Free Speech 4- Unpacking media freedom part 2 Flashcards
what are we doing in todays lec?
Today’s lecture: Unpacking MF
(i) why is MF important
(ii) assessment of its contents
The importance and role of MF?
MF is linked to the media’s public watchdog role #
cases for mf is linked to medias public watchdog?
(Observer and Guardian v UK (1992) 14 EHRR 153, [59].
A-G v Guardian Newspapers Ltd (No. 2) [1990] 1 AC 109, 183 per Sir John Donaldson MR).
Importance of MF justified by?
(i) liberty of the publisher and
(ii) facilitation of public discourse in democracies
what does (i) liberty of the publisher mean?
what does (ii) facilitation of public discourse in democracies mean?
cases for importance of mf justified by?
(Axel Springer AG v Germany (No. 1) [2012] App. no. 39954/08 [79]; Von Hannover v Germany (No. 2) [2012] App. nos. 40660/08 and 60641/08 [102]; Sunday Times v United Kingdom (No. 1) [1979] App. no. 6538/74 [65]; Bladet Tromso and Stensaas v Norway [1999] App. no. 21980/93 [62]; Times Newspapers Ltd v United Kingdom (Nos. 1 and 2) [2009] App. nos. 3002/03 and 23676/03 [40]).
The role MF plays in enabling the media to facilitate public discourse - what is meant by this title?
Rooney: media must be guaranteed ‘effective means’ for news gathering/dissemination
Nestler: Privileged protection/minimal restriction.
Means as many views as possible are represented (see Dennis v United States (1951) 341 US 494, 584 and Alonzo)
what is similarly to previous?
Simarly the int cov on civil and political rights or the International cov on civil and pol rights= the human right committee has also examined role played by free media in the democratic process. And in case of bodrovich against Serbia and Montenegro t
The role MF plays in enabling the media to facilitate public discourse - what did the commitee do?
-Ability of society to self-govern = largely dependent on the media. See jurisprudence:
The committee acknowledged that in cirucm of public debate in a democratic society , especially in the media concerning figues in public demain,
The role MF plays in enabling the media to facilitate public discourse - so what did ecthr say?
ECtHR: MF ‘affords the public one of the best means of discovering and forming an opinion of the ideas and attitudes of political leaders. It is incumbent on the [media] to impart information and ideas on political issues and other subjects of public interest.’
IACHR: Media = catalyst for ‘social dimension’ of free speech.
The role MF plays in enabling the media to facilitate public discourse - what did iccpr do?
ICCPR: Bodrožić v Serbia and Montenegro [2005] Communication no. 1180/2003 – value placed on uninhibited expression = high
the value placed by the iccpr upon inhibited expression is particular high-
The role MF plays in enabling the media to facilitate public discourse -what was the reason for iccpr do this?
reasin fir this ius bc through media, citiznes gain wider access to info. And have the opp to disseminate infoa nd opinions about he acitvis of elected bodies and there memebrs.
The role MF plays in enabling the media to facilitate public discourse - so what is it quite clear that we have here?
So quite clearly we have jurisprudence of a number of diff courts and in relation to diff covnetions, which all acknowledges improtantce emdia plays or emdia freedom plays partic ind emocratic process.
GAME OFF- summary why mf so imporant and what role play in public discourse?
Why media freedom is improtnat and what role play public discours- just summary –
I know nothing aboutmedia law – im from authirtarian state- so somewhere where gov controls the media totally, why would u tell them that media feedom important-
GAME OFF-what would u tell someone from authartian state who controlled why mf important?
bc there is more info and ideas avail. Because of that we learn more we develop more. where media maybe exposed thigns that being happened e.g Brexit very good e.g – not just avout poli it could be about for instance whats going on in busienns- through cove journalism told about pension defci 400 mill actually in billions. That’s info we need to know.
It was investigative journalism of course which bough samitixe manager to end cos they uncovered him taling someonein asis and paid doing something he shoudlnt have
GAME OFF-what does it not always have to relate to?
Doesn’t always have to relate to politics but so often it does that’s why media so import
GAME OFF-what was a good point made in lec 1?
Good point- mentione 1st lec goes back to media morality in partic- diff newspapers always have had some politcil buyers, hyoull have 1 newspaper more geered towards labour party or cons. An of cours more info have the more media freedom we have. So were not all being led 1 outlet from 1 political or comemrical bias.
GAME OFF-what we seeing atm?
Seeing atm with takeover sky reever murchod 1 big issue there is cos own s other organ too much powr vested in his hands.
MF: Instrumental rather than inherent- so what is mf other than inherent right
So rather tha being an inherent right, prusant to jurisprudence of European courts of hr , media freedom is also an insutrumental right,
MF: Instrumental rather than inherent- what isnt this the case for?
hw as were gonna se this isn’t the case with us, us is very different, as result of press technology model which were gonna look at.
