Frázy 2 Flashcards
Nebaví ma to.
I don’t enjoy it.
Veľmi ma to baví.
I really enjoy it.
Prestáva ma to baviť.
I’m getting tired of it.
Ako ich to môže baviť?
How can they find pleasure in it?
O tom sa teraz nebudem baviť.
Let’s not discuss this now.
Bez ohľadu na…
Regardless of… Irrespective of…
A bez odvrávania!
And no talking back!
Bez srandy! (vážne)
No kidding!
Odišiel bez slova.
He left without a word.
bez výnimky
without exception
Bežal ako o život.
He was running fo dear life.
To sa tu deje bežne.
It is a common practice here.
Má pleť bielu ako sneh.
Her skin is as white as snow.
Rodičia ho často bili.
He was often beaten by his parents.
Srdce mu vzrušene bilo.
His heart was beating excitedly.
Nebi ju!
Don’t beat her!
To bije do očí.
It sticks out.
Nebuď blázon.
Don’t be a fool.
Je to úplný blázon.
He is barking mad.
Čo blbne?
What’s his deal?
Neblbni! (prestaň)
Cut it!
Myslím, že už úplne blbnem.
I guess I’m going out of my mind.
Je mi blbo.
I feel sick.
Nemaj blbé otázky!
Stop asking stupid questions!
To má(š) blbé!
Too bad (for you)!
Je to dosť blízko.
It’s only a short distance away.
Je tu niekde blízko pumpa?
Is there a gas station nearly?
Sme si veľmi blízkí.
We have a close relationship.
Bolí to?
Does it hurt?
Bude to bolieť?
Will it hurt?
Bolí to ako čert.
It hurts like hell.
Bolí vás niečo?
Are you in pain?
Kde vás to bolí?
Where does it hurt?
Všetko ma bolí.
I’m aching all over.
Už to nebolí.
It doesn’t hurt any more.
Je sprostý, až to bolí.
He is dumb as a post.
Že ťa huba nebolí!
You are lying through your teeth.
Brániš mi vo výhľade.
You are blocking my view.
Nebráň mi v tom.
Don’t try to stop me from doing it.
Nič ti v tom nebráni.
You are free to do it.
Čo ti bráni?
What is preventing you?
Bráň sa!
Fight back!
Ani sa nebránil.
He didn’t even resist.
Nebránil by som sa tomu.
I wouldn’t be against that.
Nebráň sa (tomu).
Don’t resist (it)./Let go.
Neberte mi to.
Don’t take it away from me.
Neber ju so sebou.
Don’t take her with you.
Kde sa tu berieš?
How did you get here?
Neber si z neho príklad.
Don’t follow his example.
Kde berieš tú drzosť…
How dare you…
Berieš to príliš vážne.
You take it too seriously.
Ako to mám brať? (chápať)
How am I (supposed) to take it?
Nemal by si to brať doslova.
You shouldn’t take it literally.
Berie antikoncepciu.
She’s on the pill.
Neber to na ľahkú váhu.
Don’t underestimate it.
To by som nerobil.
I wouldn’t do that.
Chcela by som…
I’d like (to)…
Je tu niekto?
(Is there) anybody here?
Preto si tu.
That’s why you are here.
Niečo nie je v poriadku?
Is anything wrong?
Je mi z toho zle.
It makes me (feel) sick.
Nie je mi dobre.
I’m not feeling well.
Bolo mi do plaču.
I felt like crying.
To je jedno.
It doesn’t matter.
Je veľa vecí…
There are many things…
To nie je nič pre mňa.
That’s not my cup of tea.
Bolo to dávno.
It was a long time ago.
Je načase.
It’s high time.
Nie je nič lepšie, ako…
There is nothing like…
Som rada.
I’m glad.
Bol z nej úplne paf. (zaľúbený)
She swept him off his feet.
Na to ja nie som.
I’m not cut out for this.
Je na mladé dievčatá.
He’s into young girls.
Je tam toho! (ironicky)
Big deal!
Máš kde bývať?
Do you have a place to stay (in)?
Bývam sám.
I live alone.
Už tu nebýva.
He doesn’t live here any more.
Bolo to celkom dobré.
It was quite/fairly good.
Mám sa celkom dobre.
I’m (doing) quite well.
Má celkom peknú postavu.
She had a passably good figure.