Franklin Flashcards
What odd thing did Benjamin Franklin aim to prove?
He thought lightning was caused by electricity
How did he prove that lightning was electicity?
In 1752. he tied a wire to a kite and flew it in a storm, at the end of the kite string was a key. As the string got wet in the rain sparks began to fly off the key
Why was Franklin very lucky?
He could have been killed by his lightning experiment
What was Franklin’s strange invention?
He invented the lightning rod which is put on top of houses and barns, so if they are hit by lightning they will not catch fire, but instead the electricity passes through to the ground and goes away
True or False: Franklin believed lightning was caused by electricity?
True or False: Franklin performed his famous test in 1572
false, it was 1752
True or False: Wet objects allow electricity to pass through them easily
True or False: during a rainstorm, it’s best to shelter under a tree
false, the lightning might hit the tree and transfer to you. It could kill you
True or False: lightning always hits the highest objects first
True or False: Franklin’s experiments led to the invention of new kinds of kites
false, franklin invented new kinds of lighting rods
True or False: Franklin’s kite experiment was a relatively safe experiment
false, it could have killed him
True or False: a conductor is something that allows electricity to travel easily through it
True or False: Franklin was a Canadian
false, he was American
True or False: Ball shapes at the ends of lightning rods are better conductors
false, pointed lightning rods are better conductors
True or False: sparks jumped from the kite string proving that lighting was a large spark of electricity
false, sparks jumped from the key
True or False: lightning is really a large spark of electricity