argument from truth: criticism 1 - now that point?
Now that point I think is particularly pertenet with regard to online and osicla media speech where anybody can express opinions or views or disseminate info. As a result social media platform and int in generally are saturate with infoainnacurate misleading or simply untrue.
The argument from truth: criticism 1 - causaul link btw?
Causal link between free speech and truth?
The argument from truth: criticism 1 - this partc issue?
This aprtic issue is animated rreally way in recent fakr nrews phen