Free Speech 1 - intro Flashcards
What does the modern media matrix include?
Would argue
Traditional media Social media companies Citizen journalists Traditional media actors Private social media
What do we mean by media?
Means to impart info and ideas to a mass audience and
The acrid disseminating such info and ideas
Let’s think about what this means in context of modern media
What is meant by traditional media?
Print press, broadcast media eg the times and the sun and bbc , ITV, sky impartinf info and ideas though their usual mediums
What is meant by citizen journalists
Using diff forms of social media - blogs and srs to impart info and ideas
What is meant by social media companies
Is fb how procuring their own media content
What is meant by traditional media actors
Using cjs and abs as a source of news , & and as a platform for impartinf infos and ideas- this has created a symbiosis
What is meant by private social media
Users not operating as media
What was traditional media origins founded on
Philosophical foundations
1 What are the philosophical foundations
The argument of truth
Market place of ideas
Argument from self fulfillment
Ad argument from democratic self governance
What is no.2
The notion of fourth estate and its primary function as the public watchdog - observer and guardian v U.K.
What is meant by fourth estate/ public watch dog ? What do you think that means?
It operates as the general public’s eyes and ears by investigating and reporting abuses of power
Check and balance on the executive
Grounded in librarian theory - borin out of 15th cent opposition to authartian press control by crown and church look alter
Important to rem traditional media role prop to advent of the internet - press / broadcast media where th wonky is Orion’s could come with mass audience
Levesion inquiry the traditional media and in particular the press has played a critical role in informing the public on matters of public interest and concern
Pub inter and concern seminar
What is said about traditional media?
Still public watchdog
What about the demise of forth estate
How has social media facilitated cj - citizen journalism
How has social media facilitated cj - citizen journalism
Social media shifted the media paradigm
Created a symbiosis with traditional media
Us supreme ct - packingham v North Carolina
P. E.w research statistics
The rise of cj: a new fifth estate?
Observed by commentators such as later Cohen , cram , Calvert and towns and
Origins found in what?
Civic and public journalism reform movement of late 1980s - but int and sm acted as stimulus 4 the movement
Cjs increasingly playing role of
Public watchdog and aiding democratic participation is
Why look at cram?
Sm ‘has.. transformed the average citizens hitherto largerkt passive experience of policrial debate by elite option formed .. into something much more vibrant and more participative
See volvken?
Empowerment of heap speech - the new technologies will I believe both democratic as info marketplace - make it more accessible to comparitebeky knelt poor speakers as well as the rich ones- and diversify it
Us supreme ct - reno v ACLU per justice Stevens
Online chat rooms would enable anyone to become a follow for jet with a side that resonates further than dt would a soap box
The rise of citizen journalism : a new fifth estate - council of Europe’s conjure of min stated?quote
Citizen com and interaction online environments and their participation in activists that involve matters of public int - can bring positive - real life social change
When freedom of expression and the right to receive and impart info and freedom of assembly are not upheld online , their protection offline is likely to be undermined and dekmocracy and the rule of can also be compromised