MF: Instrumental rather than inherent– who explains this?
Rather than being .. R.a.w first line Media freedom is an instrumental right, hence the pic of air guitar etc, as a result , as yan hoster explains.
what does yan hoster explain?
Media freedom protects the media for fulfilling a beneficial function for society in gnernal. That is informing public about matters of genral concern.
what does yan hoster go on to say?
And what yanhoster goes on to say is that media freedom is more tghan merely freedom of expression for journalists, he syas that afofridng partic protection for media. Is based on a conseuqtnialists and funcutional understanding of the emdias activity, by conseuqenous mean the results of their activites, what it actually does is it aids public discourse.
the protection by mf is split into how many parts and what are they?
So as well become apparent go thru next lec sldies. The proetcion privded by media freedom is split int 2 parts. Not only doe sit protext emdia speech. But it also affords the media both defence and positive isnittuional rptoection, from intefernce from the state. Which well look at in a ltitle while.
so what are we gonna look at?
So sgtart by looking t speech. Then well look at isnitutional protectin that media freedom provides the media.
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech - introduction- so what we gonna look at first?
So lets look at mf protection of speech first.
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -foe and mf can be sub cat into?
FoE and MF can be sub-categorised into the freedom to: (i) hold opinions and (ii) receive and impart I&Is.
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -what is this enshrined in?
this is Enshrined within Art 10 ECHR, Art 19 ICCPR and Art 13 ACHR.
but also Art 19 ICCPR and Art 13 ACHR protect all forms of expression ( american convention on hr)
Art 10 ECHR protects substance, form, conveyance and method of dissemination of expression
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -what about all these 3 conv?
so all 3 of those covnentiosn says same thing.
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -what is worthy to note here?
Now at this juncture worthy to note that artciles 19 1 and 13 1 repsetcively protect all froms of expression. And also means of conveyance so how they are disseminated to the audience.
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -pursant to european?
Pursant to the European since European court human rights jursip- article 10 of eu convention protects the substance of ideas and info.
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -art 10 protects in depth?
It protects the form in which those ideas and info are conveyed to audience , it also protects the method of dismmentation. Whichc an encompass any media such as books, newpsas,tv,radio and also social meida.
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -what about this protection?
So that protect has very wide ambit- its wide spread.
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -mf takes this further?how does it take it a step further?
Now this enhanced right to media freedom-t akes this protection afforded to art 10 1 which of course applies to all of us a step further.
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -bc it also includes?
As it also includes, the right to deicde upon the method and techinuq of reporting, and the eay in which the amterial is presented.
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -so what does this mean?
So what this means is right to media freedom, consists of a positive freedom which is right to gather and publish info in a certain way. And it also includes a negative freedom which is not to have to publish info. So media have right not to publish certain info.
MF takes this further – positive / negative rights
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -what does this negative aspect manifest itself in?
And this negative aspect of the right manifests itself in editorial freedom. Which is very very important for medi actors. Editorial freedo come back to that in a mo. So are u happy with that?
Part 1: MF’s protection of media speech -cases connec art 10?
(Autronic AG v Switzerland [1990] App. no. 12726/87 [47]; Jersild v Denmark [1994] App. no. 15890/89 [31]; De Haes and Gijsels v Belguim [1997] App. no. 19983/92 [48]; Murphy v Ireland [2003] App. no. 44179/98 [61]; Radio France and others v France [2004] App. no. 53984/00 [39]).
The freedom to hold opinions- what is sub cat 1?
The freedom to hold opinion1st= sub cat 1
The freedom to hold opinions- - what is meant by freedom to hold opinion?
Acts as a pre-condition to the right of individuals to express themselves.
- So as con situte as right to freedom of expression- the freedom to hold opinions without interference acts as a pre condition to right of indicuals to freely express themselves.
The freedom to hold opinions- so in respect of comm look at?
-So in repect of media f – well l.ok at human rights committee-
The freedom to hold opinions- talk about?
ess- tlak abotue chr jursiprenc in respect of eu conveiton,
The freedom to hold opinions- what is hr committ?
hr clomitte is the commit which judicates cases relating to international cov on civl and polcitical rights. They also habve thjeir own body of jursi.
The freedom to hold opinions- what does hr comit adjudicate?
So hr committee adjusicates on the on the icpr and in respect of mr, the human rights comm tells us in respect iccpr –
The freedom to hold opinions- what about iccpr?
ICCPR: Includes the right to change an opinion, or not have one at all
The freedom to hold opinions- what is meant after iccpr?
what this means is that media actor, may freely have an opinion that they may change or they may not have an opinion at all.
The freedom to hold opinions- so what does freedom to hold opinion mena?
K so freedom to hold opinions means we can change opinion and don’t have to have 1 in the first place.
