Fredrik Barth: Bali Flashcards
Hvor mange deler og kapitler består Balinese worlds av?
6 deler og 20 kapitler
Hva heter de seks delene som Balinese worlds er delt inn i?
- The Challenge of North Bali
- Features of Social Organization in North Balinese Communities
- Realities and Practical Concerns of Village Living
- Major Traditions of Knowledge
- Action, Interpretation, and Practice
- The Complexity of Civilization
Hva er Prabakula?
En hinduistisk landsby.
Hva er Pagetapan
En muslimsk landsby
Hva heter de to landsbyene, en hindu og en muslimsk, som omtales i Balinese Worlds kapittel to og tre?
Prabakula og Pagatepan
Av hvilke kapitler består første del av Balinese Wolds, The Challenge of North Bali?
- Preamble
- chapter one: A Luminous mosaic
Av hvilke fem kapitler består Balinese Worlds annen del, Features of Social Organization in North Bali Communities?
- Prabakula: A Bali-Hindu Village
- Pagatepan: A Muslim Balinese Village
- Irrigation Associations and the Organization of Production
- Further Variations in Village Organization
- The Problem of Variation
Av hvilke fire kapitler består Balinese Worlds tredje del, Realities and Practical Concerns of Village Living?
- Leadership, Faction, and Violence in Pagatepan
- Family, Marriage, and Making a Living in Pagatepan
- Factionalism in Prabakula
- A General Framework for Analyzing the Meaning of Acts
Av hvilke fem kapitler består Balinese Worlds fjerde del, Major Traditions of Knowledge?
- Islam in North Bali
- Bali-Hinduism as a Tradition of Knowledge
- Kings, Courts, Castes, and the Bali Aga
- The Modern Sector
- A Sorcery View of Social Relations
Av hvilke fire kapitler består Balinese Worlds femte del, Action, Interpretation, and Practice?
- The Romantic Panji and Asiah
- So Many Concerns
- Coherence, Hegemony, and Productivity in Knowledge
- Love, Freedom, and the Multivalency of Public Symbols
Hvilket kapittel finnes i den sjette og siste delen av Balinese Worlds, The Complexity of Civilization?
A Surfeit of Culture
In what district did Barth do his Balinese fieldwork?
The Northern District of Buleleng