Free Speech 3- Unpacking Media Freedom Part 1 Flashcards
What was the following 2 lectures will consider in concept of media freedom?
Part 1 - mf as a distinct concept to f.o.s
Part 2- unpacking mf
- why is media freedom important - actually includes for those entires that are operating as media
- assessment of its contents
What is the 1st lec about?
Media freedom
Special protection for the media? - what is traditional progressional media?
Print press Tv Radio Filmed in street - continues to benefit from significant protection beyond that talked into prov Indic and non media organizations
Special protection for media points?
Media actors benefit from significant protection over and above non media actors
Evident within a number of jursidictions/ pursuant to conventions and constitutions
Special protection for media points?
Media actors benefit from significant protection over and above non media actors
Evident within a number of jursidictions/ pursuant to conventions and constitutions
Special protection for the media examples? 1
Art 11 (2) of the charter of fundamental rights of Eu, freedom and pluralism of media shall be respected
Special protection for the media examples? 1
Art 11 (2) of the charter of fundamental rights of Eu, freedom and pluralism of media shall be respected
Special protection for the media examples? 2
In Germany - art 5 (2) - German basic law provides a sep provision for the specific protection of media expression - therefore creating a clear distinct of free expression- guarantees for private individ - article 5(1)2 - German base states freedom of press - freedom of reporting means broadcast films shall be guaranteed
Special protection for the media examples? 2
In Germany - art 5 (2) - German basic law provides a sep provision for the specific protection of media expression - therefore creating a clear distinct of free expression- guarantees for private individ - article 5(1)2 - German base states freedom of press - freedom of reporting means broadcast films shall be guaranteed
What can u also see about examples ?
An enhanced right media freedom - media protection guarantee in article 2(1)
What can u also see about examples ?
An enhanced right media freedom - media protection guarantee in article 2(1)
Special protection for the media examples? 3
Italian const - art 2 (5) (1)
Belgium const and also media clauses in art 70 of Swiss const
Special protection for the media examples? 3
Italian const - art 2 (5) (1)
Belgium const and also media clauses in art 70 of Swiss const
So what about protection for media or enhanced protection for media?
Operating for media is wide spread and is recognized by a number of juris partic in Europe
So what about protection for media or enhanced protection for media?
Operating for media is wide spread and is recognized by a number of juris partic in Europe
So what about the US What s the position here
Look on next slide
So what about the US What s the position here
Look on next slide
Special protection for the media the US position - under 1st ammend constitution it says?
“ congresss shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free excercise thereof or abridinginf the freedom of speech or of the press or of the richt of peaceably to assemble”
Special protection for the media the US position - under 1st ammend constitution it says?
“ congresss shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free excercise thereof or abridinginf the freedom of speech or of the press or of the richt of peaceably to assemble”
Special protection for the media the US position - what is the important bit here?
Abriding freedom of press - free press clause -
Special protection for the media the US position - what is the important bit here?
Abriding freedom of press - free press clause -
Special protection for the media the US position - looking at what said in const
1st ammend of consortiorkn states that the congress shall make no law, abriding freedom of speech of press
Special protection for the media the US position - looking at what said in const
1st ammend of consortiorkn states that the congress shall make no law, abriding freedom of speech of press
Special protection for the media the US position - wat about the free speech clause
Despite free speech clause - the us is very different to the jurisdictions and conventions looked at on previous slide
Special protection for the media the US position - wat about the free speech clause
Despite free speech clause - the us is very different to the jurisdictions and conventions looked at on previous slide
Special protection for the media the US position - what do we do with us and Europe
Compare it with the juris of Eu ct rights
You’ll see although it has specific free press not as simple as that
Special protection for the media the US position - what do we do with us and Europe
Compare it with the juris of Eu ct rights
You’ll see although it has specific free press not as simple as that
Article 10 ECHR - what is it important to understand here?
Important to understand that right to freedom of expression as protected by art 10 echr applies to individs AND media
Article 10 ECHR - what is it important to understand here?
Important to understand that right to freedom of expression as protected by art 10 echr applies to individs AND media
ART 10 ECHR- also provide for?
Provides those acting as media with additional protection over and above that applicable to private individs
ART 10 ECHR- also provide for?
Provides those acting as media with additional protection over and above that applicable to private individs
ART 10 ECHR- what did this enhance?
Enhance right of media freedom
ART 10 ECHR- what did this enhance?
