Fragile X Syndrome Flashcards
Meaningful words at 20th month
Pre pubertal sign
Prominent forehead
Postpubertal sign
80% penetrance
Male gender
X linked dominant
Fragile x syndrome
CAG repeats
Huntingtons disease
Gene silencing
Xq 27.3
Gene locus
Premutation to full mutation
Female carrier
Shermans paradox
2 step process
55-230 repeats
Pre mutation
> 230 CGG repeats
Full mutation
Produced by FMR1
Mutated gene on X chromosome
FMR1 gene
Mental retardation more pronounced
Male gender
Myotonic dystrophy
PCR/CTG repeats
Kilobases determined
Southern blotting
Number of repeats determined
PCR/CTG repeats
Uncle in the case
Fragile X carrier
Behavioral therapy
Treatment for fragile X syndrome
Trinucleotide repeats in FXS
CGG repeats