Antropologiske klassikere Flashcards
- Title of publication: Victor Turner (1957)
- Reason why it came to my attention
- Schism and Continuity in an African Society A study of a Ndembu village life
- Inspiration for Gilbert Lewis on first trip to Gnau (Sepik), and in A failure of treatment (2000)
Fun fact: A not too impressed Audrey Richards reviewed the book for the Journal of the International African Institute (Jan 1959)
Peter Winch (1964)
Understanding a Primitive Society
Evans-Pritchard (1937)
Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande
Boka er framleis ei av dei grunnleggande undersøkingane av afrikansk heksejakt.
Ho er samstundes ei kritisk gransking, på grunnlag av empirisk material, av Lucien Lévy-Bruhl sin teori om primitiv mentalitet.
Evans-Pritchard (1956)
Nuer Religion
Malinowski (1922)
Argonauts of the Western Pacific An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea
Edmund Leach (1954)
Political systems of highland Burma: A study of Kachin social structure
Claude Lévi-Strauss (1949)
Les Structures élémentaires de la parenté Les Structures élémentaires de la parenté est l’intitulé de la thèse soutenue par Claude Lévi-Strauss, refondue et publiée en 1948, défendant la théorie de l’alliance. Elle constitue une œuvre significative grâce à laquelle il devint docteur d’État. Avec l’aide ponctuelle du mathématicien André Weil il y dégage le concept de structure élémentaire de parenté, basé sur la notion de Groupe de Klein.
Claude Lévi-Strauss (1955)
Tristes Tropiques livre le plus accessible et le plus célèbre à mi-chemin de l’autobiographie, de la méditation philosophique et du témoignage ethnographique connaît un énorme succès public et critique
Claude Lévi-Strauss (1958)
Anthropologie structurale Avec la publication de son recueil d’Anthropologie structurale en 1958, il jette les bases de son travail théorique en matière d’étude des peuples premiers et de leurs mythes.
Claude Lévi-Strauss (1962)
La Pensée sauvage En utilisant le thème de l’ethnologie traditionnelle l’auteur cherche à décrire les mécanismes de la pensée en tant qu’attribut universel de l’esprit humain. Pour lui, la pensée sauvage est présente en tout homme tant qu’elle n’a pas été cultivée et domestiquée à « fins de rendement ». Par l’utilisation de l’idée de rendement, il met en opposition l’utilité immédiate de la science et des connaissances dont a besoin le primitif pour survivre, avec une forme de pensée adaptée aux besoins sociaux ou de productivité des sociétés modernes.
Claude Lévi-Strauss (1964)
Mythologiques I: Le Cru et le cuit
Claude Lévi-Strauss (1966)
Mythologiques II: Du miel aux cendres
Claude Lévi-Strauss (1968)
Mythologiques III: L’Origine des manières de table
Claude Lévi-Strauss (1971)
Mythologiques IV: L’Homme nu
Bronislaw Malinowski (1929)
The sexual life of savages
Gregory Bateson (1972)
Steps to an ecology of mind
Mary Douglas (1966)
Purity and danger
Evans-Pritchard (1940)
The Nuer A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People
Firth (1951)
Elements of sosial organization
Geertz (1973)
The Interpretation of Cultures
Margaret Mead (1928)
Coming of Age in Samoa: A Psychological Study in Primitive Youth for Western Civilization
Marshall Sahlins (1972)
Stone Age Economics
Victor Turner (1968)
The Ritual Process Structure and Anti-structure
Hvem har betegnet antropologer som ‘merchants of astonishment’? I hvilken publikasjon?
Clifford Geertz i Available Light, Anthropological reflections on Philosophical Topics (2000).
How does Geertz content that religion is born out of humanity’s attempt to deal with the problem of meaning?
Humanity attempts to deal with the problem of meaning by: 1) ‘affirming, or at least recognizing the inescapability of ignorance, pain, and injustice on the human plane while simultaneously’ 2) ‘denying that these irrationalities are characteristic of the world as a whole’. The result is, according to Geertz, religion.
Who referred to ‘segmentary lineage’ as ‘an organization of predatory expansion’, and when?
Sahlins (1971)
von Neumann & Morgenstern (1944)
Theory of Games
What was the name of the article which Gregory Bateson published in Man in 1935?
Culture Contact and Schismogenesis
Gregory Batesn (1979)
Mind and Nature
1) When did Gregory Bateson live?
2) Where did he study?
3) Where did he do field research prior to WWII?
4) To whom was he married 1936-1950?
5) What theory did he develop in California?
6) When did he become an American citizen?
1) 1904-1980
2) Cambridge
3) New Guinea and Bali
4) Margaret Mead (one daughter, separated in 1947)
5) Double-bind
6) 1956
The study of what ritual, of what tribe, led Bateson to develop the concept of schismogenesis?
The ritual ‘naven’ of the Iatmul.
What are Bateson’s two models of schismogenesis?
Symmetrical and complimentary schismogenesis
Bateson (1936)
Naven: A Survey of the Problems suggested by a Composite Picture of the Culture of a New Guinea Tribe drawn from Three Points of View
What was ‘the Bateson project’ (1953-1963)?
A ground-breaking collaboration organized by Gregory Bateson which was responsible for some of the most important papers and innovations in communication and psychotherapy in the 1950s and early 1960s.
Margaret Mead (1928)
The Coming of Age in Samoa - A psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilization
Who wrote the first foreword to Mead’s ‘Coming of Age’?
Franz Boas
How and when did Franz Boas die?
Franz Boas died of a stroke at the Columbia University Faculty Club on December 21, 1942 in the arms of Claude Lévi-Strauss.