Enhance right of media freedom
ART 10 ECHR- what does the same apply to
Article 19 of the United Nations intenerarional convention on civil and political rights - the iccpr and article 14 of the American convention on human rights , they have the same enhanced protection that applies to those partic articles
ART 10 ECHR- what does the same apply to
Article 19 of the United Nations intenerarional convention on civil and political rights - the iccpr and article 14 of the American convention on human rights , they have the same enhanced protection that applies to those partic articles
ART 10 ECHR- art 10 - 1 say?
ART 10 ECHR- art 10 - 1 say?
ART 10 ECHR- art 10 - 2 day
ART 10 ECHR- art 10 - 2 day
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - so like what?
So like art 19 of United Nations internal convenant on civil and political art 3
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - so like what?
So like art 19 of United Nations internal convenant on civil and political art 3
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - what does art 10 not do?
Art 10 does not specially provide for the protection of mf
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - what does art 10 not do?
Art 10 does not specially provide for the protection of mf
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - what about this?
Although art 10 1 euproean convention does not specially provide protection of mf - in distinction
To that of private undivided and non media institutions-interpret art 10, Eu ct have attached great importance to role of media
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - what about this?
Although art 10 1 euproean convention does not specially provide protection of mf - in distinction
To that of private undivided and non media institutions-interpret art 10, Eu ct have attached great importance to role of media
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - so article 10 does not spec provide for protection of mf similar to
Art 19 UN ICCPR and art 13- ACHR
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - so article 10 does not spec provide for protection of mf similar to
Art 19 UN ICCPR and art 13- ACHR
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence -hw what do you see in ecthr interp of art 10 ?
Attached important of role of media see in case
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence -hw what do you see in ecthr interp of art 10 ?
Attached important of role of media see in case
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - which case do u see there interp in?
Bladet tromso and stensaas v Norway (2000) 29 EHRR 125 [59]
Bergens tindande v Norway
Busuioc v Moldova
Jersild v Denmark
Janowski v Poland no.1
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - which case do u see there interp in?
Bladet tromso and stensaas v Norway (2000) 29 EHRR 125 [59]
Bergens tindande v Norway
Busuioc v Moldova
Jersild v Denmark
Janowski v Poland no.1
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - what about these case?
All cases illustrate great importance of European cr has attached role in what they animate the demonsty? Involve the concept of mf
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - what about these case?
All cases illustrate great importance of European cr has attached role in what they animate the demonsty? Involve the concept of mf
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - the important attached to media freedom by the ecthr means?
The media’s contribution to democracy and the process self gov and ;
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - the important attached to media freedom by the ecthr means?
The media’s contribution to democracy and the process self gov and ;
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - case in relation to previous?
Perna v Italy 2004
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - case in relation to previous?
Perna v Italy 2004
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - what does it also mean
And it’s a public watchdog role
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - what does it also mean
And it’s a public watchdog role
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - cases for Public watchdog?
The observer and the guardian v United Kingdom
Goodwin v United kingdom
Thorgeirson v Iceland
Bladet tromso and stensaas v norway
= clearly established
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - cases for Public watchdog?
The observer and the guardian v United Kingdom
Goodwin v United kingdom
Thorgeirson v Iceland
Bladet tromso and stensaas v norway
= clearly established
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - so accordingly the media’s contribution to democracy?
Dmeoncratic self governance and its role of public watchdog has been clearly established by jusris of the court,
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - so accordingly the media’s contribution to democracy?
Dmeoncratic self governance and its role of public watchdog has been clearly established by jusris of the court,
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - indeed Eu ct recognize ?
That dirt on media to convey info and ideas on political issues and public interest and the right of public to refugee interests his info so as said media’s contribution to democracy and process for self gov and it’s public watchdog is clearly established by jurisprudence of CT’s
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - indeed Eu ct recognize ?
That dirt on media to convey info and ideas on political issues and public interest and the right of public to refugee interests his info so as said media’s contribution to democracy and process for self gov and it’s public watchdog is clearly established by jurisprudence of CT’s
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- special position of media re freedom of expression recognized by?
So spec positiknif media in relation to fos recognizes by academic commentators such a
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- special position of media re freedom of expression recognized by?
