current electricity Flashcards
What is it called when a large number of electrons stay in one place?
static electricity
What is it called when electricity flows through wire?
an electric current
Why is it called an electric current?
the electrons are constantly moving like the current in the ocean
What is produced by the flow of electrons?
energy to power lights etc
What kinds of energy can electricity be converted into?
toaster converts electricity to heat, a flashlight coverts electricity to light
what does it mean for an material to be a good conductor of electricity?
a good conductor means that the electrons flow easily from atom to atom
What does little resistance mean?
if something is a good conductor and the atoms flow easily, that material has little resistance
Do you think metal wire is a good conductor or not?
Metal wire is a good conductor and has little resistance
What is a non-conductor or an insulator?
material that does not allow the electrons to flow
In addition to a good conductor with little resistance, what else do electrons need in order to be able to flow?
electrons must have a complete path in order to flow
what is the name of an electric pathway?
a circuit
What are the three parts of a circuit?
source of energy (Battery, generator); a pathway or conductor (Wire); an output device (lightbulb using electricity)
How does the energy flow through the circuit?
from the source, through the wire, to the device, back through the wire, to the source
What is a closed or complete circuit?
when the energy is flowing
What is an open or incomplete circuit?
when the energy cannot flow because one part is not working or is open
What is a switch?
a switch turns the circuit on or off, it opens and closes the circuit
Name the two types of electrical circuits?
the two types of circuits are SERIES and PARALLEL
What is a series circuit?
when output devices are connected in a chain to a battery or other energy source
What is a parallel circuit?
when output devices are placed side by side but each have their own connection to the energy source