The freedom to hold opinions- regardless of whether excercising right what?
Regardless of whether were excersing our righjt to change our opinion to hold our ropinio ot change or not have 1 at all rather, the right to hold opinion ust not be subject to any interf or punishment. Says the hr committee.
The freedom to hold opinions- cases in regard to iccpr?
(Mpaka-Nsusu v Zaire [1986] Communication no. 157/1983 [10]; Primo Jose Essono Mika Miha v Equatorial Guinea [1994] Communication no. 414/1990 [6.8]; Faurisson v France [1996] Communication no. 550/93; Kang v Republic of Korea [2003] Communication no. 878/1999 [7.2]; General Comment no. 34, [9]).
The freedom to hold opinions- what about all types of opinion
protect all rights of opion
All types of opinion are protected.
The freedom to hold opinions- what are the types of opinion protected?
including those of a political, scientific, historic , mroal or religious nature, hw there are some subtle differences btw.
The freedom to hold opinions- what about aritcl 19 1?
Article 19(1) ICCPR: absolute right So under article 19 1 of the iccpr , its an absolute right.
The freedom to hold opinions- what is meant by absolute right?
And by that when I say absolute right I mean it isn’t qualified by anything. There are nor restircition to it.
The freedom to hold opinions- in contrast to this what is the art?
In contrast we know that article 10 2 of the europena convetion. Qualfiies art 10 1 .
Article 10(2) ECHR and 13(2) ACHR qualify the right.
The freedom to hold opinions- what do we ahve under art 10?
So says have all these right freedom expression udner art 10 1 hw under certain circum it can be limited/restricted.
The freedom to hold opinions- what about art 10?
So there are limitations placed on art 10 1 right to freedom of expression. Can anyone remember what sort of thos restrictions are, or m aybe.
Under atic 10 2 . So when may our right fs be restricted
The freedom to hold opinions- example of restric of art 10?
. E.g yes speech nationals ecurity? – wen through this in seminar. National security good e.g hate speech good e.g
Violence or – public disorder good e.g – if has anti democratic sentiment. Anything else? Right to respect- countervading rights of other indvid so
The freedom to hold opinions- what do we also have right to ? and what happens?
talked about we also have a right to privacy, right to representation also and of course what happens is our right to free speech sometimes ahs to be balanced agains there counterbvielign rights and depending on circum of case, and very often dependant on public int in speech with respect sppech that’s ocnerned in case in might be that 1 wins over the other essentially.
The freedom to hold opinions- so free speech may win what?
– So some frespecch may win, right toprivay or rep depending on circum.
The freedom to hold opinions-what about art 10 2 ?
Under articl 10 2 we know it qualifies right to art 10 1 and aricl 132 does same thing articl 10 2 almosr indetical how it is written. So we don’t have absolute right to hold opinions under eu convention as we do have under internationl cov on cil polcitial rights ( slghlty different).
The freedom to impart I&Is - what must we now look at?
Lets look now at freedom or right to impart freedom or ideas
Sso the importance of medias role in imparting info and ideas has been consitely reitatrted by the eu court of hr., and what famously said in case lingens va ustria above.
So the European court of hr famous passage, was judgment in
The freedom to impart I&Is - importance in imparting info reinstated in?
Sso the importance of medias role in imparting info and ideas has been consitely reitatrted by the eu court of hr., and what famously said in case lingens va ustria above.
The freedom to impart I&Is -So the European court of hr famous passage?
‘Freedom of the press…affords the public one of the best means of discovering and forming an opinion of the ideas and attitudes of political leaders and on matters of general interest.’
Lingens v Austria [1986] App. no. 9815/82 [42].
The freedom to impart I&Is - So the European court of hr famous passage, was judgment in?
Handsyide against uk –
remebr in first lec was that handside was 1 first opp that ec human rights had to give a full judgment on article 10 and its operation. Actually what seen in handyside has been consistently applied evr since.
The freedom to impart I&Is - what about handyside then?
Handyside = starting point
So what this judgment really is is operates as starting point.
The freedom to impart I&Is - what must we also see in relation to this?
see also: Sunday Times v United Kingdom (No. 1) [1979] App. no. 6538/74 [65]; Lingens v Austria [1986] App. no. 9815/82 [41]; Axel Springer AG v Germany (No. 1) [2012] App. no. 39954/08 [78]; Thorgeir Thorgeirson v Iceland [1992] App. no. 13778/88 [63].
The freedom to impart I&Is - to tell us right to fos?
Ti tells us right to fs and also by extension mf is applicable not only to info and ideas thata re faourbaly recived or regarded as in offensive or as a matter of indfierence but also to those that offen shock, or disturb , estate or any sector of the population, such demands of that pluriasm tolerance and broad mindnessness of right which there is no democratic society- went through tht judgment couple weeks ago