So spec positiknif media in relation to fos recognizes by academic commentators such a
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- Who are the academic commentators
P. Stewart I ‘or of the press’ (1975) 26 Hastings law journal 631 633
R.p bezanson ‘ the free press guarantee’
S.r west ‘awakening the press clause’
Who are the academic commentators
P. Stewart I ‘or of the press’ (1975) 26 Hastings law journal 631 633
R.p bezanson ‘ the free press guarantee’
S.r west ‘awakening the press clause’
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- What do this comment explain?
Explains why juris of echr interprets article 10 1 tocontain privelege protection of media, even in the absence of expressed provision to that effect
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- What do this comment explain?
Explains why juris of echr interprets article 10 1 tocontain privelege protection of media, even in the absence of expressed provision to that effect
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- so why is mf special? - what makes it so special and important?
Special because
Ostend “ because a journalist or media company is ‘governed by a different set of factors concerning the scope l and intensity of protection when preparing, editing or issuing a publication, compared to freedom of expression afforded to private inside or non media entities”
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis– so why is mf special? - what makes it so special and important?
Special because
Ostend “ because a journalist or media company is ‘governed by a different set of factors concerning the scope l and intensity of protection when preparing, editing or issuing a publication, compared to freedom of expression afforded to private inside or non media entities”
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis– thus the fact that a statement can be classed as media expressions?
This fact that a statement can be classed as media expressions opposed to expression by a private individ or non media isniturions adds to burden of justifying its restrictions,
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - thus the fact that a statement can be classed as media expressions?
This fact that a statement can be classed as media expressions opposed to expression by a private individ or non media isniturions adds to burden of justifying its restrictions,
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- so what do we have to understand?
That media freedom comes with comment and duties and responsibilities -
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - so what do we have to understand?
That media freedom comes with comment and duties and responsibilities -
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- art 10 jusriprudence - so what we gonna look for
3 cases that serve to illustrate media freedoms position as lex special is- freedom of expression pursuant to echr jurisprudence
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - so what we gonna look for
3 cases that serve to illustrate media freedoms position as lex special is- freedom of expression pursuant to echr jurisprudence
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- Peter Terence in full ?
J later - theory and doctrine of media freedom as a legal concept’
⭐️Ecthr - art 10 jusriprudence - Peter Terence in full ?
J later - theory and doctrine of media freedom as a legal concept’
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what is the 1st case?
Busuioc v Moldova 2004 and
Janowski v Poland no. 1
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what is the 1st case?
Busuioc v Moldova 2004 and
Janowski v Poland no. 1
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis-what did bus case provide?
Concerned a civil servant pay damages by domestic moldovan court by publishing article alleged favoritism amongst civil sergeants, the repsindnars are which was Moldova cited echr
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis-what did bus case provide?
Concerned a civil servant pay damages by domestic moldovan court by publishing article alleged favoritism amongst civil sergeants, the repsindnars are which was Moldova cited echr
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- cited echr judgment in janowski?
Stares wuoted “ civil servants must enjoy public confidence in conditions free of bond - prevention in there are to be successful in performing their take and it they may prove encc? To protect them from offensive and abusive verbal attacks when it first -
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- cited echr judgment in janowski?
Stares wuoted “ civil servants must enjoy public confidence in conditions free of bond - prevention in there are to be successful in performing their take and it they may prove encc? To protect them from offensive and abusive verbal attacks when it first -
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- he what did the echr do
Distinguished bus case on jonowski
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- he what did the echr do
Distinguished bus case on jonowski
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis— what was the basis on janowski m?
Held that the applicant although journalist by a profession he had clearly acted as a private individ in this case - and that did not engage media freedom - where as his country b written his capacity of a journalist - light to media freedom
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis— what was the basis on janowski m?
Held that the applicant although journalist by a profession he had clearly acted as a private individ in this case - and that did not engage media freedom - where as his country b written his capacity of a journalist - light to media freedom
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis-consequently what happened in janowski?
European ct held that Moldovan authorities subject to more restrictive margin of appreciation when deciding wh there was a pressing social need to interfere with bus right to free speech - gonna have to come back
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis-consequently what happened in janowski?
European ct held that Moldovan authorities subject to more restrictive margin of appreciation when deciding wh there was a pressing social need to interfere with bus right to free speech - gonna have to come back
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- case 2?
Wojitas - kaleta v Poland
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- case 2?
Wojitas - kaleta v Poland
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- What happened in case 2?
Applicant was a journalist employed by typ- she complained that the quality of public Tv programmes was undermined by completion from private broadcasts and that the support for classic music was insufficient
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- What happened in case 2?
