FR-H Daily Quiz Flashcards
What action must be taken if only one PRZ PORV can be opened when establishing bleed and feed?
Establish alternative bleed paths and low pressure cooling methods because one PORV may not depressurize the RCS sufficiently to permit adequate SI flow
List the SG wide range level requirements for initiation of bleed and feed
At least 2 SGs WR <16%
When feedwater capability is restored, how many SGs should be fed and at what rate, if all SG wide ragne levels are <16% and RCS temp is rising?
One at max rate
Why are RCPs tripped during the initial stages of FR-H.1?
Allow operators additional time to restore feedwater prior to SG dryout by removing RCP heat addition to the RCS
How is ESW aligned to the AFW pump suctions?
Close telltail drain, open manual valve locally, open WMO
List the sources of feedwater available to restore a secondary heat sink in order of preference?
AFW from own unit, AFW x-tie, MFW, Condensate, Low Pressure sources through FSGs and EDMGs
When the bleed and feed initiation criteria are satisfied, why is it important to bleed and feed in an expeditious manner?
Minimize core uncovering and prevent inadequate core cooling
What will the Eplan call be for a loss of heat sink when it is required?
When must bleed and feed be initiated if no CCPs are available?
Immediately to ensure sufficient SI flow
Bleed and feed has been initiated due to loss of heat sink, PRT rupture disk failure has caused CNMT pressure to rise to 5 psig.
CETC are rising when AFW capability is restored.
SG wide range levels are 30 25 20 and 15%
Which SGs should have AFW flow initiated and at what rate?
SG 1 and 2 at max rate
SG is considered dry when Wide Range is <16% (21% adverse) per FOP
Why aren’t the PORVs capable of keeping RCS pressure low enough for adequate injection flow if bleed and feed is intiaited in period 6?
RCS will reach saturation raising pressure above point for adequate injection flow
If all SGs are dry and RCS temperatures are rising a single generator is fed at max rate. If this causes a tube rupture, when is flow reduced or stopped to the ruptured SG?
Must first begin feed to an additional SG (<50k lbm/hr) and when the intact SG WR level reaches 16% isolate the ruptured. Then feed intact SGs as needed to maintain CETC stable or lowering
What are the two reasons RCP operation hinders Bleed and Feed?
Increased heat input allows SGs to dry out quicker
Increased RCS pressure lowering injection flow
What is the preferred sequence of reestablishing feedwater sources upon loss of heat sink?
AFW AFW x-tie Main Feedwater (must disable trips) Condensate (must lower one SG to <370#) L-P water sources
Why is SI actuated and the reset prior to establishing feed from condensate?
Prevent actuation of 100psid SG SI
A feed source from MFW has been established and level is 10% NR what is evaluated to determine if this counts as a heat sink?
CETC lowering and SG WR levels rising