Applicant was a journalist employed by typ- she complained that the quality of public Tv programmes was undermined by completion from private broadcasts and that the support for classic music was insufficient
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- consequently what happened in case no.2?
Her employer disciplined her
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- consequently what happened in case no.2?
Her employer disciplined her
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what did the echr do in case 2?
Echr having regard to role played by journalist in society reposinbilitee to contribute to an encourage public debate , determined that the obligation of discretion in constraint, general employment law, in their words cannot be said to apply with equal forced journalists - given that it’s in their nature of their functions to impart info and ideas
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what did the echr do in case 2?
Echr having regard to role played by journalist in society reposinbilitee to contribute to an encourage public debate , determined that the obligation of discretion in constraint, general employment law, in their words cannot be said to apply with equal forced journalists - given that it’s in their nature of their functions to impart info and ideas
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what is the next case after 2?
Vedjeland and others v Sweden
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what is the next case after 2?
Vedjeland and others v Sweden
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what happened in case 3?
Applicant who not associated with media had been convicted of homophobia leaflets in sexual school - principle interveners “homosexual propaganda society”
Find google moral destructive effect on societ homo- hiv aids appeared homo- said that amongst other things - but this was main thrust
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what happened in case 3?
Applicant who not associated with media had been convicted of homophobia leaflets in sexual school - principle interveners “homosexual propaganda society”
Find google moral destructive effect on societ homo- hiv aids appeared homo- said that amongst other things - but this was main thrust
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- more in case 3?
Said it would start debate Swedish schools
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- more in case 3?
Said it would start debate Swedish schools
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what was found in case 3?
9th July 2005 - district cr of Bash found statements an objective discussion of homo as a group
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what was found in case 3?
9th July 2005 - district cr of Bash found statements an objective discussion of homo as a group
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what they convicted of case no.3?
Convicted of agitation against national ethnic groups l- echr held convictions but in doing that they observed the following
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what they convicted of case no.3?
Convicted of agitation against national ethnic groups l- echr held convictions but in doing that they observed the following
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what did they observe?
If exactly same morals and phrases used in public newspapers probably not considered matter of criminal prosecution
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what did they observe?
If exactly same morals and phrases used in public newspapers probably not considered matter of criminal prosecution
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what was the reason for that case 3?
Due to protection afforded to media enhanced right of media freedom -
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what was the reason for that case 3?
Due to protection afforded to media enhanced right of media freedom -
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- so in all what did they do?
Demonstrate disnriftion btw protection afforded to individ to right of freedom expression and the enhanced protection media actors right to media freedom
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- so in all what did they do?
Demonstrate disnriftion btw protection afforded to individ to right of freedom expression and the enhanced protection media actors right to media freedom
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what about vedjeland
⭐️media freedom : lex specialis- what about vedjeland
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - what does ved tell us about mf ?
Special protection to media expression permits use of wide discretion - as to methods and techniques to report on matters and how that material is subsequently presented
- permits the use of wide discretion: reporting and presentation
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - what does ved tell us about mf ?
Special protection to media expression permits use of wide discretion - as to methods and techniques to report on matters and how that material is subsequently presented
- permits the use of wide discretion: reporting and presentation
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - cases for permits point?
Jersild v Denmark / bladet tromso and stensaas v norway - bergens tindande v Norway
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - cases for permits point?
Jersild v Denmark / bladet tromso and stensaas v norway - bergens tindande v Norway
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - another point of what this case tells us about mf ?
Allows the media to have recourse for exaggeration e.g strong terminology
Allows exaggeration and provaction ( to an extent)
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - another point of what this case tells us about mf ?
Allows the media to have recourse for exaggeration e.g strong terminology
Allows exaggeration and provaction ( to an extent)
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - cases for allow exaggeration?
Prager and oberschilick v austria
Thoma v luxembourg
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - cases for allow exaggeration?
Prager and oberschilick v austria
Thoma v luxembourg
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - point 3 for ved tell us about mf?
E.g including use or strong terminology / polemic formulations
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - point 3 for ved tell us about mf?
E.g including use or strong terminology / polemic formulations
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - cases for strong term?
Thorgier thorgienson v Iceland
Oberschiik v Austria
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - cases for strong term?
Thorgier thorgienson v Iceland
Oberschiik v Austria
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - final statement for this case mf point?
Next week lec - protection extends beyond dissemination the journalists to media organizations own opinions, to also encapsulate those opinions expressed by 3rd parties context for e.g interviews
- protection statements made by 3rd parties
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - final statement for this case mf point?
Next week lec - protection extends beyond dissemination the journalists to media organizations own opinions, to also encapsulate those opinions expressed by 3rd parties context for e.g interviews
- protection statements made by 3rd parties
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - case for last point?
Jersild v Denmark
📒- vejdeland and others v Sweden - case for last point?
Jersild v Denmark
Media freedom under art 10: positive and defensive protection? - outlet of media freedom isn’t just ?
Outlet mf isn’t just limited to stronger protection media speech, is read it extends to rights that are not in anyway avail pursuant to freedom of expression and guarantees
Media freedom under art 10: positive and defensive protection? - outlet of media freedom isn’t just ?
Outlet mf isn’t just limited to stronger protection media speech, is read it extends to rights that are not in anyway avail pursuant to freedom of expression and guarantees
Media freedom under art 10: positive and defensive protection? - consequently to this
Consequently discuss in next week elf, mf and freedom of expression differ in relation to intensity of protection and in respect of scope of the protected action
Media freedom under art 10: positive and defensive protection? - consequently to this
Consequently discuss in next week elf, mf and freedom of expression differ in relation to intensity of protection and in respect of scope of the protected action
Media freedom under art 10: positive and defensive protection? - what does this position equate to
Position equates to institutional protection media that, consequrntaill guarantees rights that are not exlcusivly concerned with expression, it also relates to media news gathering editorial activists or even existence of independent media
Media freedom under art 10: positive and defensive protection? - what does this position equate to
Position equates to institutional protection media that, consequrntaill guarantees rights that are not exlcusivly concerned with expression, it also relates to media news gathering editorial activists or even existence of independent media
Media freedom under art 10: positive and defensive protection? - when will we look at this isnittuional protection for?
Look at institutional protection for media more detail next week he yanosta catgeorieses this isnituional perfection for media enities by right to media freedom as being both defensive in that in poredts media against interference - state action and also positive as it entitles media to state protection
Media freedom under art 10: positive and defensive protection? - when will we look at this isnittuional protection for?
Look at institutional protection for media more detail next week he yanosta catgeorieses this isnituional perfection for media enities by right to media freedom as being both defensive in that in poredts media against interference - state action and also positive as it entitles media to state protection
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - 1st case?
Halis Doran and others v turkey app
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - 1st case?
Halis Doran and others v turkey app
What did ct hold in 1st case?
Held that mf - includes protection of newspaper distribution in fastry
What did ct hold in 1st case?
Held that mf - includes protection of newspaper distribution in fastry
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - what is 2 Nd case
Gsell v Switzerland - involved restricts to road access to world economic fraud in Davis - consequently ct recognizes the existence of protection against state measures could hinder upon Excercise of journalist profession
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - what is 2 Nd case
Gsell v Switzerland - involved restricts to road access to world economic fraud in Davis - consequently ct recognizes the existence of protection against state measures could hinder upon Excercise of journalist profession
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - 3rd case?
Goodwin v United Kingdom
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - 3rd case?
Goodwin v United Kingdom
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - What was held in Goodwin?
Also held journalists cannot he made to evidence concern in confidential info or sources even if obtain legally
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - What was held in Goodwin?
Also held journalists cannot he made to evidence concern in confidential info or sources even if obtain legally
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - Cases connected to good win
- radio twist as v Slovakia
Sanoma utigevers bv v Netherlands
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - Cases connected to good win
- radio twist as v Slovakia
Sanoma utigevers bv v Netherlands
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - next point?
Data protection provisions
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - next point?
Data protection provisions
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection -more info on data protection provisions?
The media also expect certain data protection and copyright provision so for e.g if u look at s.32
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection -more info on data protection provisions?
The media also expect certain data protection and copyright provision so for e.g if u look at s.32
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - what about a.32?
S.32 data protection act 1998- large extent been imported into general data protection regulation by art 85, and also new date protoefrion bill? Pursuant to para 24 sched 2
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - what about a.32?
S.32 data protection act 1998- large extent been imported into general data protection regulation by art 85, and also new date protoefrion bill? Pursuant to para 24 sched 2
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection -what does s 32 provide?
Provide a journalist expedition- to the provision under data protection act so if journalist bc etc can demonstrate that complying act b incompatible with journalism then don’t have to comply with at so it proves media judge protection partic at moment bc ..
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection -what does s 32 provide?
Provide a journalist expedition- to the provision under data protection act so if journalist bc etc can demonstrate that complying act b incompatible with journalism then don’t have to comply with at so it proves media judge protection partic at moment bc ..
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - new s1 proclaim ?
Demonstratee serious harm in the ichrlaor claimant she fed?????
All wrong data protection act way in so s.32 provides very useful protection of media in that regard- gonna have to research
Media freedom under art 10 - defensive protection - new s1 proclaim ?
Demonstratee serious harm in the ichrlaor claimant she fed?????
All wrong data protection act way in so s.32 provides very useful protection of media in that regard- gonna have to research
Media freedom under art 10: positive protection - states are required to protect - 4 things?
The media through safeguarding media pluralism
Journalists from acts of violence in the course of their work
And from undue influence by financially powerful groups or
The gov
Media freedom under art 10: positive protection - states are required to protect - 4 things?
The media through safeguarding media pluralism
Journalists from acts of violence in the course of their work
And from undue influence by financially powerful groups or
The gov
Media freedom under art 10: positive protection - cases for 1st pint?
Informationsverein lentia and others v Austria
Tv vest & rogoland pensjonistparti v Norway
Media freedom under art 10: positive protection - cases for 1st pint?
Informationsverein lentia and others v Austria
Tv vest & rogoland pensjonistparti v Norway
Media freedom under art 10: positive protection - case for point 2?
Ozgur gundem v turkey
Media freedom under art 10: positive protection - case for point 2?
Ozgur gundem v turkey
Media freedom under art 10: positive protection - case for point 3
Article 21 4 2 - ec merger regulation/ part 4 chapter 2 communications act 2003 cj 21
Media freedom under art 10: positive protection - case for point 3
Article 21 4 2 - ec merger regulation/ part 4 chapter 2 communications act 2003 cj 21
Media freedom under art 10: positive protection - cAses for point 4?
Manoel v moldova
Centre europa & di stefana v Italy app
Media freedom under art 10: positive protection - cAses for point 4?
Manoel v moldova
Centre europa & di stefana v Italy app
Activity - to do
Sum up the ecthrs position in respect of the concept of mf
Activity - to do
Sum up the ecthrs position in respect of the concept of mf
What about the us position - what to do?
Look at us position
Us view is very much worth consid at this junction as it provides useful apparels with Eu ur position - that animates debate on how media is defined and how CT’s can determine who or what should been fit right to mf
What about the us position - what to do?
Look at us position
Us view is very much worth consid at this junction as it provides useful apparels with Eu ur position - that animates debate on how media is defined and how CT’s can determine who or what should been fit right to mf
⭐️Or of the press -what about us position
Marked differently to ecthr- despite leading commentators and dissenting arg specific free press clause or of the press..
creates similar distinction to that provided by chart of fundamental rights of Eu
German basic law and juris echr this has been imposed by academics such as volokh very important - come back
And also been resisted by Supreme Court
⭐️Or of the press -what about us position
Marked differently to ecthr- despite leading commentators and dissenting arg specific free press clause or of the press..
creates similar distinction to that provided by chart of fundamental rights of Eu
German basic law and juris echr this has been imposed by academics such as volokh very important - come back
And also been resisted by Supreme Court
⭐️Or of the press - points of this
Arguments that or of the press clause creates a ecthr type disticnition
⭐️Or of the press - points of this
Arguments that or of the press clause creates a ecthr type disticnition
⭐️Or of the press - what about 2nd point leading commentators
See further reading list
⭐️Or of the press - what about 2nd point leading commentators
See further reading list
⭐️Or of the press - 3rd point?
Dissenting Supreme Court judgements
- Stevens j in citizens united v fec
- powell j in saxbe v wash post
- douglas j branazburg v Hayes
⭐️Or of the press - 3rd point?
Dissenting Supreme Court judgements
- Stevens j in citizens united v fec
- powell j in saxbe v wash post
- douglas j branazburg v Hayes
⭐️Or of the press - 4th point
Opposed by other academic e.g volokh expand from reading list
⭐️Or of the press - 4th point
Opposed by other academic e.g volokh expand from reading list
⭐️Or of the press - point 5?
Resisted by Supreme Court - see Citizens United v fec
⭐️Or of the press - point 5?
Resisted by Supreme Court - see Citizens United v fec
⭐️ press as technology model - what about this
Do extra research could be examine q- seminar q desire in seminar
⭐️ press as technology model - what about this
Do extra research could be examine q- seminar q desire in seminar
⭐️Press as technology model - what is meant m?
Dominant fire in the us= based on p a t model
⭐️Press as technology model - what is meant m?
Dominant fire in the us= based on p a t model
⭐️Press as technology model - point 2?
Roots in English common law
⭐️Press as technology model - point 2?
Roots in English common law
⭐️Press as technology model - roots in English common law cases?
R v Shipley ( dean of saint asaphs case)
R v rowan
R v burdett
⭐️Press as technology model - roots in English common law cases?
R v Shipley ( dean of saint asaphs case)
R v rowan
R v burdett
⭐️Press as technology model - 3rd point?
Based on premise that media f should not be subject to privileges or duties over and above freedom of expression - see Lange,astyne, Lewis and Baker - further reading list
⭐️Press as technology model - 3rd point?
Based on premise that media f should not be subject to privileges or duties over and above freedom of expression - see Lange,astyne, Lewis and Baker - further reading list
⭐️Press as technology model - point 4?
Volokh: freedom of press = technological
Means avail to all forms of commo
His views covers everything in vo assess f o press not only pres industry but securs
(Point 5; available to all forms of communication)- r.p bezanson ‘whither freedom of the press?’
⭐️Press as technology model - point 4?
Volokh: freedom of press = technological
Means avail to all forms of commo
His views covers everything in vo assess f o press not only pres industry but securs
(Point 5; available to all forms of communication)- r.p bezanson ‘whither freedom of the press?’
⭐️Press as technology model - point 6? What
Extends to all media actors, regardless of medium - for , legal studies - extends to not only traditional media on social but also to untrend citizen journal who can communicate fb insta twitter and utube
⭐️Press as technology model - point 6? What
Extends to all media actors, regardless of medium - for , legal studies - extends to not only traditional media on social but also to untrend citizen journal who can communicate fb insta twitter and utube
⭐️Press as technology model a point 7?
Origintist interp prevalent in us jurisprudenfen and scholarship historically and currently
Despite the Supreme Court reconsiders that press operates a powerful antidote to any abuses of power by gov officials in contours to reject institutional press any const privelege over and other speakers
⭐️Press as technology model a point 7?
Origintist interp prevalent in us jurisprudenfen and scholarship historically and currently
Despite the Supreme Court reconsiders that press operates a powerful antidote to any abuses of power by gov officials in contours to reject institutional press any const privelege over and other speakers
⭐️Press as technology model - cases for 1st point?
Republics v Oswald
Commonwealth v freeman - herald df freedom
In re fries
Rumble b Meyer
⭐️Press as technology model - cases for 1st point?
Republics v Oswald
Commonwealth v freeman - herald df freedom
In re fries
Rumble b Meyer
⭐️Press as technology model - point 8 ?
Mills v alambama ; estes v Texas: press operates as a powerful antidote to any abuses of power by gov officials
- sc continues to reject argument that isnituinak media has any cknsktutuak privilege - look at case later
⭐️Press as technology model - point 8 ?
Mills v alambama ; estes v Texas: press operates as a powerful antidote to any abuses of power by gov officials
- sc continues to reject argument that isnituinak media has any cknsktutuak privilege - look at case later
⭐️Press as technology model - point 9?
Citizens united v fec
Not immune to criticism and opposing views see later lec
Been number of diff judgments dissenting judge from us supreme ct also in citizen united gonna have to research - also been number of us scholars oooosed int incl Justice- st owstrjxt and west - out this in reading list
Read articles yourself
⭐️Press as technology model - point 9?
Citizens united v fec
Not immune to criticism and opposing views see later lec
Been number of diff judgments dissenting judge from us supreme ct also in citizen united gonna have to research - also been number of us scholars oooosed int incl Justice- st owstrjxt and west - out this in reading list
Read articles yourself
⭐️Press as technology model - so in all what do have tot honk about?
Have a think through positions if echr and us differ in respect media freedom links up good togs in seminar
⭐️Press as technology model - so in all what do have tot honk about?
Have a think through positions if echr and us differ in respect media freedom links up good togs in seminar